Chapter 3

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"S-son?" Baekhyun mentally cursed himself by accidentally blurting it out about Dan. Taehyung doesnt want to let Jungkook know about his son. "Is h-he married?" Jungkook asked, his voice comes like a whisper, his eyes looking outside. Baekhyun doesn't know what to reply. Baek walks towards the couch and sit there, not uttering anything about Taehyung and Dan. "You said you want to talk about work, right?" Baek broke the tension, diverting the topic to another. "Is he married?" Jungkook asked again, his voice now a bit low and stern. "Im not the right person to answered that," Baek stood up and walk towards the door. His hand holding the knob, "His my friend and i dont want him to experience that sadness and loneliness 3 years ago, so begging you sir,..." Baek pleaded, emphasising the word 'sir', he didn't continue his words but he knows Jungkook got what he wants to relay. He twisted the knob and continue walking away. While Jungkook was left alone in daze, there was something in his heart, and that is he dont want to believe what Baekhyun told earlier. Jungkook was still in relation to his girlfriend, Seulgi. No, erase that part. He is engage to his girlfriend, Seulgi for so long. Even though Seulgi always remind him about marrying her, Jungkook doesn't know why he cant bring himself to marry Seulgi so it took until now that they were still engage. Seulgi knows about Taehyung and thats the reason why she hated him so much. Jungkook and Seulgi should be married but because of Jungkook and Taehyung parents are friends, they decided to arrange a marriage for the two. Both hated the idea of their parents, but still they oblige to what they wanted. Jungkook despise Taehyung the most. He hated him for he doesn't even know the reason except for the fact that it was a arrange marriage. Theres a small spot on him that he pitied Taehyung for being a jerk to him while Taehyung just kept quite and never complain for his rudeness towards him. Jungkook close his eyes, he felt like his eyelids became heavy that even his heart felt something empty. He then remember the words he told to Taehyung the day after their wedding. "Remember it that just because you got married to me, it wont obviously get in to me." Jungkook spat at Taehyung. He hated Taehyung so much since he is the reason why he cant marry his girlfriend. "I know my place and i dont have any plan on getting to you." Taehyung replied. Jungkook was in deep though that he doesnt realised someone came inside. His back facing the door. Jungkook suddenly felt a hand wrapping around his waist. Jungkook haulted a bit and tilt his head. "I was calling you but you didn't answer your phone so i decided to come. I even knock for so long yet you didn't hear so i just came inside. Is there something bothering you, honey." Jungkook turn around this time, " im tired." Jungkook replied coldly. "Im your girlfriend Kook, you can talk to me and tell me whats bothering you." Seulgi said, holding Jungkook's hands, gently caressing it. Jungkook stare at their hands, and suddenly pulled it away from Seulgi who was a bit surprise from his action. "I want to be alone." Jungkook said, walking back to his rotating chair. Seulgi followed her gaze to him, she frown yet still follows him and she stood behind the chair, back hugging Jungkook. But Jungkook is not at the mood. "For f**k sake, Gi! I want to be alone!" Jungkook groaned in annoyance, making Seulgi quickly remove her hands towards him. She was hurt, she doesnt know why Jungkook acting like this. Seulgi sigh, she walk away from Jungkook behind and walk towards the door. She turn to face Jungkook who was leaning his back, an ugly frown shows his face while his eyes close. "I dont know whats happening to you, but remember that i really love you. I'll call you later." Seulgi said in a soft voice before pulling open the door and start walking away. It was not a day when Taehyung came back to Korea, yet Jungkook felt that his mind and heart are having trouble. "I dont know what you are doing to me now, Tae." Jungkook mumbled to himself. Taehyung woke up when he felt a warm hand touching his face. He slowly open his eyes and smile upon seeing his son smiling at him. "Good mowning momma." Dan greeted, giving his momma a