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Beldavia Airport Royal dragged her suitcase as she walked out of the airport. This country was very modern and so far, she could tell it was beautiful too. She didn’t know what she had been expecting when she thought of what this place could be like. Maybe she had thought that this place would be something out of a middle-aged country or something along that line. She shook her head as she dragged her suitcase behind her. The place was a little cold, but there was no problem. It wasn’t something that she wouldn’t be able to bear, so she was just going to have to wait. It was as if everyone at the airport knew her, and they wanted to stare a hole into her body. She frowned and looked down at her clothes, wondering if she was wearing something wrong, or if something was on her clothes. And then, she thought that it might be because they knew about her and that she was the king's guest. Royal chuckled when she passed a family of four; the father, mother, the elder brother, and his little sister, and the girl waved at her. She raised her hand as well and waved right back at them. They were looking at her as if she was some kind of celebrity. Who knows what they saw as they looked at her? She sighed and faced front as she walked through the airport. She knew she had promised to call Dylan as soon as she got here, but she was going to have to wait to do that when she got into the car that would take her to the palace. She hoped that they knew that her plane had arrived so that she wouldn’t have to wait outside the airport. She soon got outside and a man dressed in a black suit and a black shirt approached her. As he did, Royal accessed him to try to see if he was coming to her or approaching someone else at her back. He was a short man with dark features and he had a black mass of curly hair on the top of his head. He was a handsome man in his own right. The man cleared his throat when he finally got to her and offered her a small smile. “Hello, ma’am. You’re Ms. Royal Robert, am I right?” he asked her. Royal frowned. She could tell that this man in front of her already know the answer to that and was only trying to confirm what he was aware of. She nodded her head and said yes, with a small smile on her face too, trying to give back what he offered. Royal was usually a nice person, but she was nervous and that had made her sweat on her palm which was what prevented her from offering her hand in a handshake. "I’m here to take you to the Palace. The King asked me to meet you and bring you there myself. I’m Mr. Goodman and I’m the head of the house guard. The palace is having a meeting with all the ministers in the king’s chamber, so the securities are a little bit unavailable. So, all you’ve got is me.” He said. Still nervous, Royal used her cloth to rub off the sweat on her palm before offering him her hand. “Nice to new you Mr. Goodman. You can call me Royal. Thank you for agreeing to drive me.” She said. Goodman chuckled, and then he shook his head. “It wasn’t as if I had a choice. I don’t agree with anything. I just do as I’m told.” He said. Royal furrowed her brows into a frown and then she blew out a breath. Well, what in the world was she expecting anyway? It wasn’t as if she didn’t know that that would be how things work here. This was a monarchical country anyway, so conveying rule made by the king was the way of life. She sure hoped that they all are as nice as they seemed or she might not be able to cope with anything. "I guess so then. Thank you all the same. I’m glad I didn’t have to wait.” She said, still smiling and being polite. Goodman nodded his head and then he grabbed the luggage out of her hand and took it to the boot of the car, and then, he came to open the car door for her. When Royal had sighted Goodman approaching her, she hadn’t really seen him near a car but there were many cars in front of the airport, so she didn’t know this sleek black range rover was the car they had sent for her to pick her up. She stood where she was, admiring the car and she didn’t really have her mind on where the man stood opening the car door. "Ms. Royal? The car is waiting for you. Take your time, whenever you are ready.” He said. Royal finally snapped out of the admiration she was in and then she said. “Oh, sorry Mr. Goodman. I didn’t mean to delay you. Just call me Royal and we can get going.” She said and walked to the car. She smiled at him and walked to the front of the car instead and opened it, and then she entered and closed the door as well. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Goodman staring at her with his mouth wide open and with a surprised look on his face. He was probably thinking about how weird the new woman whom the king had brought into the country was, but she just smiled and shrugged. When he was off the surprise or shock or whatever he was feeling, she was sure that he would get into the car and drive them to the palace. That happened a couple of moments later and she pulled the seatbelt across herself as he opened the door of the driver's seat and got in. She was sure going to have fun on the way to the palace. As they pulled out from the front of the airport, Royal looked to her left and said. “So, Mr. Goodman. Can you tell me a little bit about your country? I tried to do my homework before coming here, but this country seemed to like their privacy because there wasn’t much to find and I sure didn’t see anything that stood out to me. I would like to hear more from you.” She really wanted to know something before she got to the palace. Goodman shrugged and said. “Well, Beldavia is a country that is known for our gold, oil, and wool. We excel in those three things and that is where the country’s major revenue comes from. It’s as simple as that.” He was short. Royal nodded, but she wanted more so she asked. “So tell me something about the royal family, nothing incriminating. Just the basis.” She had said that when she saw his reaction the moment she mention the royal family. Goodman thought about her question, then he concluded that it wasn’t a bad question, so he said. “Well, the King's father died five years ago, so the eldest of the three children, Prince Edward, became the king, while his second sibling handled the oil company the royal family had run for years. His last sibling handled the gold company where all sorts of things that could be made out of gold is produced. The King's wife handled the wool company, so…” Goodman paused suddenly as if he had said too much. Royal frowned. “Why does the royal family handle everything major that brought revenue to the country? Doesn’t anyone fight that?” she