
The Luna Queen's Revenge

second chance

When I was finally able to snap out of my fear, I diverted my gaze to my father's head on the ground as my anger began to burn deeper within me. As tears slid down my cheeks, I raised up my head to meet Castro's gaze. His sword was still aimed at my neck unflinchingly. My gaze moved between Jasmine, my cousin and him one more time before I questioned. "What do you think you are doing, Castro?" "What does it look like, Katherine?" "A coup?" Castro smirked. "You're right!" "But why?"

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The Gift
Katherine Pov "You look pretty" Fera, my wolf says almost breathless. Glancing at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear. "Someone looks happy" A soft voice whispers into my ears, tearing my gaze away from the mirror to see my bestfriend and bride's maid, Kayla standing beside me. "Of course I'm happy" It was my mating ceremony after all and plus, my mate was someone I truly loved. I couldn't possibly be happier. "You've got yourself quite a catch, Katherine" Eliza says, brushing my hair slowly as her gaze meets mine in the mirror. "Lord Castro is the best man there is out there" She was right; I couldn't deny it. "And, Katherine has every right to be as high as a kite right now" Jezzy, my third bride's maid chimed in a singsong voice. "Her mate is none other than her childhood crush!" I bit down on my lower lips; trying to suppress a blush. It is true that I've had a crush on Castro since we were young. That's why I was more excited to see what the end of this day would hold. I'd always had my doubts about Castro feeling the same way for me as he was the son of Beta Tabel, who was father's Beta and right hand man. Due to the differences in our ranks, I'd expected Castro to reject me but he didn't; Rather, he'd embraced me. I for one didn't care about the pack's ranking as I saw everyone as equals --even the omegas who were treated as slaves-- but, I had a hard time deciding how to break this news to father. After a lot of persuasions, Father eventually gave into my decision although I still feel that he's not entirely happy with it. Kayla jabs me with her elbow, bringing me to reality. "I envy you. You're literally 'Cinderella' right now. I wish I could find a perfect mate like Castro" I flashed Kayla a reassuring smile. "And you will" Glancing between Jezzy and Eliza, I add. "All three of you will" "Katherine!" Jezzy cries out loud, moving to hug me as Eliza and Kayla followed suite. Our brief moment was interrupted as we heard a soft knock the door before it was turned opened without waiting for an approval. Immediately, I knew who that was. Distancing myself from the girls, I groaned."Father, how many times do I need to tell you to wait for my approval before entering my room" Father gasped upon seeing me in my white dress. "You look so beautiful" I rolled my eyes. "Don't change the subject, father" "I have told you countless of times, Katherine that as Alpha Jethro; your rules doesn't apply to me. They might apply to your brother or your friends but not to me" "Father!" "Fine!" Father spurs out. "Today is the mating ceremony of my only daughter so forgive me if I was a little impatient" A slow smile spread across my lips. Turning over to my friends, I asked them to give father and I some room."You guys can head on. Father and I will meet you there" "Okay" When alone, I moved into my father's arms hugging him ever so tightly. "It's just a mating ceremony, father. We'll still be living under the same pack house" "I know but--" "Today is supposed to be a happy day, father" I hushed, refraining from him. "Let's just think happy thoughts" "You're right" Father agrees. "Let's just think happy thoughts as it is a special day" "Now" I throw my elbow out at father. "Shall we get going?" Father hooks his hands in my elbow. "This isn't how it's supposed to be but who cares?" I laughed as Father and I exit my room, heading to the place where the mating ceremony would hold. The way out pack celebrates the mating ceremony was just like a wedding ceremony with the usual dressings, bridmaids, bestman and all that. The only difference was that at the end of this ceremony; rather than Castro and I sharing a kiss, he would have to mark me as his. The sheer thought of that made excitement course through my veins and equally Fera, my wolf was just as excited. "Finally!" Fera whoops bouncing up and down, rolling around in circles and wagging her tail. "It's finally happening, Katherine!" It finally is, Fera. From today, a new chapter in my life would begin and I couldn't wait for it. When we'd reached the place where the mating ceremony was to be held, I placed my hands over the door handle--not pulling it yet-- because I had a feeling that father wasn't still ready to let me go. After two minutes had passed, I assumed father was now ready to let me go. "Here goes nothing" Pulling at the door knob, the door slowly opened with a wide smile plastered on my face. Faster than I could blink, a sword flashed across father's neck as his head fell to the ground with a loud thud. His blood stained my white dress and before I could let out a scream of fright, the sword was pointed at my neck. "I thought I'd prepare you a surprise for our mating ceremony" Castro says with a smirk plastered on his face. Looking behind him, I see a pool of blood on the floor with a wide range of people that had already been slaughtered by him. Not one person who was present for the mating ceremony was alive. He had eradicated everyone in the royal house along with his armies behind him. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I see the lifeless bodies of Kayla, Jezzy and Eliza. It was hard to believe that just earlier I had told them their turn would come. It was hard to believe that just earlier they were gushing over 'this' Castro. Following my gaze, Castro inquired. "So? How do you like your gift? I made sure to go easy on them especially"

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