Eight: When the Luna meets a friend

2353 Words

The whole night, Jayden stayed with me, trying his best to comfort my frazzled state. He linked Aura and she came bounding in seconds later with her robes and wild curly hair around her. They were talking but I didn't understand a thing, everything was muffled loud; Instead, I focused on my breathing and blocking out the images that were being flashed to me. The bond is a cruel thing. If a mate cheats and is unfaithful, the other is forced to watch as their wolves send their mates images of what is happening hoping that their mates can do something to make it stop. It's the same with death or danger. If one dies or is dying, the other will be forced to watch. "Lia, it seems like your lessons will have to start early." Jayden muttered softly his blue eyes filling with concern. "I was ho

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