Chapter 10: Mates

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*Derek* We had barely made it out the door when Ciara stopped dead in her tracks “Ciara what’s wrong?” I asked her shaking her shoulder a bit “mate” she almost whispered. I looked over to see where she was looking and was surprised to see Logan running towards her. he picked her up and started kissing her as if they were the only two people in the world. I was too shocked to say anything, never in my life would I have thought that Logan would be my sisters mate. “What’s going on here?” my dad said with a voice that didn’t sound to friendly and finally interrupting the moment that they were having and snapping me out of my shock. “Oh um Alpha Adrian, forgive me for kissing your daughter like that but my wolf took over seeing as our mate is so beautiful” he smiled looking at Ciara and quickly turning his attention to my dad again “your wolf? How is that possible, you don’t turn eighteen for a few more months” “It’d true dad, my wolf recognizes him as our mate.” “My wolf showed himself to me earlier today claiming that he felt our mate and didn’t want to wait any longer to meet her” Logan answered my dad’s question “In this world nothing is impossible especially for a wolf that is strong, Ciara’s wolf strength must have cause yours to awaken early” Kage stepped up and added. I could see my dad relaxing a little bit but not completely “I guess Kage has a point, you’re not the first wolf to have done that and probably won’t be the last, although other wolves show themselves weeks or days before, I’ve never heard of one showing themselves months before.” Logan was starting to look uncomfortable and so was Ciara “dad come on leave them be, you know how the mate bond works, besides it’s Logan you know him and the type of person he is” I said trying to calm down my dad “He’s right Adrian, besides if I hadn’t been kidnapped when we first met you probably would have done the same.” At my mom’s words he relaxed completely and even smiled as if he was imagining what it would have been like. “As always you’re right my love, alright kids don’t let me ruin your party with my overprotectiveness, go on and have fun.” We started to walk away when my dad stopped in front of Logan “but I warn you, if you ever hurt my little girl in any way, I’ll be coming after you” “Adrian leave the boy alone!” my mom smacked him on the side of the head and pulled him inside the house. “I knew your dad was scary, but I just didn’t know how scary he could be until now” Logan breathed out when we were far out enough “don’t worry about my dad he’s just being a dad” Ciara said rolling her eyes, then smiling again at Logan. “I can’t believe you’re all mine” Logan leaned in to kiss her again, that was my cue to leave and look for the rest of the guys. I turned to walk away and that’s when I smelled her, the sweet scent of roses hit me stronger than it had the first time. This time for sure I was going to find her; she was close I could feel it. After a short time of looking around I finally spotted her, there she was, he back turned to me. even from where I was standing she looked tall and skinny, her skin was so white she looked almost pale. She had beautiful blonde hair that was shining with the moonlight making it seem almost silver in color. Then she turned around I saw the most beautiful sapphire blue eyes I had ever seen; she was laughing, and her smile was just so beautiful. Almost as if she had felt me looking at her she froze in her spot and then she was gone. I blinked and looked around to see what had happened, did she teleport? I asked myself “Hi” I heard the most angelic voice coming from behind me, I turned around and saw her standing right there smiling at me. “Hi” I felt so dorky with the way my voice sounded, she laughed still smiling at me “my name is Marie” even her name sounded so angelic and wonderful “you have a very beautiful name Marie, my name’s Derek” “it’s nice to meet you Derek” then she grabbed my face and pulled me to her giving me the most amazing kiss. Her soft hands felt cold to the touch, and I could feel what felt like currents running through my body, were these the sparks that everyone talked about when your mate touched you in any way? her lips felt so nice against mine and I kissed her back taking control from her and pulling her waist closer to my body. I could feel how skinny she really was, but she had a nice body and a nice figure to her, when we pulled apart and she smiled at me I noticed her fangs and that’s when I realized that she was a vampire. That’s why she didn’t look for me when I first caught scent of her, because vampires recognize their mates differently than we wolves do. I was happy though that we had finally found each other. “So Derek is there a last name that goes with that?” she asked me after we broke our kiss “Crow” I answered automatically, her eyes widened “oh so you’re the birthday boy?” I laughed nervously “yeah, I guess” “well don’t be shy about it, after all I got to know who my mate is right?” “Well you do have a point there, since we’re in the subject what is yours?” I saw her eyes shift weirdly but she quickly answered “Marie Vaughn” she smiled “beautiful, hey let me introduce you to my parents, they’ll be so glad to meet you” “I’d love that.” I took her hand and started pulling her towards my parents “oh ow” she let go of my hand and I saw her stumble as she broke one of her heels and almost fell. I quickly caught her and lifted her up in my arms. “Are you ok?” I asked her worriedly, yeah I just twisted my ankle, I just need to rest for a little while” “yeah, let’s go inside it’ll be more comfortable.” She nodded and let me carry her inside, as we were walking in she suddenly grabbed my face again and kissed me more passionately than she had the first time “let’s go up to your room yeah?” “Yeah.” *Vanessa* I was looking for Derek since I still hadn’t wished him a happy birthday today, it had totally skipped my mind when we were hanging out earlier today. I spotted him picking up a girl who had twisted her ankle and was carrying her inside, I started walking up to him when I saw her grab his face and kissed him. When she offered him to go to his room and he agreed I felt my heart break, I don’t know why I felt this way I mean he’s never even acknowledged me as more than a friend but still. Something in my heart was telling me that I couldn’t stay here anymore, I needed to leave. Even if I found my mate it was going to break my heart seeing him with someone else, I just loved him too much. I needed to stay away at least until January when my birthday got here, finding my mate was the only think that was going to make me forget about Derek. I walked inside the house and ran up to the fourth floor where my room was, I took out a duffle bag and a back pack and filled them with clothes and other stuff I would need. I wrote a quick note so that my parents would be able to find it. As I was leaving my room I ran into that girl coming down the stairs “well you look like you’re in a hurry, going anywhere?” she asked me “yeah just taking a small vacation, not that it’s any of your business” I snapped at her “you’re right it’s not, whatever though have fun” she said in a snarky tone and walked off laughing. What the f**k is her problem? Whatever it was, I was glad I wasn’t going to be around to witness it. I snuck out the back and took off on a run towards the portal, now all I needed was to make a decision on where to go. I needed to figure that out later though because the patrols were going to pass by here soon and I needed to be gone. I would go to New Melania for now and from there I will choose someplace new to go. I took a deep breath and walked through the portal, leaving my home behind.
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