Chapter 6

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" Ryder man come here" my head snaps up from the poker game I was playing with a group of guys. Jase is stood near the doors waving me forward " Sorry gents , I fold" and throw my cards into the middle of the table. They start to piss and moan at me about leaving a game half way through,  but I don't bite I just keep my face stotic . With a hint of don't f**k with me , as I male my way through the smokey room that was like a constant thick fog lingering in the air. " Whats up" I ask when I get close , jase is grinning at me like a mad man. I notice his pupils are like pin pricks and wide. He was high as a kite,  he punches my arm and bounces on his heel like a giddy child. ' What?" I snap again and he laughs , f**k his jase was annoying as s**t. " The boss man wants a word with you , we've got an assignment dude ". My heart stutters a little , but I don't show it. The excitement that I was getting closer making me grin internally. On the outside though I just nod my head once " Let's go then ". Jase rolls his eyes at me and mutters " always so serious " he spins on his heel walking backwards so he's looking at me. " We need to unwind you man , take some of the good stuff with me. Then after we see Rupaul we will go find some girls man". He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at me . I'm already shaking my head no " You no I don't take that s**t , I'm not willing to leave myself defenseless like that. Plus who'd take care of your arse if I was in the clouds too ". He halts in his track you can actually see the cogs turning " s**t yea yea ,you stay sober so I can get f****d up " he laughs setting off walking again. To be honest Jase and I really got on ever if I was Carter we wod get on. But I know if he knew I was Carter not Ryder he'd kill me dead no second thoughts. Its a shame really he really was someone I could be friends with outside of all this drama. " So what does Rupaul want again ?" I ask him. We head up the steps from the basement on the club where I'd been playing on the tables. The bass loud music gets louder the more we climb. " He said he had a job for me and you , something to do with a shipment. He wants us by the Docs or something as security for whatever the shipment is. s**t man I wasn't listening properly it's why I said wait up I'll go get my man. You pay attention to every detail man , got some sort of photograph memory or whatever that shits called ". He waves a had over his shoulder at me , then pushes the black double doors that leads to the club. This club belong to Rupaul,  I'm not prude I've been to Uncle Jaydens club The Vixen. Obviously not on nights they was in , that s**t would be gross. But I hated Rupauls club , sick s**t went off here. Not all consensual either , the victims from the rings would be fetched here if they matched Rupauls type. He was a sadistic f**k. Upstairs to the club was the auctions rooms,  it was a four level building if you include the basement. Casino , club , auctions and entertaining the rich. Them the fourth well I wasn't sure it was heavily secure. Also kept under wraps,  to whatever it was. Heading across the room,I keep my eyes focused on my target . Men with girls and boys just barley legal ball gagged and chained to the floor at sick fuckers feet , na I didn't want to see that. I'd looked before not again , faces void of emotion eyes dead. Just a breathing corpse most of them now,  most of them with bruises gashes or heavily scarred. Yea this organisation was f*****g vile. It makes me realise why Une Jayden can live with all the other s**t he does aslong as it wasn't this , never this. Rupaul was sat in the VIP section men and women fawning all over him. The bouncer lets us past , his dar eyes look up at us and dance with delight. The music was still loud but somehow muted some in this area , probably so he could here his own voice. " Ahhh my two rising stars " he claps his hands together. He motions us over and points at two stools. Taking a seat I can my eyes on him not the girl he clicks his fingers at and she automatically , gets to her knees. Unbuttoning his trouser and starts to please him. He sneers down at her rolling his eyes , he clicks his fingers again and another girl drops down. He looks back up at us , " I need you two to go to the docks 1 am in the morning a ship will pull in and unload a crate , I need you to empty the crate into a lorry and fetch it to the loading  bay at back of the club . I'll be sending some other guys with you aswell" . He stops talking his attention goi g to both the girls at his lap. His dark eyes flick back upto me. They harden " don't f**k this up Ryder , we don't allow second chances around here. You bail your dead , you f**k up your dead , you got me. You'll be watched". He waves his hand dismissing us. Jase whistles low " He must think something of you man ". I look at him like he's lost his damm mind his could the guy like me he just threatened to off me twice. Jase laughs as we head outside past the bouncers on the door. " He don't warn folk Ryder, just has you wat has and popped off. For him to tell you he has high hopes for you ". That didn't make sense to me , hase fishes his keys out of his picket as we head into the carpark. He throws them at me " I'm too wired you drive " he says in explanation.  We get into his car me slipping  into the drivers. " what do you recon this shipment is ?" I ask. Jase fishes his cigarettes out of his pocket , rolling down the window and lighting one. He inhales deep blowing the smoke out the window as I back the car up . " f**k knows man could be anything g knowing him , we will sure as s**t find out in an hour ". We both fall silent as u speed tbeough the streets ,it was already midnight. The assignment left u till last minute to be handed to us. Less chance for a squad to get together if any of us was narks I suppose. It was smart no idol chit chat where someone can over here , or somone talks to someone next thing the whole things busted. Need to know until , you definitely need to know . It's one thing I did notice rupaul was smart as f**k. Tonight I knew I was under the microscope one false move or reaction and its goodnight for me. I'd been trained to not show emotion,  I had a feeling I'd need today. Of course I was right one hour later , the ship docked a crane unloaded the cargo carrier container. When we had arrived there was ten other men and a large lorry waiting for us. Rupauls right hand man , Quinton was there waiting. He'd eyed me up and down his face stotic, I'd only met him twice both times he gave off he didn't like me, or didn't trust me. He was edgy , impulsive and dangerous I had no doubt about that. I knew he was the one to watch , if I would have anyone find me out I already knew it to be him. " Gather round we load these fast and quietly by all means necessary. Don't kill them though they are needed and they are potentially worth a fortune " . He's stood In front of the crate doors and my stomach fills with acid his words alone tell me all I need to know. When the doors open and around seventy praise of eyes look our way. I feel like throwing up , my heart beats crazily and I feel ill to my stomach. They all look of age , I noticed that about Rupal they was always of age. But that's all he seems to gave limits on. On the outside I know I'll have not flinched bot looked away, my breathing won't have altered not even a tad. When movement around me starts to happen I move. I feel a pair of eyes fixated onto me. Quinton he's eyeing me , his arms crossed as he leans against the crate lighting up a cigarette. I stare straight back unflinching " here ryder take this one " Jase pushes a girl my way. She stumbles and falls and I move quickly to catch her. I grip her arms hard , she stares up at me platinum blonde hair green eyes almost like. No i won't say it. Keep it together Carter , s**t I couldn't think of her not now. I throw the girl over my shoulder her kicking and screaming. I don't put her down or loosen my grip,  just keep walking and hand her over to the man in the lorry. I couldn't save her now,  bot any of them. Her face I'd remenber though , when the time came when I ripped all this s**t apart. I'd explain why I couldn't help now I just hope, that she wasn't already too messed up by the time that happens. I head back to get another,  wanting to be out of here sharpish.
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