Chapter 8

362 Words
As school let out early to investigate the bomb scare, Jerry went home to work on his plan. Tanya tries to open the front door to her house and finds it locked. She thinks to herself, why is the door locked. She tried to phone her parents of the early release, but as usual, her parents were too busy with work and their own lives to deal with her issues. She reaches into her bag and pulls out her key to unlock the door. Just as she gets inside, a dark figure grabs her from behind. She tries to turn around, but the figure holds her tight. The mysterious stranger then shoves her onto the couch in the living room. “Jon, what are you doing here and how did you get in here?” Tanya asked, when she realizes who it is. “I used the key under your welcome mat.” Jon informs her. “Well, what do you want?” Tanya asks him. “About why you always turn me down whenever I ask you out?” “Jon, I thought we were just friends.” “Then why do you always humiliate me in front of your friends?” “Do I do that? I’m sorry if it seems like I’m humiliating you. I don’t mean it. I guess I know no other way to let you down gently.” “You’re a self-centered b***h and tonight you’re going to pay for what you do to me!” Jon rages at her. “What do you want from me, Jon?” pretending to be scared for her life. “You are going to come with me tonight!” “Where are you taking me?” “You’ll see. I intend to make you pay for every humiliation you’ve ever created for me. Now grab your things and come with me.” “Okay, Jon.” Tanya quickly sends Marshall a text: “Help me!” as Jon takes Tanya upstairs to her bedroom as she pretends to be scared by Jon's attack on her.
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