Chapter 2

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"Baek!!!" Taehyung screamed as soon as he saw his bestfriend. "Oh my..Taehyung!!!" Baekhyun exclaimed and run towards his bestfriend. Both hug each other. Baekhyun pulled away when someone tugged the hem of his suit. He then saw a pouting little tiger, he chuckled to his cuteness and so he knelt down to level at him, "oh dont be sad my little tiger. Uncle Baek loves you more." Baekhyun said, pulling the little tiger closer, closing their distance. "I miss you, papa." "I miss you more, Dan baby." Baek responded to the 3 year old little boy, he used to call him little tiger since he was born. "So, lets go. The house is waiting for both of you." Baek added, standing up, carrying Dan at his back. "Yah, Baek. Dont spoilt him." Taehyung said smiling. Baekyun glared at him. "I will do spoiled him until i want, after all his my bestfriends son." Baek replied winking and Taehyung shook his head with satisfied smile. Pulling their luggage, they walk towards Baekhyun car. Taehyung put their luggage at the back compartment and close it, while Baekhyun gently put Dan at the baby car seat at the back. Taehyung seat at the passenger side while Baekhyun start driving. "So, are you really sure you're okay with it, Tae?" Baek asked as soon as he pulled to stop at the red light. Taehyung eyes are wondering the busy street of Seoul, its been three years since he left. "If i do have any option, Baek, i would rather not came back here. But its work. So i dont have a choice." Taehyung voice sounded like whisper yet still clearly heard by Baekhyun. Baekhyun knows how Taehyung suffer after leaving Jungkook that night. Baekhyun was the one who helped Taehyung. And after a month that night, Taehyung finds out that he was pregnant. When Taehyung told Bakhyun one time that he wants to leave Korea, the other disagreed. But Taehyung as a stubborn one, left the next morning without telling Baekhyun. He just contacted him after a month when he found a job. "You're pacing out, Tae. Are you okay?" Baekhyun bringing back Taehyung from his deep thought. He already start driving again when the light turns green. "Sorry. Are you saying something?" Taehyung tilt his head at the back to look at his now peacefully sleeping son. A smile form to his lips. Dan is the only person who makes him stronger day by day when he was far from Korea. "I said, are you really okay working with Jungkook's company?" "Yes. Im a professional designer, Baek. And its all work related, nothing else." Taehyung confidently replied but deep in his heart.m, he was questioning if he did the right decision coming and working with Jungkook. After a less than two hours, they reach the villa where Baekhyun leaves. Its a private villa where most of famous models are living. As for Baekhyun, as a famous model under Jungkook's modeling company, he actually bought a two story bungalow house in this villa, two years have passed. Taehyung carried the sleeping Dan while Baekhyun took thier luggage and both entered the house. "This will be Dan's room." Baekhyun said, opening the door at the second floor. It was painted with white and there's a single size bed at the corner with a tiger printed at the soft blanket. Toys are place in one place, a rocking horse chair near the bed. Taehyung gently laid Dan and tuck him with the blanket. He kiss his son's forehead before following Baekhyun at the other door, right infront of his son's room. "This will be your room, Tae." Baekhyun said. "You really dont have to do this now, Baek. You know that i can already buy my own place. And besides, im really planning to buy a house here in this villa too." Taehyung said, looking at his bestfriend who had a small frown to his face. "I already told you before that you dont need to buy, you can stay with me." Taehyung shook his head. Baekhyun had done good enough for him and he dont want to burdem him anymore. Taehyung walk closer and hug his bestfriend, stroking gently his back. "Im so thankful having you, Baek. I dont know what would happen to me when you're not with me that time. But please, let me do this by my own. You can come and visit us and vise versa, we can come and have a sleep over here." Taehyung explained. He felt Baekhyun sigh deeply before they both pulled away. "Okay, but you should promise that you will always call me if something happen." Baekhyun defeated said. Taehyung smiles and again hug him. They were interrupted when Baekhyun's phone rings so they pulled away. Baekhyun took hi phone from his pocket, he look at the caller id and then look at Taehyung who was now taking something from his luggage, his back facing Baekhyun. He then answered the call. "Mr. Je-- "Baek, i bought this for you. I know thi is your favorite one." Taehyung said, facing him holding the bottle of chateauneuf-du-pape red wine. Baekhyun was holding his phone near his ear and we was f*****g sure that the person heard Taehyung. The person at the other line suddenly stop what he was saying. Taehyung realised that Baekhyun was talking to someone and he mouthed a sorry before handling the bottle to Baekhyun and turning away again. Baekhyun suddenly made a fake cough. " sorry sir. Im coming." Baekhyun said to the person before cutting the call. He dont know why but he felt nervous. "Tae, i have a work to do, so i'll head first. Feel at home, soulmate." Baekhyun patted Tae shoulder and leaves after the other nods his head. Jungkook's Pov: I was busy today at the my office. As a ceo of a famous Korea fashion jewelries and one of the most biggest company, it always makes me feel tired. There are so many unsigned documents as well as models contract, and one more thing is that my mind was messed up when i saw yesterday about the new jewelry designer's name. Kim Taehyung. Are you the Kim Taehyung that i married once? Are you the Taehyung who left me without even telling me? Knock knock.. I was a bit startle when i heard someone knock and my secretary came inside after i told him to come inside. "Sir, the person you asked to pick Mr. V said that he didn't saw him at the airport." I raised my head and look at her with brows narrowed, "What you mean? Are you telling me that V didn't show up?" I asked, my voice came harsher. "Yes sir." I took a deep sigh, gesturing her to get out. After leaving my room, i leaned my back at my chair. My eyes caught the magazine beside my table, that was this month. Its Baekhyun's august magazine cover. I know that he's