asked. Goodman chuckled. “What's there to fight? They own everything. This country was founded by their great-great-great,” then he shrugged. “Well, I can’t remember how many great grandfathers exactly, but they found this country in a way, started these companies, and brought the fortunes we have today to us.” He said, then he asked his own question. “Why fo you asked?” Shrugging, Royal said. “I don’t want to be caught in the middle of any war, so I want to know if there was any brewing.” She said, smiling. Goodman shook his head. “You just arrived in the country in what, an hour and you already want to leave?” he chuckled when he saw the confusion and then the mortified look on her face before he concentrated back on the road. He decided that he liked this woman. She has a great sense of humor, and she was a nice, kind person. Those were the things that he had noticed about her. Maybe there was more, maybe not, who knows. "This is the capital, and there are twelves states in total in this place.” He said on his own without being asked. "Well, what’s this place called then?” she asked him. “I’ve heard people call it from afar, but I’m not sure.” She said. "It's called chyrsó mallí ládi. The royal family in the eighteenth century thought it would be nice to name the capital of the country according to the discoveries. One of them was from Greece, so he named it gold wool oil. For most of the locals and the tourists, we just call it Goldwuol.” He said. Royal thought about it until she got it. When he pronounced it fast, she didn’t get it, but now she does. "Wow, that’s a nice job done right there.” Do you think you can tell me more, or am I boring you already?” she asked. Goodman laughed and shook his head. “I don’t think you can do that. You seem interesting enough to keep it all fun. And trust me, you’re asking just the right question.” He said. Royal smirk even though she wasn’t sure if he was being sarcastic or not, but she would take it as a compliment and move on. It doesn’t matter what he meant anyway. "So the other states have normal names, unlike the capital. The King make out a trip down to any of the states once every three months until all the states were visited and then he makes it all over again. The states are small enough to be considered a town instead, but because they have regions and villages, we call them states. As you may already know, the capital is like our big city, with all the big hospitals, schools, an international airport, local universities, and colleges, and its very own police stations. It’s a modern-day country, mostly though, but our cultures and tradition remain the same. We still eat only vegetables and fruits every Friday and no restaurant or food joint served anything different. It’s like a fast, but with eating fruit or vegetables only.” He said. "Wow,” Royal raised her brows. “That is so impressive.” She said, impressed that they have a culture they followed even with all the modern era they were in. She turned to look at Mr. Goodman and saw that his gaze was fixed on the road that was in front of him. He had a smile on his face too, and, she concluded that every human being in this place was pleasant and happy people. She looked out the window and stared at the buildings and scenery around. This country was just so beautiful and it had a very nice atmosphere as well. She wondered how people manage to find this place seeing as she had never heard of it before until now. Goodman had said something about the tourist and what they called the capital and she was just amazed. Goldwuol! That still made her want to crack up and just laugh. She blew out a breath and said. “Thank you for doing this for me. Now I’ve learned much more than I think I can in a month just in a few minutes. Goodman nodded and soon turn off the main road to a big gated community, but it wasn’t a community at all, it was the property where the palace was situated. As they faced the gate, Royal could see various types of small houses separated by small white fences, and then a very huge house, a modern-day castle at the end of the property. It was a really large house. Royal immediately knew that that was the palace. She gasped when she saw it. It stood mightily and so beautiful that it made her feel so small in comparison. As the car moved closer and closer to the house, her jaw dropped more, leaving her mouth wider than expected. Goodman saw that she was looking at the houses and said. “The people that worked for the king with their families lived there.” He pointed at a little green house on the left and said. “I live there with my children. They also work for the king's family. He said. This place was just beautiful. She took her phone out and snapped a couple of pictures, then she turned to Goodman and said. “Mr. Goodman, I can snap a few pictures, can I?” The man chuckled and nodded his head. “As long as the king doesn’t find out and you don’t post them, then it’s fine.” He said. Nodding enthusiastically, Royal promised not to do that, and she turned in her seat and snapped some more of the surrounding. She didn’t even care that the pictures were kind of blurry, as long as she had them, it was fine. Soon, the car got to the house, and a man approached the car to open up the car door for her. Royal smiled at the man and said. “Thank you.” She said. The man seemed surprised but he gave a short nod and stepped right back. Goodman said something to two men waiting beside the man who had opened the door for her, and they both nodded and walked to the back of the car to take her luggage out. Still to amazed about this place to care, she stood there with an open mouth and look around the place. The place was massive and there were so many trees around the side of the property. A man came out from the palace and whispered something to Goodman, so he walked to Royal and said. “The King is still very much busy, but he has asked that you check into your house and the family will meet you at dinner.” He said. Royal frowned. “My house? Won’t I be staying at the palace?” she asked. Goodman shook his head. “No, unless you would like to stay at the maid quarters. But the palace had no visitors area, so the king thought you would love to have your own place while you’re here for the time of your employment.” "And dinner?” "I'll come to your house to take you back to the palace for dinner. There you’ll meet the king and his family.” He said. Royal sighed and nodded. She was a bit disappointed that she wouldn’t be staying in the palace, but it was all right. It doesn’t matter where she stayed at anyway, as long as she did her job and did it exceptionally well.
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