Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 Han Sen returned to his room, raised the furnace flame, poured a pot of water, and threw the God Blood Black Beetle's claws and shells into it. Now Han Sen has no tools and no other methods. He can only use the most primitive method to process God Blood Black Beetle's outer shell and cook the Gene Essence inside. God Blood Grade's outer shell, not one or two hours to cook the essence, Han Sen covered the lid, then took out the black crystal, take it in your hands and watch it carefully. But it seems that I can't see any clues. Suddenly, Han Sen's eyes glimpsed a civet-sized Green-scaled Beast in the corner cage of the room, in the heart slightly moving. Green-scaled Beast, like Black Beetle, is an ordinary creature. Han Sen has been preying on Green-scaled Beast and brought it back to cook to increase his gene. However, after Green-scaled Beast had eaten more, the gene was no longer added, and the remaining Han Sen was lazy to eat again, leaving it forgotten, and didn't expect to be alive. After grabbing the distiredted Green-scaled Beast from the cage, Han Sen hesitated, and the black crystal in his hand was sent to the mouth of Green-scaled Beast, ready to be stuffed. Who knows that the dying Green-scaled Beast saw the black crystal, and did not know where the strength came from. Unexpectedly opened his mouth and spit out a roll of his tongue. He simply rolled the black crystal into his mouth and slammed it into his stomach. “This black crystal stone is a bit magical!” Han Sen looked at dumbstruck and found that Green-scaled Beast swallowed the black crystal. It seemed to be a lot better. The body also had some strength, and the four claws clenched. He turned his head and wanted to bite Han Sen's hand holding his neck. Han Sen threw the Green-scaled Beast into the cage and watched the Green-scaled Beast carefully. I saw the Green-scaled Beast that had not been eaten for many days. Unexpectedly completely recovered the vitality and smashed it inside the cage. It was Han Sen who was just full of vitality and wild nature when he just got back from the wild. Han Sen sits opposite the cage and observes the Green-scaled Beast's every move in the cage. In the heart, there is a faint speculation. If the guess is true, maybe he really got something that is more than a god- Blooded creature is something crazy. However, Han Sen is afraid that his own guess is wrong. He can only stare at Green-scaled Beast, and he can see the changes he desires from his body. Han Sen was too nervous, and he didn't know how long he had watched the eyes until the scent of the soup in the pot. He felt a hunger in his stomach and the stomach was empty. Looking at the time, it was almost twenty-four hours. Han Sen quickly got up and went to see the Black Beetle shell inside the pot. I saw that the golden outer shell had been stewed and turned into a light golden, and the soup was pan. With the luster of the golden and the scent of the nose, Han Sen, who had already had nothing in his stomach, couldn't help but swallow. I was about to take the bowl of soup, and suddenly heard the sound of the iron bar breaking in the cage of Green-scaled Beast. Han Sen quickly turned around and saw Green-scaled Beast biting off an iron in the cage. The head has been stretched out from the inside. The light green scale outside the original body, at this time unexpectedly all turned into ink green, and the teeth are also sharp and sharp, the peaks of the four claws are like iron hooks, just to be drilled out of the cage. Han Sen was surprised and happy. He pulled out the dagger inserted in his waist and rushed to the front of the cage in two steps. The a blade thorns into the lower abdomen of the Green-scaled Beast stuck in the head, stirring a few times, Green- Scaled Beast struggled for a while, then there was no movement. "Hunt and Kill Primitive Grade creature Green-scaled Beast , Beast Soul not obtained , edible primitive Green-scaled Beast flesh , can be 0 0 10 points Primitive Gene ." The strange sound rang in Han Sen's mind, leaving Han Sen to be there. “Primitive Grade Green-scaled Beast…Primitive Grade’s Green-scaled Beast…That crystal really makes these creatures evolving…” Han Sen was immediately shocked by the great joy and did not know what reaction to have. After a long time, Han Sen jumped out and used the dagger to cut the belly of Green-scaled Beast and smashed the crystal of the size of the pigeon egg. He also took care of the bloody belly and took it in his hand. I kissed two and then wiped it clean. It seems to be a treasure in general. "The God Blood Black Beetle really is because this crystal has become God Blood Grade…If you continue to make Green-scaled Beast evolve continuously, can it also be Evolution to become God Blood Grade…"Han Sen barely dared to think about it, because it was so amazing. Han Sen's excited hand holding crystal was shaking, ruthlessly biting his tongue, and screaming and discovering that it was not a dream. After a long excitement, Han Sen carefully collected the crystal, and then sipped the outer shell soup stewed in the pot, and kept one point God Blood gene, making Han Sen's God Blood gene It has reached eight points. There is no way, Han Sen has only the simplest tool, using this primitive method, can not completely squeeze out the Gene Essence in the outer shell, can increase one point God Blood gene has been very good. When Han Sen remembered his own Hunt and Kill God Blood Black Beetle, he also got a God Blood Grade Black Beetle Beast Soul and quickly went to see the information. Han Sen: No Evolution. Rank: None Life essence :200. God Physique evolution requirement :gene One hundred points. Have gene: seventy-nine gene, eight-point God Gene. Possessed Beast Souls: God Blood Grade Black Beetle. God Blood Grade Black Beetle Beast Soul : Armor-Type. "I don't know what the armor of God Blood Black Beetle transformed into will look like?" Han Sen's mind was moved, and only a golden light shadow flew out of the void, which was exactly what the golden Black Beetle looked like. I saw that the Golden Black Beetle flew over Han Sen's chest, and the liquid-facing Han Sen's, which suddenly turned into golden, spread all over the body. Just in a blink of an eye, Han Sen's whole body was wrapped with hair. The streamlined Golden Armor, full of explosive strength and impact, encases Han Sen's entire body, like the Gothic European ancient armor with modern aerodynamic craftsmanship, which looks like art. The entire armor is full of power and speed, and the majestic and majestic Han Sen's whole body, as if the body is full of explosive strength. And that twinkling with metal luster, it seems to be the golden outer shell, gorgeous and solid texture, if it is a fierce look, there are some like Golden Saint Seiya's Gold Cloths. The difference with Gold Cloths is that this Beast Soul Armor wraps Han Sen's head and body in it, with only a few gaps in the joints, similar to Black Beetle itself, which is also Black Beetle Beast Soul The only weakness of transformed into armor. Han Sen had a little activity, not only did he feel that he was burdened and obstructed, but he felt that the body seemed to be light and the body was full of vitality. "It's the armor of the God Blood Grade Beast Soul transformed into, which I often see in the Steel Armor Sanctuary. The armor of the Primitive Grade Beast Soul transformed into is gorgeous." Han Sen in the heart is ecstatic. He used to see the armor wearing the Primitive Grade Beast Soul transformed into. He never imagined that one day he could unexpectedly be able to observe a God Blood Grade Beast Soul Armor.
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