Chapter 7

199 Words
Khrystyna is so happy with herself watching Marshall and Tanya’s little tiff. Looks like her plan to make their night miserable worked after all. If only Marshall could see how Tanya is manipulating him, maybe they could get back together. Tyler breaks up Khrystyna's reverie, “Khrystyna, what are you doing out here? I thought you went to get some punch for us?” “Just watching Marshall and Tanya have a fight over me.” “Is that why you asked me to the dance?” “Why else did you think I came tonight, because I like you?” “So, you did use me.” “And they call you smart.” “I’m leaving. Find your own way home.” Tyler leaves her standing outside the school. But she doesn't care. Knowing that Marshall will dump Tanya makes Khrystyna happy as she dreams of being back with Marshall. Khrystyna, Tyler, Marshall and Tanya were so absorbed in their antics, they didn’t pay attention to the school principal come over the PA system telling everyone that school was being let out early due a bomb scare having been called in.
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