1597 Words

Silas instantly started calling out people's names when we entered the house. "Mom, Dad," Silas shouted throughout the house. "Jason," he continued. I was wondering how many people Silas was going to introduce me to. "Hannah and Dustin" were the last few names he called before he sat at the table waiting for them. I saw a man who appeared to be around 24 years old. He had mahogany-colored hair and was gazing intently at me with his greyish-blue eyes. He had a scar above his eye, and his eyebrow was pierced. He was tall and muscular, with ivory-colored skin, and he seemed like a wise person. "Hi Emily, I'm Silas' adopted father, Demetrius Graves. Silas has spoken so highly of you. Nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand for me to shake. I took his hand in mine and shook it gentl

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