1819 Words
"LET ME OUT! f*****g LET ME OUT OF HERE, YOU BASTARDS!!" Our dear little human screamed and fumed and yelled and kicked, her throat and body becoming sore at how much effort she had put into being heard, but no one came to see her. Eventually, she slumped tiredly to the ground, her body and voice broken, but her will still perfectly intact. She would rest a little bit, and continue screaming and kicking some more when it didn't hurt so much. But she really shouldn’t have lied. That was the thought that kept resonating in Lacy’s mind as she sat in the corner of the cold dark cell, knees bent to her chest. It was that very same position she had spent the night in, waiting for the man to come ‘deal with her’ like he had promised. Alpha King Reed. Oh, she had heard one of the guards say his name as they dragged her to the dungeons, going off about how she was lucky she met him on one of his calm days. Tsk… if what she had witnessed was him being in his calm state, then she desperately wanted to see what his angry state looked like, though on second thought, that did not seem like such a good thing to wish for. She really should have left when she had a chance. Lacy saw that now. But she hadn’t, and now she was her own mate’s prisoner… some Goddess arrangement she had been lured into. Was this the plan the Moon Goddess had had all along? To move her from the frying pan right into the fire? To save her from a cheating mate only to pair her with an abusive, ruthless one? Now, she knew he hadn’t technically harmed her yet, but from what she had observed, it was only going to be a matter of time. She needed to escape before it came to that. “Where is she?” “In the last cell on the right.” Voices. Someone was coming. Finally! All her screaming had paid off. Lacy felt her heart pick up speed at that realization, anticipation filling her with this weird feeling as she looked forward to her second meeting with the Alpha King. He had failed to come deal with her like he had promised, and though the raven-haired human freaked out whenever she thought about their upcoming confrontation, even she couldn’t deny that she equally felt excited as well. Fucking mate bond pull! It was the only thing responsible for the way she was feeling right now, nothing else. The voices and the footsteps drew nearer and nearer, Lacy’s excitement vanishing with each stride as she felt a sudden chill of disappointment in her bones, for there was no intoxicating scent accompanying the voices, which only meant that her supposed mate was not a part of the entourage headed her way. Now, why did that hurt like that? A tall, burly man appeared at the entrance of her cell, interrupting her line of thought. Fuck, were they all built this way? Clad in scruffy blue jeans and a grey tank top that hugged his muscles perfectly and with long blond braided hair and a matching full beard to complete the look, he could have passed for an averagely handsome man had it not been for the gnarly scars on his left cheek and across his right eye. With them, he looked… hideous. “Well, well, well… who do we have here? Now, aren’t you a beaut?” He murmured as he blatantly checked her out. Lacy visibly shivered, willing herself not to give the man the satisfaction of knowing that she was afraid of him. “What is your name?” He asked, but Lacy stared at him dumbly, a fire in her eyes that said it all… she wasn’t fazed by his intimidating stance. “Ah, a feisty one.” He nodded conclusively, scratching his beard thoughtfully, his eyes never leaving her face. “You know, that mouth may not want to talk to me right now, but I can tell that they’re perfect for c**k-sucking.” The big guy chuckled in amusement, the other guy snickering along with him. He was much smaller, but still very built nonetheless. “Such a pity that a girl as beautiful as she is going to die at the hands of King Reed. Goddess, what I wouldn’t do to sink into her hot cunt… lord knows I haven’t been with a woman in a long time.” He said, groaning loudly in s****l frustration. Lacy couldn’t believe her ears. They… they were talking as if she wasn’t even there! She tried to keep her mouth shut, really, she did, but perhaps she had just had enough of everything, frustrated with the way her new life had started with so much positive prospects, only to come down to this very moment… this unacceptable moment of such gross disrespect. It was just enough reason to cause her to snap… and snap she did… real bad. “Well, if this is how you talk to the women you meet, then it shouldn’t be rocket science that you haven’t been with a woman in a long time, you stupid, zero-mannered, spineless dweeb who has no respect for women…” She trailed off when she felt keys jiggle around the lock to her cell, the silver chain link door swinging open, no barrier