Chapter 3

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Present day I woke up with a start, covered in sweat. My chest heaved, and it felt like it was hard to even breathe when I realized I just had another episode of a nightmare, reliving that horrible day all over again. This has happened occasionally for the past four years. It seemed like I would never move on from that day ever in the future. I sighed and pulled myself into a sitting position. The bed creaked under my weight, and I made a face at that. Seriously, for the money that I am paying, they should at least provide me with a better bed than this. I think sleeping on the floor will be far more comfortable than this. Shaking my head to myself, I looked to the side at my laptop and looked at the stock prices, debating if I should buy more stocks. It does look like a good time to buy now... I went ahead and purchased some stocks with the money I made last week before shutting the laptop close and shoving it into the bag my mother had given me. I put the bag on the desk again and then threw my legs off the uncomfortable bed, dying to take a shower. After the quick shower, I went to get my small duffel bag and took out the other outfit that I owned. It was a pair of baggy pants and an oversized hoodie. I put it on without thinking much and grabbed my phone on my way our from the crappy room. "Dude, can you at least change the bedsheets? It has been a week since the sheets got changed, " I asked the receptionist. He nodded at me, seeming to be irritated that I even talked to him. I sighed and walked out of the motel and went to grab a breakfast at the local restaurant. I sat by myself at the restaurant and waited for my order to be served. My eyes scanned around the area and found a young girl looking at me, her eyes wide with curiosity. I looked away, not wanting to make any friends while I was in this town. I liked this town better than the other towns that I have been to. People minded their own business here and rarely asked me anything unnecessary. It made my stay easier. I hoped I could stay another week or so, but people were starting to notice my presence there. In only a matter of time, they will try to be my friend. I have to leave before that happens. For the past four years, I have managed to live a nomadic life. It was hard in the beginning when I had no clue on how to survive this cruel world alone without my parents, but I had no other choice. I had to whether I liked it or not. My mother had provided a few wads of cash in that bag along with a couple of bank cards where she had credited hefty amounts of money into the account for me to use during this tough time. She also wrote a few letters for me and kept it in that bag along with necessary documents. That only meant one thing. She always had the bag ready because there was no way she could've managed to pack up all these things in a hurry that day. She knew our time together was limited, and she tried everything in her power to make good use of the time we had. It was me who didn't understand what she was doing at that time. There isn't a day that had passed without me regretting all the harsh things I said to my mother. I didn't know why I was always moody at that time. Probably, I was going through some kind of hormonal imbalance back then. I was only a teenager. "Here you go, dear" The middle aged woman placed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me, effectively bringing me back to the present from my wandering thoughts, "I hope you enjoy the meal" She said cheerfully to which I only nodded in acknowledgement. I thought she would leave me alone after serving my food just like she did for the past weeks, but she stood there, rooted to the spot. I looked up at her again, "Yes?" I asked. What did she want? "No, I have been seeing for you for a couple of weeks now and I wondered if you have recently moved to this town" She said, "There is a place that I know and they sell decent clothes and a cheaper price" She added, probably having noticed that I keep wearing the two sets of clothes on repeat. I think this was my cue to leave the town as possible. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I smiled at her and shook my head, "No, I am actually leaving the town soon," I said, making her smile drop. "Ah, that is a shame, dear." She sighed and walked away from there, leaving me alone to eat my food. It is not that I don't want to make friends. I just can't risk getting attached to anyone when I move around town to town in my attempt to keep away from the werewolves. My thoughts went back to the time I agreed to suppress my wolf. Adam said it would take four to six years to regain my wolf again after the ritual if I was not mistaken. It has been four years since I ran away from my pack, and I had no signs of my wolf returning to me. I didn't know if I should be worried or glad about that. After all, if I got my wolf back, I have to be on a constant run again. Not that I am not already on it, but I expect it to be more alarming when every werewolf can sniff on my aura and scent if I am a wolf. I also wondered if anyone else survived in my pack after that night. My heart screamed for me to go back to my pack to see if there was someone I could trust there, but I held back myself. It is not safe there. Or anywhere else for me. I sighed and finished my food without paying much attention to it. I paid for it and walked out of the restaurant to visit the local convenience store to get some toiletries before going back to that awful motel. I went into the room and groaned when I realized they hadn't changed the bedsheets yet. I quickly packed my belongings and double-checked the room if I had left anything behind before stepping out of it. I went to the receptionist, "I have stayed her for the past three weeks and four days. I paid for four weeks, though, " I said, getting his attention. "You can't ask for a refund once you have paid. I thought we made that clear, " He said, his eyes narrowing on me. This was one of the downside of living in a motel like this. I had to endure the lack of comfort and also the lack of hospitality. "I wasn't going to ask for a refund. I was simply making sure that you are aware of the fact that I don't owe you any money. " I could've easily stayed in a better hotel. I had the money for it. I managed to make more money out of the money my mother had originally given me, but I can't risk being noticed. Especially when I don't know who the enemy is. I walked away from the with my bags and headed towards the railway station. I chose a random town off the map and paid for the ticket before boarding the train. I don't know for how long I have to live a life like this. It doesn't feel like I belonged anywhere. I took out my phone and looked down at the picture of my parents. I missed them so much. Sometimes, I can't help but think that it was my fault that they got killed in the first place. If I was not so special... I shook my head, not wanting to think about it now. There is no use of it anymore. It won't bring back my parents or anything. It will only result in heartache. I sighed and fluttered my eyelids close but then I realized I can't even sleep in peace when I am out here in public. I kept my eyes wide open throughout the train ride, taking solace with the paranomic views as the train kept moving forward. I don't know what type of life or people awaited for me in this new town but I hoped it will be a smooth stay there. I looked up in my phone to see if they had any decent motel in that region. I booked a room for three weeks before putting the phone away. I also hoped that there was no werewolf territory nearby to that town.
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