kiss to both cheeks. Taehyung giggled like a baby and pulled his son, hugging him, "Good morning my dear." Taehyung respond and kiss his son's head. Both pulled when someone knock the door revealing a smiling Baekhyun. "Good morning to both of you." Baekhyun greeted, walking towards them, picking Dan to carry. "Good mowning papa." Dan said kissing Baekhyun. Taehyung smile while Baekhyun cooed Dan's cuteness everytime the boy calles him papa. "Breakfast is ready, lets go." Baek said. He carried Dan while Taehyung got up and walk towards his bathroom to wash his face before coming down to the kitchen. ~~ "Are you ready to work under him?" Baek asked while they were having their breakfast. Taehyung just hum, munching his favorite pancake while serving his son his own pancake. "I will drop you, i dont have schedule today so i and Dan will have to stroll after dropping you at the company." Baek said again. Taehyung look at his bestfriend, "Im really thankful that you are my friend, Baek." Baekhyun shows him a sweet smile. After they eat, Taehyung went upstairs to his room to take a shower. His meeting with the ceo of the company is around nine. And he has still more time to prepare. Taehyung doesn't really if his okay now. Since that night he left from Jungkook's mansion or Jungkook's life, he told himself that he will become stronger and would never let anyone step on him. Taehyung sank his body at the tub with a warm water, giving his body a calming feeling. His back leaning at the side of the tub, his hands leans on both side top of it, while his body is soak with bubbles. His eyes were close peacefully. "You're Korean, right?" Taehyung raised his head when someone talk to him. "Yeah." Taehyung replied shortly. The guy stare at him intently, like he was studying every feature of Taehyung. Taehyung felt uncomfortable and the guy notice it. "Oh, sorry. Im not a bad guy. Im Korean too. Im Jung Hoseok." The man said, introducing himself, leaning his hand forward. Taehyung stare at him for a while. "Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." He said, shaking the other hand. Hoseok was about to say something when Taehyung's stomach shamelessly growled and Taehyung blush in embarrassment. "Im sorry." Taehyung said and Hoseok just nod his head. "C'on, i'll treat you. I hadn't have my lunch yet." Hoseok said and Taehyung didn't say no to him. He was really hungry. Since he left the mansion, he went back to his parents house but they threw him out and disregard him when they heard about the divorce. Taehyung beg them, he knelt infront of them but his parents slam the door right infront of him. He stayed there kneeling for he even doesn't know how long. He just got up when a rain start pouring to him. He was left alone and shivering in coldness of that lonely night. No one of his family pitied him nor help him. He has a friend named Baekhyun but he doesnt want to burden him ao he didn't call him. Taehyung with his cloth drench from the rain, he called for a cab and asked the driver to bring him at the airport. He really dont know where he would go, his mind just told him to go at the airport so he does. He doesn't have anything, his empty handed with only his phone in his hand and a small amount of money in his credit card that was inside his small purse along with his passport. He forgot his things after his parents give him a mouth full of insults being divorcee of Jungkook. "Sir, were here." Taehyung was brough from his thought when the cab driver talk. He paid the driver before getting out the cab. It was already late ten in the evening, he walk inside and sit at the waiting area, while holding his phone, searching for a place to go in google. "Switzerland." He mumbles upon seeing the place. His hands was trembling due to the fact that he was still in his wet cloths. He then search a cheap ticket online and he sigh in relieve upon seeing a scheduled flight at twelve thirty in the morning. He quickly paid it online. Taehyung was sitting, hugging himself, rubbing both arms to warm himself when one of the airports crew came near him, handling something to him. Taehyung raised his head with confused look, but the other didn't say anything. She the left Taehyung. Taehyung follow his gaze to her retreating back, he didn't even have a time thanking him