Chapter 32

2034 Words

" Ermm where's the bathroom ?" Rupaul opens his eyes to point in the direction of where it is , his head falling back into the pillows. Carter's eyes don't move off me though , even though I'm not looking at him I can feel them burning into me. I felt ashamed so f*****g ashamed , I'd well every minute had made me feel so f*****g alive. I could blame the drugs we'd been slipped,  but same as in the red room that night. I felt they'd just freed me up to have the courage to be who I was on the inside. Revel in the stuff I craved , the things that haunted me at night when I use to lay in Carter's chest and think why this sweet boy wasn't enough. I craved the darker things in life , not the drugs or death or anything like that. But s*x and things people belive are taboo I didn't want to be t

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