Chapter 4

1849 Words
I arrived in Dawson City in the early morning and immediately fell in love with the beautiful scenery. I took a cab to get to the motel, taking in the sight that the city has to offer. I smiled to myself, feeling a slight twinge of bittersweet moment. This city would be a dream to live in for me, but I knew I had to leave the city in about three weeks. Therefore, I can't get used to it too much. The people here looked welcoming, too. I received a few smiles here and there as I made my way to the motel despite me being a new face here. I stepped into a modern themed motel and went to the receptionist who had a pleasant smile on her face. "Hi," She sang, "Welcome to Oakwood Motel. Do you have a reservation?" It was hard not to smile back at her innocent face, but I resisted it, "Yeah. I do, " I said, showing the screen of my phone to her room in an attempt to avoid talking too much. "I see," She said, typing on her laptop. "It says you're planning to stay here for about three weeks. Do you mind telling me the purpose of your visit?" She asked and watched my facial expression turn sour, "Oh, it is our city's policy for safety purposes. " "I am just travelling," I said curtly, "I like to go to new places and explore around." I added. She nodded at me and typed that information in before giving me a card, "The room is on the second floor. There is a small elevator here, but it can only fit one person at a time. If you are in the rush, you can take the stairs on the other side. " She pointed at the stairs. I nodded at her, "Thanks." I started towards the elevator when I heard her clear her throat. I froze in my steps and looked over my shoulder at her, waiting. She flashed me a sheepish smile, "Since you said you liked exploring, there are a few local tourist guides down the street. Just thought of letting you know, " She informed me. I nodded again before stepping into the compact elevator. I was impressed with the interior of the motel and its facilities for the price I am paying. I stepped into the room and couldn't hold back the smile anymore. It was my best stay in four years. The bed looked comfy and smelled fresh like they had just changed it. I put my belongings on the desk and went to flop my back on the bed, loving how the mattress felt against my sore back. Seriously, why can't other motels in the country be like this? It would have been much easier for people like me. My eyelids started to get heavy instantly as a result of not sleeping a wink for the past sixteen hours, and I did not fight back the darkness, embracing the slumber. When I woke up again, it was late in the afternoon. I took a quick shower before heading out to get some food and explore the city. The polite receptionist was still at the counter, and she waved at me as I walked past her. I reluctantly waved back at her before stepping out. Ah, it will be a little hard for me to act ignorant with this receptionist. She looked so young and I didn't have the heart to make her feel hurt in any way. The city was quiet yet lively. I could see a few kids playing at the playground and a few grocery stores across the street. People were smiling whenever we accidentally made eye contact. It was nice but no, I shouldn't get used to this. Apparently, there was a river nearby and it was very famous. I could see green everywhere, and it reminded me of my pack. We had thick forests similar to the one here as well. Me and my parents loved running around the forest, chasing each other... Maybe that is the reason why I liked Dawson City the moment I stepped down from the train.Because it reminded me of my home. The longing in my heart intensified to the point that it started to bring heartache. I sighed and went into one of the restaurants. I ordered the first thing on the menu and waited for my food patiently. I noticed a few heads turning my way in interest, but I kept my hoodie up so they wouldn't get so curious. "I haven't seen you around here before." One of the guys in the restaurant said, "Are you new here?" He asked. I shook my head, "Just passing by," I said in a small voice, tilting my head to the side so they wouldn't be able to see my face. I knew how these types of guys behave. They mean trouble. I hoped he wouldn't press me with any more questions, but it doesn't seem like he took the hint. His friends are probably dumber than him. Instead of asking their friend to shut the hell up, they started to whistle loudly and catcalling me. I guess not everyone in this city is nice. "You can come and sit with us," the other man said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him, "Thanks for your offer, but I'll pass," I grumbled, clenching and unclenching my fists. Another reason why I didn't like talking with people around me is that I get ticked easily. I may not have my wolf with me anymore but that doesn't mean I can control my temper when I get provoked. "Oh, don't be like that, sweetie." He chuckled as if he had said something funny, "We haven't seen many new faces here, so it will be refreshing to -" "I said I didn't want to, right?" I snapped at him in a sharp tone, lifting my icy cold gaze to him, "I thought you looked old enough to understand that, " I muttered loud enough for him to hear. I realized the lively restaurant had gone deadly quiet under a split second. I squeezed my eyes shut in irritation when it dawned upon me what I had done. I had attracted unwanted attention to me and now everyone in the restaurant was looking at me. I counted to ten in my head and parted my eyelids again to look at the jerk who made me angry. The man's face became blank before his eyes hardened in fury. He looked somewhat ashamed, maybe because he just got scolded in public, but he was the one to blame. He glared back at me with equal hatred while his group of friends exchanged meaningful looks amongst themselves. I continued to glare daggers at that man until he broke our eye contact. I was glad that he was the first one to look away. I felt a sense of victory wash over me. I half expected him to continue bothering me, but he didn't. Instead, that whole group of useless men left after that, but I thought I saw him giving me one final look before exiting the restaurant. I didn't think much of it at that time. I was too hungry to care about that. Thankfully, my food got served, and I was immensely relieved with their prompt service because once I am done eating, I can go back to my motel room and stay there till nightfall or until I get hungry again. That way, I don't have to talk to people. I sighed and started to dig into my food, appreciating the divine taste of it. It has been some time since I had good food as well. Since I am always travelling from place to place, I learned to get my taste buds gets used to all types of flavours. I ate pretty much everything without a complaint. I smiled to myself once my stomach felt full and chugged down a glass of water. I paid for the food and quietly made my way out of the restaurant. I felt a few eyes on me as I walked out, but I did not acknowledge it. I ventured the city on my foot, memorising the routes and important places to help my next three weeks here comfortable. There were plenty of restaurants here, along with convenience stores. The facilities in this city were impressive. They had it all. I was really impressed with whoever was in charge of this city because this meant a lot of hard work. I happened to come across a bookstore while I was on my way back to the motel, and I couldn't help myself but buy a couple of books. I rarely bought anything other than necessities but I allowed myself this time. It will be nice to read these books by the river. I went back to my motel room after that. There was someone else sitting behind the reception desk, and I didn't even bother looking at him as I headed to my room. I went straight to my bed and flopped on it, basking in the moment. Who knows how my next bed would feel when I leave this city... I might as well enjoy every moment that I get to have with this bed. It felt heavenly. I switched on my laptop and checked on the stock prices, smiling at myself when I knew I had made the right decision yesterday by buying new stocks. I sighed and folded it close, putting it away. I looked at the curtain and jumped to my feel. I wanted to see what view I had in this room, so I drew the curtains away to reveal the most beautiful sunset I have ever witnessed. The sky was breathtaking. I stared at the sky in awe, at a complete loss for words to describe it. I guess Lady Luck was on my side when I decided to come here this time. I couldn't see the whole city from here but I can make out where the river was. I decided to go there tomorrow to enjoy the breeze and read my novels. I looked at the side to see a coffee mug and a small kettle along with instant coffee packets. I made myself a mug of steaming coffee under two minutes and stood by the window to enjoy the moment. It was one of the best moments I had in the last four years. I don't know why but deep inside, I felt a sense of tranquility within myself. It wasn't there for the last four years. I was always experiencing a turbulent of emotions all the time. Especially when I am alone in a random room at night but tonight, it felt different. It felt easier to... breathe. Yeah, that's how it felt. Maybe it was the atmosphere of this city. I made a mental note to come back to the city after this. Maybe in a year or two.
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