when he saw what inside the paper bag, it was a jeans and a light pink sweater, with a printed words, "im strong and i can do it!" Taehyung felt like the girl was sent as his guardian angel. He look at his phone and quickly stood up to walk towards the bathroom and change his cloths. It was almost twelve when the last call going to Switzerland was announce. "Hey, are you okay?" Taehyung was snap out when Hoseok talk. Both are already siting at a high class restaurant in the city of Switzerland. "Ye-yes." Taehyung shyly replied. "By the way, what work do you do here?" Hoseok ask, cutting the steak into pieces. Taehyung stop and look at him, but didn't say anything. Hoseok knew that this little action of Taehyung, he can say that he's new here. Taehyung again look down at his plate. "Do you know anything about designs?" Hoseok asked and Taehyung quickly look at him. Hoseok raised his brows yet with a smile. "Yes. I majored in graphic designs." Taehyung replied, his mood suddenly lit up. Hoseok smile wide seeing how the other smile, "You can work with me. And don't worry about everything." Taehyung suddenly frown, he still doesn't him aside of his name. "Dont worry, im the ceo of Jung Group here in. I own a fashion jewelry. You can work at some designs. I will help you with everything." Taehyung eyes widen. His mouth open like he cant believe that the person infront of him is the heir of Jung. He once knew him when he saw about their company in a news. Its a big company, it was all about jewelry designs. "Hey..." Hoseok snap him again. Taehyung blink for a few times, "Im sorry, i just didn't know what to say. I knew about your company, i saw it in a news a few months ago. And im not really expecting that this time would ever come to me. Oh my god...oh my...oh my-- "Hey...your stammering." Hoseok chuckled at Taehyung. "Lets continue eating then we'll go. You need to learn some things." Hoseok added before munching his steak. Taehyung was still out of his mind, he still cant believe it. He even secretly pinch his tigh and he hissed in pain making Hoseok look at him and laugh when Hoseok realised what Taehyung did. "You're not dreaming dear." Hoseok smiling shook his head making Taehyung pout. "Taehyung!!!" Taehyung jolt hearing Baekhyung voice. "Yah! What ate you doing there? You've spent almost an hour inside your bathroom!" Baekhyung yelled again and Taehyung mentally cursed. "Coming!!!" He yelled in response. He quickly open the shower sonhe can wash himself quickly. After making sure that no bubbles to his body, he took the robe and put it on before exiting the bathroom. "Momma, you will be late." Dan said, he was sitting at Taehyung bed. "Im sorry baby. I will just put my cloths,okay?" Taehyung kiss his son cheek before taking the cloth he chooses earlier. He walk from the changing room and put a cream color pants with a light blue polo shirt and then his suit. After making sure he was descent and professionally dress, he fix his hair and put a little make up.  "You can do this, Kim Taehyung." Taehyung said to his reflection at the human size mirror. "Ready?" Baek asked as soon as Dan and Taehyung exit the room. "Yes." Taehyung smiled, hiding his nervousness. He was really nervous, this would be the first time meeting his ex-husband, the ceo of Jeon company after 3 years. He took a deep breath before following Baekhyun and Dan who was already at the main door. "You can do this, Tae." Baekhyun pat his shoulder. Even though he himself is not convince with his own words. Taehyung nod. Taehyung put Dan in his car seat and buckle his seatbelt, making sure he was okay before seating at the passenger side while Baek was in the drivers seat. The ride to the company was silent, a peaceful silent but the more they are coming near the company, Taehyung heart start beating nervously fast. Why? Because he will be meeting the person he fell in love and he always love until at the moment. But his putting it at the back of his head. "This is work, Taehyung. Be professional and dont let Hoseok be disappointed." Taehyung said to himself. After another ten minutes, Taehyung was now standing infront of a tall building. "Just call me after your meeting and i will pick you up." Baek told Taehyung. "Momma, i'll miss you." Dan pouted, hugging his momma. His face burried at