
1006 Words
Katherine Pov It's been seven days since I woke up in this forest, seven days I'd managed to survive with no food or water. Seven long dreadful days. And I didn't have the strength in me to go on any longer. The silence this situation engulfed me in left me with nothing to think of rather than Castro's betrayal which kept on playing over and over again in my head like a broken caseete. My anger coupled with hunger made me thirst for revenge all the more. Each day that went by reminded me of my last memory with Castro; hearing his sinister laughter with Jasmine's as I faded into a big, dark oblivion of emptiness. It's a pity that those were the last things I remember. And with that, I found the will to get up once again and leave this goddamn maze-like forest. "Over there!" Fera says excitedly. "There's a mountain" I let out a frustrated hiss. "With the way you were excited I thought you saw a pond of water or something" "We would never know until we get there right?" Staring at the high mountain, I instantly got discouraged. "No. There's no way I'm going to climb all the way up there" "Then you might as well stay here and get eaten by a wild tiger" I scoffed. "I would really like that or get run over by a truck. Because there's no way I'm going to climb up that mountain. I have no strength left in me" "Really? If you give up now what's going to happen to the royal palace?. What about Father and Jethro jr?. I thought you wanted to avenge them" Reminiscing Father's head beside my feet and the blood bath that happened at the palace, I clenched my fist. My second chance at life would be meaningless if I gave up now. "I hate the things you say sometimes, Fera" I grumbled as her words had convinced me to keep going. Inhaling deeply, I dragged my feet slowly heading towards the mountain. I'd barely been walked miles away from where I was previously standing before wiping off the sweat from my face. Standing at the feet of the mountain, I looked up at it's peak and suddenly got discouraged. I didn't have enough strength to super speed all the way up there so that meant that I had to climb all the a way up. I cursed softly under my breath. "No matter how many times you show your frustration, you are still going to climb all the way up there" Fera's annoying voice chipped in. "Are you positive there's something inside this mountain?" "Inside it. Behind it. There has to be something" "So we are working on your 'assumptions'?. Thanks for the hint" Fera rolled her eyes, frustrated. "I'm sure we would find something sort of food there or a village behind the mountain. You are supposed to know all these things" Yes, I was supposed to as the daughter of Alpha Jethro and the luna of the pack but now that I couldn't even find my way back to the palace, what use was the knowledge?. It wasn't going to possibly get me out of this forest that's for sure. "So?. What is I'm supposed to know all that? Will it get us out of here? " God knows how long I'm going to get stuck in this place. Even if I got out of here on time, how would I get back to the palace when I had no idea where I am?. Moreover, what on earth must have happened in the palace during these past seven days?. Was there another coup or were people being taken in wrongly for slavery?. "Aren't you going to get moving? We don't have all day" Fera questioned, interrupting my thoughts. "I AM moving" I replied annoyed by her constant pestering. Breathing in and exhaling deeply, I began to climb up the mountain with the sun shining brightly upon me. I'd barely gone far from where I was before when I felt my whole body began to feel weak and my legs started to give out. "I've been going on for a while now and still no sign of water or food" I say in-between breaths. "I really can't go on anymore. Let's take a break here." Fera didn't respond which was unlike her. "Fera?. Are you still there?" No response. Fear started to course through my veins. "How could Fera had let me walk all the way up here just to leave me all alone? Hang on, Fera" My desperation to make it to the other side of the mountain heightened but without watching where I stepped; I mistakenly tripped over a stone rolling down the green grasses on the mountains without stopping. It happened so fast that I was unable to regain control over my body which didn't come to a stop until my head had hit a hard rock object knocking me almost all out. "Katherine! Katherine, wake up!' I hear a fading voice call out my name. Although the voice wasn't clear, it sounded like Fera. "Fera?" I questioned unsure, my eyes slowly closing up. "Yes, it's me" "That's a relief" I draw out. "That you are alright" Maybe it was finally time I reunited with Father and Jethro junior. What was the use of longing after revenge when I couldn't even leave this forest?. If I died now, would someone come for me then?. It wouldn't even matter if it was a vampire being drawn to me by the scene of my blood. I just wanted to see a different face in this forest that I've gotten sick and tired of for the past seven days. But no one came. I chuckled over the fact that I wasn't even wanted by a vampire. "I wanted a different ending. What's all this?. Seriously, this is too cruel" Just before my world went blank, I hear Fera calling out to me one last time. "Katherine!"
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