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Royal dragged her suitcase out of her house and waited on her front porch as Dylan and Olivia; his cousin that remembered she needed a job, stood behind her. She locked the door of the house and handed Dylan the key. She was going away today to Beldavia, and Dylan and Olivia were taking her to the airport where she would be boarding a plane going to the country. Royal had made it her duty to check out the country online. The country was a small, well, not too small country sandwiched in between another country and great water. The country was a little bit private, seeing as the only photo of the king and his family was a very old photo of them when they were little, and their old father was still king. The King now was a middle-aged man and his wife, who was their queen was in her early thirties. There were no pictures of her as well on the internet so she had no idea what the people she was going to meet looked like. 'Hurry, up. Baby doll. It’s not that hard to drag your bags since you won’t let me do it.” Dylan said. Royal laughed. “You bought me half of the clothes in here, packed it for me. The least I can do is carry the damn thing myself.” She said. Olivia shook her head at their back and forth and she knew that her cousin was going to miss this woman no matter what he said to himself or everyone. It was such a pity that they are not dating, as they were far too in love to be lovers, whatever that meant. That was what they kept telling everyone. It would have been better than that rich girl from Beverly Hills, California. She had nothing against rich girls, she was one as well, but she had never allowed it to get into her head. She made sure that she didn’t let it get to her so much that she looked down on people or treat them like trash like Blair did. Blair was a real sociopathic narcissist, with no care in the world how she affected other people. "For God’s sake, Royal. This isn’t the time to act out your name. Stop being a princess right now, toughen up and carry the goddamn thing. Either that or you lose your flight.” Dylan said as he watched Royal battle with dragging the suitcase. "What the heck did you even pack in here, Dylan? All of my apartment? I shouldn’t have trusted you with packing my stuff for me. And now, I got you been a royal pain in my ass, you idiot.” She said right back at him. Grunting, Dylan shook his head and walked back from the car to where Royal was and grabbed the suitcase out of her hands. He carried it effortlessly to the back of the car and made a show of tossing it in the boot before slamming it shut and closing it. Royal sighed and smiled at Dylan’s back. She was already starting to sweat. Thank God she wasn’t wearing any makeup. She had never had to wear makeup a day in her life, except for mascara and lipstick of course. She had the perfect complexion and the right tone. Her face was spotless and she had very nice long lashes, so she had never really felt a need for make-up and stuff. She got into the car, in the front passenger seat, and used her seatbelt. “I think you can start the car now, Dylan. We’re all on our seatbelts.” Royal said. Dylan never starts a car if the passengers in the car are not using their seatbelts. When he was a little boy, he had a little sister who was four while he was eight. They had gotten into a terrible accident in the rain and all of them survived but his sister. She was thrown from the car and got twisted around a tree nearby. She had been the only one that died, and she was the only one in the car who didn’t use her seatbelt. So, he just never did it, drive people unless they’re using it. Dylan nodded with a smile as he turned the key in the ignition and the car started. Soon, they were on their way to the airport. Royal was going to miss her best friend; this incredibly sweet man, who was so selfless, and so adorable. He was the kindest and most honorable man she had ever had the pleasure to meet. They had met in high school. He was getting bullied and she stepped in, well, the rest was history. They had been inseparable since then. Both parents had thought that they were going to become a couple. Their families had such high hopes for them, but it’s only ever going to be a friendship bond between them, and nothing more. They loved each other, obviously, but it’s never going to be like that, and they respected each other's boundaries and all, but they were mighty close. They did things together and always we’re found at the same place. It was great how they both turned out to be even more closer, if that was possible, even with their relationships with other people and all. "I hope you enjoy your two-year contract in Beldavia and have some fun as well. Don’t be a prude and please get rid of that thing, you hear me.” Dylan said. Rolling her eyes at him, Royal said. “That’s isn’t any of your business. Now shut up and drive like the obedient boy that you should be.” She smiled at him from the corner of her mouth. He was talking about how she hadn’t had s*x in a long, long while. It’s been over ten years now since she last had s*x. It had been in school, in the first year in college, a foolish drunken one-night stand, and he had never seen the man again. "Anyway, just have fun, okay?” Dylan asked. Nodding, she said yes and smiled, looking back at Olivia who had a small frown on her face. She was probably wondering what the two best friends were talking about, but she should have been more familiar with their methods by now. They talked like this when they didn’t want anyone to know what they were talking about. It had always been surprising though, how they seemed to always understand what the other was talking about. "Do you think that maybe I would get tired of the country and leave, and then I would probably get sued, and then, I’ll either have to pay the debt forever or go to jail for the rest of my life?” Royal asked and Olivia laughed. Dylan said. “Don’t joke with a thing like that.” Olivia shook her head with laughter and then she said. “Don’t worry, none of that would happen. I know you, you’re the most hard-working person I know. