Chapter 2

1344 Words
I hear people cheering but I am so not looking forward to this. I walk fallowing all the other girls into the change rooms. There are lockers everywhere and the walls are a nice pale blue. I take off my shoes while keeping my eyes on the floors. They are extremely dirty. Does anyone bother to clean in here? I continue changing, all the girls in here start whispering and begin making fun of me. They fake coughs and laugh, they even call me names like slut. I’m assuming that part was Clarissa’s doing. I am mad no I am furious! But I continue to change, I place my skinny jeans, sweater and tank top into my locker. I quickly grab my gym shorts and a new tank top and put them on. As I change into my black short shorts and white tank top that has a red heart in the center I glance around the room. Some girls stopped coughing and were texting while others kept a close watch on me. I start focusing on my long pink and black hair. What in the world am I going to do with it? I walk up to one of the mirrors on the wall and put my hair into a messy bun ignoring the others. I give myself a quick glace in the mirror I have a tiny frame I am also quite short, but my bust size is the only thing I have going for me. I consider it one of the only advantages in my appearance. I finally gain enough confidence to leave the change room and make my way out. I walk out of the change room past the basketball court and into the field. I reach the field in a few seconds and looked around. There is a fence around the school yard. No surprise really. The school wants to keep us inside their borders. Beyond the fence is a forest. I look down and notice the grass is green in small spots and brown in others. I start my laps and I can't help but notice a lot of guys checking me out because of my outfit. I could easily be imaging all this attention, but I highly doubt it. Then I start hearing people whistling I swear I can feel the wind on my back from their pointless whistling. But that can't be possible, it must be my imagination it’s the only explanation. I try to pay little to no attention to it but its hard. “Hey you!” I look over my shoulder to see the guy from lunch running beside me. “I have a name you know!” I say sarcastically. “I know.” I didn't want to answer so I try running faster but he catches up too easily. “Midnight, that was your name, right?” “Yeah…” I say looking ahead of me as I continue to run. “you feeling ok? You look a little pale.” “I’m always pale.” I say. I start to slow my down as I feel a coughing fit coming. He noticed and matched my pace. I stop running and I wish to god that he would have kept running but he didn't. “You sure your ok?” He asks. I looked away and shake my head. Shaking my head only makes me feel worse. He mumbles to himself, but I can only hear bits and pieces. “Oh god…. Cant…. Not now… Dammit!” I try to talk but I just continue to cough unable to catch my breath. I feel the rush of nausea flood through me. I reach for my throat; it feels like its being ripped to shreds. My head feels like it will explode if I try to do anything. I end up falling to my knees I know all eyes are on me which makes everything much worse. I try to stand up but fall back down. I can't hold it in any longer! I throw up all over the ground in front of me. The teacher seemed to be watching and hurries over to me. “Ms. Star are you alright?” He asks. I can’t speak. My throat is too sore, I shake my head and begin to cry. I feel so weak! Crying in front of a teacher and the class, how am I supposed to face anyone after this? The coach helps me up to my feet and begins looking around the field. I notice all the students watching my little scene. Just my luck! “Well? What are you kids staring at keep running!” Coach yelled. “Park come here.” “Sure, thing coach.” He walks over to the coach and I. It isn't a long walk since he's been with me this entire time. “I want you to take her to the nurse got it?” “Yes sir.” My day just keeps getting better! Damon picks me up without my consent and starts walking towards the school. I can't help but look back at all the students. Most of them were getting yelled at by the coach but three students stood out. I quickly look away, but I can feel them staring at us. Why are they watching us? Why is what we do any of their business? If they want to stand there looking at something, then I'll give them something to stare at. What should I do first? The best thing to do would be to start off with something small then make it into a big scene, right? I move my arms around his neck. I want to make sure he doesn’t make a bigger deal with this whole thing. I pretend to get comfortable and rest my head against his chest. I close my eyes briefly and breath in, all I can smell is his cologne. I’m fairly sure he’s wearing old spice and man it ever smells wonderful. I turn my head and spot the girls; they are extremely unhappy with my actions. I smile and the girls flip their hair over their shoulders and walk away.  “Midnight?” I look up at him afraid to speak after everything, so I nod my head slowly. "What are you doing?" He asks me. "Just getting comfortable…" I stutter. I can't let him know I was trying to make those girls jealous it would ruin everything. But I can tell him a partial truth at least it will seem slightly more believable. "Oh... OK. About what happened at lunch… They shouldn’t have treated you like that. And I should have tried harder to stand up for you. I'm don’t normally stand for that shit.” “it’s fine, I’m used to it… I'm bullied every day! Everyone hates me, I'm probably going to die by the end of the night anyways. Honestly, I’m used to it. I just really hate being me sometimes you know? I think I would rather die right now then put up with everyone’s bullshit.” We stay silent for awhile and I think about what I just said, it was the truth obviously, but it was uncalled for. He shouldn’t have to put up with my sorry ass and has no need to listen to my problems. I regret telling him that. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that..." “Don't be sorry, you have a right to feel emotions. I’m just sorry to hear that you feel like that. No one should feel like dying is the only way out.” “your right.” I laugh. “it’s stupid isn’t it? I’m in school and am thinking about dying, I’m too young for that.” He chuckles. “everyone feels down sometimes.” “I guess it’s just my turn than.” “Maybe…” I look up at him and watch his brown eyes. Something seems to be bothering him… it’s not really my business but maybe I could help him out somehow? I would be worth a shot especially after all he’s done for me thus far. “something on your mind?” “nah, just enjoying the fresh air.” He’s lying. I guess he just doesn’t want to talk about it. Can’t really blame him, I’m a total stranger who bared her soul to him. I wouldn’t want to talk to me either.
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