1109 Words

Lexie My Monday started out like any other Monday. Anne was gone by the time I was getting up and getting ready for work. Like every day last week, I fought through the morning sickness that was brought on by the smells of people in the building cooking. Thankfully today, I made it out the door and outside without throwing up. If I am lucky, I will be able to make it through the day without throwing up. But so far, Iron's trick of siping on ginger ale was helping. He said Jax had told him that's what his old lady would drink when she was experiencing morning sickness. And I have to say so far I would agree that it helps a good amount. Climbing in my car, I made my way to work. As I drove, I could have sworn I heard a motorcycle, but I never saw one. Shrugging it off, I figured it was jus

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