1842 Words

Demetrius noticed and didn't mind. He handed me the rest of the bag with a smile, and I drank it. Even with Demetrius staring at me again, I knew that one day, I wished to be as centered and controlled as he was. Demetrius had been a vampire for many more years than I had. "Silas, congratulations on your obsession. She is amazing," Demetrius said to Silas. I wasn't sure why I was something to be congratulated on, but whatever. I smiled at both of them as I finished Demetrius' drink. Soon, the rest of the family surrounded us. While I was getting to know them all well enough, I wasn't sure if I wanted to live here. They were all nice, but I wasn't. "How are you feeling today, Emily?" Rosy asked in a motherly tone. "I'm okay, just hungry. Silas said I should get used to it soon, though."

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