1108 Words

-----~[JENNA]~----- “ So how did it go?“ Eric's voice greeted my ears and I gulp down hard. “ It.... it…. it went well. Thank you so much.“ " You are welcome. Return back to my office right now . It is time for you to begin your own part of the bargain.“ He says and I blink rapidly with my heart pounding rapidly against my rib cage. The time has finally come. The time for me to lose my virginity has finally arrived. Oh my god. I suddenly feel myself hyperventilating. “Okay sir, I will be with you shortly.“ I say and he chuckles. “You have 5 minutes to get here, my chauffeur is waiting for you.“ He says and ends the call. I sigh deeply and take a deep breath dropping my hand from my ear. Well at least you are reaping the fruits Jenna. You just have to go through it. You have step

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