between her and the two bastards. “What were you saying once again, pretty girl?” The smaller one asked as they both inched closer to her. Lacy scooted even closer into the wall, wishing that it’d just open up and swallow her, saving her from them, but nothing like that happened. She could see from their labored breaths and hazy eyes that her outburst had excited them. Sexually. In short, she was f****d, no pun intended. “W-what are you doing?” She hated that her voice broke, but even she knew that by now, her face would be as white as sheet, her eyes filled with horror. “Now, don’t be scared, sweetie… we’ll just be in and out,” The bigger guy chuckled as he undid his jean’s button and tugged his zipper down, his excitement making his hands shake a bit, “Wait, Mark…” The other guy suddenly said, “We don’t know what His Eminence wants with her yet, I—I really don’t think this is a good idea,” He tried to reason, but Mark brushed it off. “Nonsense, when has the king ever needed one of his prisoners? He’s obviously just going to torture and then kill her. The way I look at it,” He started, whipping out his massive c**k and stroking it languidly, “We’re putting that mouth and that cunt to good use before it expires.” “HEEEELP—” At least she got to scream the words a little bit before hands covered her mouth in annoyance. “No one’s coming to save you, pretty one… we’re the only ones here till night, so we’re all going to have a great good time, and we’re going to make this pleasurable for you as well if you cooperate.” Burly Mark had barely gotten his hands off of her when she looked him squarely in the eye and spat in his face, “You might as well kill me now, because I’m not going down without a f*****g fight,” She declared haughtily. The slap was sudden, hot and searing against her cheek, but Lacy willed herself to stay strong. A dirty rag from the little guy’s pocket was used as gag, and then her drawn up knees were pulled down as Mark straddled her, his one hand reaching for both of hers, rendering her completely trapped. Lacy tried to wiggle to ward him off, but from the way his massive c**k practically doubled in size as it prodded at her stomach, she was only making things worse. “Yes, don’t stop… f**k, your feistiness is so hot,” He groaned out. The little guy, not wanting to be left out, trailed his hands down her body, going behind her to reach for her zipper. Lacy let a tear drop, her shoulders slumping in resignation, “Yes, that’s it… let go and enjoy it,” Mark whispered, his face inching nearer to hers, Lacy let him come closer and closer… and then just when his lips were about to touch hers, she took a detour and caught a handful of his beard in her mouth and bit down, pulling hard, even as the man wailed in pain. He pulled away forcefully, leaving some of his hair in her mouth. He scooted back in fear and surprise, even as Lacy took advantage of that same momentum to crash her head into the man behind her’s nose, enjoying the satisfying crack that sounded, even though her head was already throbbing. And then she stood up, spitting out blond hair as she took to her heels, the two men right behind her as they hurled curses atop her head. Lacy ran for her dear life, knowing that if they caught up with her, she was truly done for. Turning to see how far behind they were, the skirt of her gown got caught in her step, sending her tumbling to the ground… only that instead of the cold hard ground, she landed in a warm embrace instead, the wonderful, intoxicating smell of sandalwood, honey and musk filling her nostrils and warming her heart. His Eminence, Alpha King Reed. She looked up at him tentatively, noting how angry he seemed to be at her. His blue eyes looked even more striking… even more captivating this close. “Who let you out?” He hissed, the two guards appearing in that exact moment. It didn’t take long for the Alpha King to piece everything together… hell, a wee pup would have seen it too, judging from the way their c***s still hung out of their jeans, and from Lacy’s disheveled, terrified appearance. “What is going on here?” Reed practically growled the question at his men, his eyes a glowing red, even as he held on to Lacy. But the men couldn’t answer, stuttering over one another. Hell, even burly Mark, who was much bigger than the Alpha King suddenly looked subdued, as they both dropped to their knees, hands raised in surrender even though the Alpha King hadn’t asked them to do anything. “I believe I asked you a question,” Reed repeated, still calm but radiating anger. Lacy actively took advantage of the moment, leaning against him tiredly, subtly drowning her sense of smell in his wondrous scent, the near abuse she had almost gone through already the last thing on her mind.
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