chapter 16

961 Words

Sam and i are currently at the beach getting our tan on while the boys are out playing well not playing as so much as throwing the football back and fourth. Man how i missed this, how i miss the care free havning nothing to worry about and life was just so much simpler. "Do you ever miss it how it was before. You know before we met the boys?" I asked sam. "Sometimes, But then again i wouldnt be having my little bondle of joy." "True." i sighed. "I guess they are the best thing to happen to us." We stayed silent for a couple of moments until sam spoke. "So what are you planning on doing?" "I dont know Sam." "Yes you do know sophia but you are second guessing yourself and or trying to get out of any decision you make. I love you sophia you know i do you are my person and i would move h

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