Taehyung thigh. Taehyung squat and level himself to his son. "I know baby and i'll miss you too. But we will meet later after my meeting. Be a good boy with papa Baek, okay? I love you baby." Taehyung sweetly utter to his son and Dan bod his head. Taehyung kiss his sons cheeks then the top of his head. "I love you more, momma." Dan replied hugging Taehyung again. "Im going inside, Baek." Taehyung said before walking inside the building. ~~~ "Hi, im here to meet Mr. Jeon." Taehyung professionally said to the girl at the reception. The look at him with a smile, "May i ask who are you, sir?" "Im V, from the Jung Group of Switzerland." Taehyung said still with smile. He felt a friendly vibes from the girl. "Oh my, you're that famous fashion designer." The girl exclaimed in excitement. Taehyung heart flutter knowing that someone recognise him. The girl look at the screen of the laptop and smile, "Mr. Jeon is in--- "And why there's a slut here?" Someone said behind Taehyung. Taehyung turn to face the person, he frown when he recognised who is it. "Miss Seulgi, he is the f-- "Do i care who he is? All i know is he's a slut who came here to seduce my boyfriend." Seulgi glared at the receptionist. Taehyung was insulted, he wants to strangle Seulgi but he chooses to just keep himself calm. "Now, if you still want to save your face infront of everyone, you should leave now or you want me to drag you and throw you outside?!" Seulgi spat, she was really furious seeing Taehyung this time. She doesn't even know why Taehyung is here at Jungkook's company. Taehyung had enough of Seulgi's bulshits. He turn to face the girl receptionist, "Can you cancel my meeting with Mr. Jeon, and realy my message to him that if he still want to work with us, he should call my boss." Taehyung said, his voice a bit trembles due to his anger. "But--- "Get lost!" Seulgi yelled, dragging Taehyung arm towards the exit door. Employee's start wondering why and what had happen while the receptionist called Jungkook. "Let me go, you b***h!" Taehyung harshly push Seulgi causing the other fell to the floor. "You! You piece of a sh- "What is happening here?!" Seulgi saw a furious Jungkook and she act like she was the victim, she stood up and run towards Jungkook, hugging him, "That slut is here to seduce you again, babe. And he push me." Seulgi dramatically said. Jungkook stared at Taehyung, he can see a hurt from Taehyung's eyes. And he felt like he wants to run towards him and just hug him. Seulgi notice the silent of Jungkook, she raised her head to look up at him, she frowned when she saw that Jungkook eyes held something. She clench her jaw and turn to look at Taehyung direction. Everything happen so fast that at the second time in just less than ten minutes, Taehyung was harshly drag until outside the building. Jungkook suddenly startle but quickly pulled Seulgi away from Taehyung when he reach them outside. And he accidentally pushed Taehyung causing him to fell to the floor. "Ouch!" Taehyung hissed in pain when he injured his ankle and Jungkook quickly left Seulgi to help him. "Im sorry, are y- "Stay away!" Taehyung yelled, glaring at him. He tried to get up but fell again and this time Jungkook again tried to help him but Taehyung push him again. "I told you, stay away from me!" Taehyung manage to get up, he dust his pants and compose himself, ignoring the unbearable pain from his ankle. "I came here for work, Mr. Jeon. I didn't expect that people under you are a f*****g bitches! Im done here and if still you want to work with the Jung's, i guess you need to ask my boss again, but im not sure if he would still want to work with your company after telling him how ungrateful your people is!" Taehyung breath out heavily after saying all this. He didn't wait for Jungkook to say anything, he walk in fast pace, even though the pain is too much, but the pain in his heart is more than painful enough to bear. A tear fell from his eyes just when he turn around to walk away. ✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵✵ Wᴏᴡ, ɪ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟɪsᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ. ᴀɴʏᴡᴀʏs, ᴛʜᴀɴᴋs ғᴏʀ sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛɪɴɢ ᴍʏ sᴛᴏʀɪᴇs,ɢᴜʏs. ʙᴏʀᴀʜᴀᴇ!!!
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