Two: When fate decides to play games

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NATALIA I was curled into a ball staring at the cement wall before me, ignoring the cold concrete where I lay; my back was to the gate and I've adapted to the foul smell of the prison. But It was so cold. I tucked my knees inside Hercules' shirt; my teeth chattering from the cold. I once again felt the weight of my eyelids as I blinked trying to stay consious. I felt my wolf trying to fight for me to stay awake too but the pull of the darkness just seemed so inviting right now. As my wolf paced in my mind anxiously, I decided to sit up to fight the exhaustion but my arms felt like liquid, I was just so weak-- I couldn't even lift my head. I sighed mentally- even sighing outloud took energy- When I jumped that cliff, I did not know what to expect but I surely did not expect to be a prisoner. Again, I was being careless. Suddenly, I hear hurried footsteps run towards my direction as I felt the wind pick up and the temperature of the cell drop. I automatically attempted to sit up but against my better judgement I remained on the concrete beaten down by exhaustion. I felt my heart pound out of my chest when the foot steps sounded closer. My wolf itched to take over and get out and I would have let her have it not been for my lack of energy. If I shifted now, I would probably end up in a coma in wolf form. So instead, I closed my eyes and hoped that whoever was coming would ignore me and realize that I'm useless and harmless. "Oh dear Goddess, what have you done!" The melodic voice spoke followed by the sound of metal scraping against the ground. Fear striked my already anxious heart as the scent of strawberry and earth engulfed the cell. Whoever owned those footsteps was already inside my cell and I have no idea what to make of it. "Elemental." She called softly and on instinct I curled myself tighter into position and closed my eyes. I could now feel a shadow loom over me and a strong presence radiated from the woman. "You don't have to be afraid, child." Warm hands touched the side of my face as I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry, my vision was starting to shut down. I was so so so tired. I heard a soft gasp and felt my head being cradled in a tiny arm gently. Whoever this person was, she seemed scared that I would break. "You poor thing. It's alright child, succumb to sleep and regain your energy; the elements will help you. When you wake up I promise everything will be better." She softly whispered. Her voice was so comforting and warm that the last thing I remember was her commading someone to carry me. ~.~ PHOENIX "Alpha, Aura brought the rogue elemental to her room, no one could stop her." Phoenix turned his green eyes to the nervous man who was delivering the news and gave him a cold stare as he nodded in acknowledgement. He then turned his eyes towards his Beta, trying to reign in his anger. He hated rogues with a passion and hated elemental werewolves even more. "The girl really was harmless." Beta Aza spoke staring back at his cousin who looked ready to kill someone. He knew Phoenix was itching to get his hands on the rogue but Aza would not allow it. It's been seven years and new laws have been placed one wrong move and he can lose his position and the pack. "I don't care." Phoenix replied with anger as he slammed his fists down his mahogany desk and stood up stomping his way towards Aura's room. Aza automatically followed trying to not let the smell of lasagna distract him as they passed the kitchen. "You can't do anything to her and you know that." Aza called out catching up to Phoenix easily. The Alpha abruptly stopped and gave his cousin a scathing glare. "Her being a rogue warrants her death automatically." He replied coldly and continued on to his way up the stairs. The moment Phoenix landed on the second floor her could feel his wolf  stand in attention. 'Hurry up' his wolf ordered. He took his wolf's eagerness as a sign of a predator wanting to kill but the smell of candy and vanilla engulfed his senses and he unconsciously picked up his pace. "Tell the pack to watch their children properly. I will not have the pack house smell like their sweets." He ordered as Aza stopped walking and looked at his Alpha in confusion because it doesn't smell that much like candies but hoping to get on his good side, Aza merely nodded. Phoenix rounded the corner that lead to Aura's room and and didn't bother to knock when he reached his destination. The Alpha unceremoniously slammed the wooden door open and stopped cold when he his eyes landed on a brown haired woman on Aura's bed. 'Go to her.' His wolf spoke. 'Go.' 'Now!' His wolf urged. He could feel his wolf's tale wagging and excitement spread through him. 'Be patient. I can't kill an elemental when she's asleep.' He replied and frowned in confusion when he realized that it was  the rogue that smelled like candies and vanilla. 'No! Not kill!' Phoenix knew something was wrong. The more he stared at the woman, the more he felt excited. Her scent wrapped around him and urged him to take an unconscious step forward and when he did, her eyes opened; light brown orbs met his own green orbs. He couldn't breathe, the world suddenly seemed to make sense. All his pain and hardship finally felt like it was worth it if it came to this moment. He felt whole and electricity was running through his veins. He felt like a kid on a sugar rush but he couldn't move. He was glued to the spot. His wolf once again pushed him to move closer but he decided to fight it, Phoenix knew he was screwed. ''No. I will not accept her. She's a monster.'  'Not monster. Mate.' 'She's a monster! Her kind is a monster!' 'No mate. Love.' Aura and Aza saw the shift in their Alpha's eyes. From green it slowly changed to black and more power came out in waves around him. They knew his wolf had taken over and they were both standing on guard. Aura, ready to protect the elemental and Aza ready to protect his Alpha but what they did not expect was the one word that could either make or break the pack. The one word that they thought would never come out of their alpha's mouth when dealing with elementals. "Mate." 
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