a good friend of Taehyung, but since 3 years ago, im not really sure if they still had a contact. I dont even know why buy something in my mind telling me to call him, and before i knew it, i already dialed his number and as i was about to end the call, my heart seems start beating fast as normal. "Mr. Je--- "Baek, i bought this for you. I know thi is your favorite one." That voice sounds so familiar to me. Is it Taehyung? "Come to my office." I said after a hearing a fake cough from Baekhyun. " sorry sir. Im coming" The call ended and i put my phone on my table. "Thats really you, Taehyung. I did never forget the way you speak, your voice is still as deep yet sweet as before." I told to no one but myself. I close my eyes, remembering that day when i returned to my house. "Good morning Jungkook" "Goodmorning nana." Nana is what i call her, she is like a mother to me. She is the one who was always there with me since im at my younger age. "Taehyung still didn't come out from your room, and i didn't dare to wake him thinking he must be tired." Nana told me and i frowned, i look at my watched. This is not normal, Taehyung was an easy morning person. Even though how much tired he is, he would always wake up and can be seen at the living room, sitting and watching his favorite movie called "calle me by your name". "I will go to our room nana nad check him." I told her and she bow before moving away infront of me to give me way. I walk until i reach our room at the third floor. Even though we are married, we would always knock our door before coming inside. I knock three times before pushing open the wooden door slowly. I walk inside and frown when i notice our bed looks like no one had slept. It was fix. "Taehyung..." i called, but no one answered. I walk towards our bathroom and he's not there. I was about to step out when i notice something is missing at the corner. His personal things, like toothbrush. I also notice his purple bathrobe that was always hanged at the back of the door is missing. My heart beats nervously fast, i continued to walk outside the bathroom. I walk towards our three door cabinet, i stand infront. My mind was full of negative thoughts at that moment. I hold the cabinet holder and pulled the door, my eyes widen revealing the empty cabinets of him. All his cloths is gone. "Nana!" I yelled loudly and in a minute or two, nana came inside our room. "Jungkook?" "He left and nobody of you notice it?" I asked, not realising its my first time raising mu voice to her. Nana look at me confused then she walk closer to the empty cabinet. She gasped upon seeing it. "Im sorry, but i really didn't know. I still saw him last night when he comes home. I even talk to him but i didn't realised that he would be leaving." Nana explained. I didn't say anything, i felt like i lost half of me. We are married for a year and i knew how much he loves me. But the jerk like me never showed him what feels like to be loved. I did never show him that i love him. I dont hate him, its just that i dont know why i cant show my affection to him. And the f*****g truth also is that, he knows that i even love another woman. Yes, i was married to him yet still inlove with my girlfriend. When i was all alone again at our room, i saw the printed divorce paper at the side table, i took it and my eyes widen when i saw his signature at the top of his printed name. I should be happy, right? Finally we are dovorce and i can marry my longtime girlfriend, but i dont know why i feel something empty inside of me. I remember what happen yesterday night. And yesterday night, we were in a dinner when someone called me saying that my girlfriend, Seulgi got an accident. "You go back first, Taehyung. I'll talk to you later." I told him, i saw how hurt hime is with my word but he didn't say anything. O felt Taehyung pushed my hand coldly. "You can go. After all, she's more important to you." I left Taehyung without even making sure that he has a car to ride. "Good afternoon, sir." I was startle when someone spoke. I look at the door's direction and saw Baekhyun standing there. "Yes, come in." I told him and i gesture him to seat across the chair at my table. I stare at him and saw him raised his brows to me, Baekhyun is one of the models i get along with, we are friends and act professionals when we're at work. I want to asked him about the voice i heard earlier but as if there a big lump holding my throat. "You need something, sir?" Baekhyun asked formally. "Yeah. V should be picked by my driver today but he didn't show up." I started. Baekhyun raised his right brows, "And?..." Baek stared at me again, "oh c'on Jungkook. Thats not what you want to tell me, righ?" Baekhyun blurted out. This is the one i really like from him, he can read whats in my mind. I breath out heavily, standing from my chair, walking back facing the large mirror wall of my office. Showing me scenery of Seoul. My hands crossing at my chest. "He's with you, right?" I asked him with my eyes staring outside. I felt that he moves from his seat and i saw him from the corner of my eye that he was standing beside me, his hands inside his pockets. "You still recognise his voice." "So im right, V is Kim Taehyung." I told him and i dont feel any surprised from him. And thats when i realised that all those years, they never lose contacts. "Why did you lie to me?" I asked him. He didn't say a thing. He just sigh heavily. "I asked you many times, and you said you dont know his where abouts. Why?" This time Baekhyun turn around, his back facing the mirror, "Why should i tell you? You're divorce to him. Remember thqt he signed that divirce paper before leaving? He's my childhood friend, Jeon. My f*****g bestfriend who suffered a lot because of loving you. His family threw him out upon hearing from him that you divorced him. They despise him, Jeon." Baekhyun spat out his anger, his fist balled. "And you know what? That innocent and humble besyfriend of mine never blames you. For f**k sake! He only blames himself for being ungrateful and being born this way! He suffered a lot until someone help him and made him the person he is now." I can feel Baek's anger. I want to say something but his my words didn't came out from my mouth. I really cant blame him or Taehyung for hating me, im that jerk who hurt his bestfriend. "Yes, he's with me. He's staying with me with his son." Baekhyun said the last word with a smile. "S-son?" 
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