
The Luna's Protection

first love

When you're every thing that reminded your mate of his parent's murder, what would you do?

Natalia Skye is a gifted werewolf- an elemental- the only one left in her family; the only survivor of an unfortunate m******e making her a rogue; Everyday for years, she wished for companionship, to belong in a pack, to feel loved once again. She lived everyday praying for her mate.

Phoenix Valentine is the merciless, unforgiving alpha of one of the strongest packs to ever exist; but the pack lacks a heart. He knows that he needs a Luna- a true Luna- his mate and he's been trying to find her for years but when he does, all he can feel is biased hatred.

The two join together with different states of mind. One loved, the other hated; but when danger threatens the other's existence...

Who will save?

Who will sacrifice?

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PHOENIX'S POV Phoenix stared at the marble tombs of his family with annoyance, rage and a sense of Justice. Tonight his uncle was going to eliminate the werewolf elementals. Tonight he was going to get his revenge. After a year of their deaths he could finally have a sense of peace. "You know, your dad's best friend was an elemental." His cousin, Aza and his uncle's son whispered as he sat on the marble floors of the mausoleum; the moon shining on his blond head. He knew what his cousin thought about the revenge plans that he and his uncle have come up with. He didn't like it. His cousin was too soft, he never wanted revenge. Which was the exact reason that his uncle would hand the Alpha title to Phoenix and not his cousin. "You know an elemental killed your mother." He whispered back with venom lacing his every word. Phoenix clenched his hands into a fist and masked his faced expertly. Turning his gaze to the moon and the clear night sky. "Even normal werewolves kill, Phoenix. We can't just generalize." He rebuked with force. Aza did not like the fact that innocent werewolves had to die because of a mistake of a deranged one. He pulled his jacket closer as he too stared back at his own mother's tomb. "You're already 18 years old, I thought you could be mature about this." He whispered softly as if he was scared it would disrupt the seemingly calm night. Instead of answering , Phoenix left Aza and headed towards the pack house. He will never forgive. He will never forget. His family and his pack was killed at the mercy of a deranged elemental and he will make sure it will not happen again. If his cousin thought it was immature then let it be. Phoenix Valentine does not answer to anyone after all. NATALIA'S POV "Natalia, run!" Tears fell from the corners of my eyes as I stared at the light brown orbs of my mother- the same ones I have- where it reflected the fire around us. She was pushing me away from the chaos- away from it all. "But but I can't leave you here! I can help you and dad! Please!" I begged, shivering as my bare feet met the cold dried leaves of the forest not far away from the now burning pack house. "No, you can't-" "Mother! I learned how to generate a force field! I can protect us!" I argued,  Ignoring the hammering of my chest and the blood the matted my mother's brown hair. I needed to be strong to protect us- To protect the pack. "Nat-" An anguished howl cut her off which made my mother push me harder with shaking hands, her eyes frantic and wide. "You have to leave Natalia. We'll take care of this." Before I could reply, the sound of glass shattering and screams filled the night. A shiver ran through my spine as I curled my toes and twisted the hem of my pajama top. "Natalia, please do what I tell you. Your father and I will take care of this. I need you to run baby, I need you to go to the Pack of Grandpa Stone, tell them what has happened here, tell them to prepare the pack hospital and to prepare empty beds, I'll- we'll catch up after this. I promise." I give my mother a panicked look and start shaking with fear I was only fourteen years old and I just shifted last week. I can't do this alone.  "You have to trust us. I promise, everything will be okay." My mother gave me a smile but her eyes were already swimming in tears. She pulled me into her arms and hugged me before pushing me deeper in the darkness of the woods. "Okay mommy." I blinked and stepped back, ignoring the sting and throbbing on my feet. I have to do this. I have to trust them. Everything will be okay. "And Talia, if worse comes to worse- use whatever you learned today to protect yourself." She immediately turned her heels and ran towards the pack house as she created a blast of wind to help bring down the fire the was only getting bigger and bigger. "I love you mom and dad." I whispered and then ran while shifting to my silver wolf. I ran and ran for what felt like days but in actually it was only probably forty-five minutes. The Pack of grandpa Stone was not all that far and I was so thankful that was the case. I ran faster and pushed myself faster; the trail towards the pack house finally materialized and I could feel a sense of relief flow through my system but I stopped cold when I saw what was before me.  There was no pack house. Not anymore. My blood ran cold and my brain froze. The house was reduced to ashes and there were bodies littered everywhere. My heart clenched at the site as tears burned my eyes once again. "No survivors?" A burly man hollered standing in the middle of the debris that was still sparked with small flames. He surveyed his surroundings and I immediately hid behind a tree placing my hand over my mouth trying to muffle my sobs. "None here!" Some one called close by. My sobs were turning into to shorts pants of breaths. "Check again. I'm sure someone was standing behind that tree." The burly man's voice sounded closer now. I felt the tree trunk dig into my back as pressed myself further in to it, scared of being caught. "Now we can't have that, can we?" The other man replied, his voice laced with malice and sarcasm. I felt panic rise within me as my heart started beating faster; I have to get out of here. If only- 'Use what you learned today to protect yourself.' I heard my mother's voice whisper. A sudden sob broke through me as I concentrated on being invisible. This, I could do simply. With blurry eyes and shaking hands I looked up towards the moon and prayed for her light as I slowly felt my self become one with the wind and the universe. I looked down and could see my legs slowly start to disappear, my torso soon followed after and when My shoulders were disappearing the footsteps sounded as if they were right next to me. "Oh, Beta Jax no one's here." A lanky man called out but took a step closer to examine the tree closely. I knew he could hear the loud beating of my heart and one step closer he would be able to touch me. "But it sounds as if there's someone here." He mused, his face now an inch away from mine. I held my breath and choked back more tears. "What are you talking about?" The Burly man, who I now know as Beta Jax appeared from behind the tree, the moon light reflecting on his bald head. He frowned and nodded his head. He could probably hear my heart too. "Must be those forest spirits. We did after all Just wipe out a whole pack of elementals." He replied turning on his heel. "Let's leave now. The Alpha just mind- linked." By now my tears have run out but my ears perked at the news. Are they retreating? "Oh, how'd it go with the Skye Elementals?" Lanky man asked, stepping away from me and followed the Beta. "They're all dead too."

Dreame-Editor's pick


Beta's Second Chance (Book 2 of Mate Series)


The King's mate




The Omega 's fight


Chosen by the Alpha (#1 of the Denali pack)


Warrior Princess


My Second Chance Mate


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