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” She was sure that everything was going to be fine as she had perfect faith in her, a complete faith. If this had been about Blair, she wouldn’t even be here, let alone, believe in her. "Thanks, Olivia,” Royal said with a smile. “I'm glad that at least, one person believes that. Thank you again, Olivia.” She said to spite her friend. Dylan rolled his eye, just as the airport came into view. He was getting more and more tensed as the minutes went by. No one should or can blame him. His best friend was leaving for two years and then only he would get to see her was via video calls, which wasn’t fair. But, he was glad that she was going there to earn a living. She deserved this incredible opportunity through and through. He wasn’t going to take that away from him because he was scared. Although, he knew he shouldn’t be, because, if there was something he knew about his best friend, it was that she would never forget him, no matter what, and that was enough for him. Absolutely enough! They soon got to their destination and he parked outside the entrance of the airport. They all got down and Dylan helped with the suitcase from the boot of the car. It was a really large suitcase that he had packed for her. The largest one he had found at the store, and he had bought it just for this occasion. They walked inside the airport and finally to the boarding point. Dylan grabbed Royal's hand and he pulled her into a huge hug. “I'm f*****g going to miss you, baby doll. I will call you every day, and we’ll FaceTime like five times in a week okay?” he asked. Royal chuckled as she squeezed him hard to herself. She was going to miss him so much too. It goes without a saying. She was going to miss the heck out of him. She wasn’t a bad child, but she wouldn’t miss her mother as much as she would miss Dylan. Her mom, she had insisted on coming to see her off after she got the courage to tell her, thinking she would freak out, but she didn’t, and Royal and convinced her not to. Sighing, she closed her eyes. She was going to miss this place for sure. She knew would. " I will miss you too, Dylan. I will miss a lot of things around here as well, but above all, I'll miss your friendship." Royal said. She pulled away from him and waved at the both of them, with a cheeky smile on her face. She grabbed the handle of her luggage and she began to drag it towards the boarding pass station. In her heart, she was partly unhappy about this, but she couldn't pass up a lifetime of opportunities as such. She had to go to the place and earn the living she had always only dreamed about. It wasn't as if she would never see her best friend again. She would, after the contract ended in two years, but two years can be a very long time for her not to see the man with whom she was bonded on a more significant level than friendship. Dylan was like the older brother she had never had, always taking care of her and putting her first in things that mattered, and taking regions that would do her a whole of good. He was also, always there for her when she needed him, at the time of trouble and so many other times as well. Thankfully, there was something that could allow them to see each other from time to time as they were going to be far from one another. They could FaceTime every time, and even though it wasn't going to be a face to face meeting, it would allow them some level of communication higher than just hearing each other's voices. She and Dylan had never had to be apart from each other this much in a very long time, and this was going to be hard on the both of them, seeing as they were each other's rock, but they were going to just have to get through it. Just as Royal passed through the boarding pass, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She blew a breath and shook her head as she dipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out the phone she had there. She knew that she had to switch off her phone at some point, but she needed to see who was calling first. She would do that when she was on the plane. She checked the screen of her phone to see who it was and saw that it was Dylan calling. Laughing, she shook her head again and picked up the call. "Hey, Dylan. Missing me already?" She asked him and he chuckled. "Yes. I am. I'm missing you a pot already, and I wish you could just turn back and let's go back he, but that isn't possible." He said. Royal laughed some more. "Yeah, of course, I would have loved to do that, but we both know I don't have the financial liberty to take that sort of decision. Besides, I'm needed there so, why should I not go there to give them some of my Royalty?" She said, teasing. "Don't worry. I'm sure they need that. I wish I can beat the price they're offering to pay you, but I can't. Olivia thinks that im overreacting, though." He said to her. Underneath, she heard his cousin clap her hands and said. "Oh yes, you are. Now let the poor woman leave to do what she has to do." And a moment later, the line went dead. She knew that it was Olivia that ended the call because Dylan would have preferred for them to talk all through her flight to Beldavia if that was possible. A tinge of sadness formed on her face as she walked on towards the airplane that would be taking her away from this place, but what can she fo? There was nothing to be done in this sort of situation other than to accept what life had thrown in one's way. Finally, when she got on the plane, she walked to the cabin where she belonged to find somewhere to seat down. Her luggage had been collected from her and taken care of, so she didn't have to worry about that any more than she should. She finally sat down on a chair that was near the window of the airplane and began to hum a song as soon as she was settled in. She dropped her handbag on the floor beside her foot and strapped in the seatbelt just as soon as she switched her phone off. She should be at her new home for the next two years in a few hours and she hoped that she get into a way of living very comfortable. She wasn't really good with transitions but she was going to put her all into this one to make it a success. Her staying there would depend on how good and fast she could blend with the locals. She paused for a while and stared blankly outside through the plane window. She was deep in thought. They had not really said anything in their emails about where she would stay, other than the fact that all that would be covered and taken care of. She continued the song she was humming silently and thought of what to do to get her mind off of thinking. She had a book in her bag that she could read to pass the time, but she just wasn't in the mood for that. Soon, she heard the captain's voice over the speaker, telling them his name and the hours the flight would take, then he asked them to strap in their seatbelts and have their mind ready for take-off. A few moments after that, Royal felt the plane begin to move and it was soon in the air. She blew out a breath and closed her eyes.
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