

magical world
high-tech world
another world
special ability

The future unfolded on a magnificent scale into the Interstellar Age. Humanity finally solved the space warp technology, but when humanity transported themselves into the other end, they discovered that place neither had a past nor future, nor was there any land under the starry skies……

The mysterious sanctuary was actually a world filled with countless tyrannical unusual organisms. Humanity faced their great leap in evolution, starting the most glorious and resplendant new era under the starry skies.

“Slaughtered the God Blood organism ‘Black Beetle’. Received the God Blood Black Beetle’s Beast Soul. Used the God Blood Black Beetle’s flesh. Randomly obtaining 0 to 10 points of God Gene(s).”

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 The mountain stream creekside, a black-clothed juvenile man, pressed a shell to reveal a metallic luster, long like a crab, and some like Rhinoceros Beetle's Carapace. The black-clothed juvenile holds the dagger in the other hand. Lisuo's self-concern cuts off the beetle's still struggling claws and picks up the outer shell to reveal the white flesh. Almost without any hesitation, black-clothed teenagers like to eat crabs, first the meat in the claws sucked out, and then together with the large pieces of tender meat into the mouth to chew a few, then directly swallow into the "Hunt and Kill Black Beetle, Beast Soul not obtained, edible Black Beetle, can be obtained at random 0~10 points gene." "edible Black Beetle, gene +0." The strange sound sounded in Han Sen's mind, and a series of information was also vividly present in his mind. Han Sen: No Evolution. Rank: None Life essence: 200. God Physique evolution requirement :gene One hundred points. Have gene: seventy-nine point gene. Possessed Beast souls: none. "There have been more than 30 Black Beetles that have not given me any gene. It seems that I have too many Black Beetle worms. The worms can no longer promote my Fleshly Body Evolution. Unexpectedly even one point gene is not available. In this way, I will be able to complete the first time evolution, obtain level in what year and month."Han Sen has a depressed face. Humans reached a very high level more than a hundred years ago, and finally mastered the space transmission technology, but when humans tried to transmit, they appalled that they were not transmitted back to the past and were not transmitted. To the future. It can't even be transferred from one planet to another, at the other end of the space transmission channel, a completely different world. A world that humans can't imagine at all. In this world, all technological methods have lost their functions. Submachine guns are not as useful as a steel knife in this world; various missiles and nuclear weapons cannot explode in this world, and There is no difference in a pile of scrap iron; all kinds of machinery and electronic equipment are completely inoperable in this world. Various terrifying creatures are rampant in this world, and humans who stood at the top of the food chain because of the wisdom and technological strength have become the weakest chickens at the bottom of the food chain. However, when humans in this world killed some relatively weak creatures and ate their flesh, they were surprised to find that their physical body unexpectedly produced earth-shaking changes in a science-unexplained style. What makes humans surprise is that in this world, with the evolution of the body, their lifespan has also increased, and this discovery has shocked the entire human race. In the next more than 100 years, more and more humans enter this world, known as "God's Sanctuary" by humans, and gradually become acquainted with the world rule, Hunt and Kill to prey on the world's creature, Ev among Olution own physical body , fleshly body Evolution The higher the degree, the longer the life, theoretically if you can always evolve continuously, even if you want to longevity not old is not impossible things. In this world among, technology methods are completely useless. The only thing that can help human beings is the most primitive fighting skills. The ancient martial techniques that were completely degraded in modern society have never been unexpected in this world. Effect. Various ancient martial techniques have been redeveloped, and after more than one hundred years of inheritance and development, a new martial arts genre has been formed, and various new Ancient Martials have also emerged. In addition to Ancient Martial outside, God's Sanctuary also has a kind of strength that gives great help to humans, that is, Beast Soul. Hunt and Kill God's Sanctuary's creature has a chance to observe the creature's Beast Soul, Beast Soul is used by humans, its shape is strange, some Beast Soul can be directly summoned to fight for humans, and some Beast Soul can be turned into armor Objects such as weapon. In addition, some Beast Soul can even help human transform, let humans change into terrifying giant beast, or God Bird flying between the world, or insect ants that can penetrate the ground. Both Ancient Martial and Beast Soul have little to do with Han Sen. Even if in the technological society, advanced science and technology are also in the hands of a few people. Han Sen completed the integrated compulsory education and graduated into God's Sanctuary at the age of sixteen. All he learned was the entry-level new Ancient Martial. As for the Beast Soul, it is expensive, and even if the lowest order Beast Soul is not a cheap one, Han Sen can buy it. Without the powerful Ancient Martial, without the help of Beast Soul, and even the high Grade alloy weapon that can't afford humans, Han Sen is struggling in God's Sanctuary, only Hunt and Kill some low-order creatures, eating their flesh Evolution's own physical body. However, the low-end flesh has eaten a lot, and the effect on the Fleshly Body Evolution is getting lower and lower, so that Han Sen has been in God's Sanctuary for more than three months and still can't complete a Fleshly Body Evolution . Han Sen didn't try the powerful features of Hunt and Kill, but even the weakest Primitive Grade creature Copper-tooth Beast almost came to Han Sen's life, allowing him to recuperate for nearly a month before returning to God's Sanctuary. Now Han Sen has already eaten the low-level creatures of his nearby Hunt and Kill, and it has no use for flesh. If you don't risk Hunt and Kill High Grade creature, you don't know where to go. Years and months can make Fleshly Body Evolution. While Han Sen was thinking about whether to try the Hunt and Kill Copper-tooth Beast again, the rest of the corner of the eye was suddenly seen as if something had climbed out of the stream of the mountain stream. Han Sen originally thought it was Black Beetle, but immediately felt that something was wrong. Black Beetle was a black shell, but what he saw in his eyes was a dazzling and brilliant golden-yellow. Han Sen gazing to the brook to climb out of things to see, is really a black Beetle, but this black Beetle and ordinary black Beetle a little different, body is so big basketball, and presents a golden color, Like a golden sculpture of art , especially a pair of eyes, like Citrine sparkling & translucent, if not carefully read, will not find it unexpectedly will be a living thing. “How is this Black Beetle so strange?” Han Sen stared at the Black Beetle, which was like a golden sculpture. During this time, he didn't know how many Black Beetles were Hunt and Kill. For Black Beetle, Black Beetle couldn't understand it. Black Beetle had poor eyesight, but his hearing was very sensitive. As long as he stayed still, even if it was close, Black Beetle didn't. May discover his existence. Han Sen stared at the weird golden Black Beetle, but didn't want the golden Black Beetle unexpectedly crawling over him. I almost didn't want to, when the golden Black Beetle climbed to Han Sen, Han Sen held the golden black Beetle's back shell in one hand, and the dagger in the other hand skillfully cut into its fragile joint aong, vertical and horizontal. Staggered six times, like moving clouds and flowing water, all the six claws of golden Black Beetle were cut cleanly. Then, as the golden black Beetle struggled to stand up, a blade penetrated into a white mark under the abdomen, stirring the dagger, and the golden Black Beetle suddenly stopped moving. "Hunt and Kill god-blooded creature Black Beetle ,obtain God Blood Black Beetle Beast Soul ,edible God Blood Black Beetle flesh ,can be obtained at random 0~10 points God Gene ."

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