Chapter 3

422 Words
(The next day) Alex is still not coming home I wonder when will he come back. I washed my face and eat my breakfast because I was going to the hospital today. I arrived at the hospital now. I'll go to Doc. Brian's office now. ---- "Accept the treatment as soon as possible. It gets increasingly dangerous the longer you delay it." He said "I.... I'm pretty scared of the pain you know... Especially now that I'm all alone by myself. I will not be able to handle the pain." I said I don't want to bother hannah or alex by it. "So please prescribe more medicine for me, I will consider it for a little longer. "Sigh~" "Doctor. Scott, my nosebleeds are happening less frequently, but my fever are getting more intense. I almost thought that I wouldn't be able to pull through." I said "You're my patient, if you go through with the treatments, I'll be there for you." "Its no big deal. You must always hold onto form of hope in life right?" He said "I will think about it" I said "Alright. You can go get you medicine." He said "Thank's Doctor Scott" "Wait Take this with you." "Don't let your mind wander around when you're all by your-self, pick up a new hobby for example raising flowers" He said "Thanks doctor but I don't have any in raising flowers...." I said "Raising flowers isn't a hard task, I'm more hoping that you would quickly agreed with me to begin arranging for your treatment. Once you are better, my flowers will be looked after better" He said "Alright then." "I'm going now, Doc. scott. Thanks for the medicine" I said then I leave --- When I got home I looked after the flower Doc. scott gave me. Will alex coming home tonight? I guess not. Aghh it's beginning to hurt again..... I'll go take the medicine Doc. scott gave Aghh it really painful ---- I see the book alex gave me when we were in high school. I take it and go to the living room and read it When I'm reading it I suddenly remembered the day he gave me this book that was when he said he like me 'I heard from others that you love reading history books so... I hope that you will love this book and love me too!" He said that to me while giving me this book. You haven't been home for 5 weeks alredy.... Just when are you going home?
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