Chapter 15

1211 Words

We sat in the car not saying a word. Well what is there to say we no longer are having two babies but three. Three seems like a whole lot, but at the same time i am happy. I`ve alway wanted to have kids and now i have them all three of them. My future's everything. Dam im a dad an actual dad. I cant wait to teach my sons every thing they are going to need to know in life. And i cant wait to spoil my only girl. Daddies girl. She wouldnt need any thing from no one as long as i live. She would have anything her little heart desires. I hope she looks like her mother. Her mother is a natural beauty her self. I look to my right and see sophia just staring straight ahead. I asked her what are we going to do now and she said she doesnt know. That is reasonable because i dont know what to do myself

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