Chapter 7

1477 Words
***Damon’s POV*** After placing Midna in the passenger seat I make my way to the driver’s side. I need to get out here quickly, I don’t know how long she will stay down, and I don’t want to risk anything. Having a newly turned vampire wake up when we are so close to humans is just a m******e waiting to happen. And I know she would feel extremely guilty if she hurt anyone, most do. I quickly step on the gas and head towards the campus. The faster we get there the safer everyone is. As I drive through the town I hear Midna’s phone go off. I ignore it at first but it begins to go off more. I pull over and reach into her bag and grab her phone. It’s locked obviously but still I see the messages come through. All from her brother by the looks of it. Odd, and very overprotective of him. As I go to put it back into her purse it starts to ring. Can’t this all wait? I mean she can wake up at any time, and I can’t have her wake up surrounded by the scent of humans. It would be overwhelming and she could go feral. And who knows what would happen if she also had her magic. I look over to her resting face and sigh. Why did this job have to be so complicated. It should have been a quick in and out mission but no her brother had to be a problem. I look back at the phone as it starts to ring again. What kind of lie am going to tell him? She’s swimming? He will just see right through it as he will hear the car. I could say we went for a drive but than he will ask why she isn’t speaking, f*cking hell. I could just say she’s in the bathroom and left her phone in the car, just say she will call him back when she’s free, I mean that should work right? It sounds reasonable enough. Yeah that’s good, in the bathroom and will call him back. Brilliant! I look at her phone and accept the call. “Hello?” “Who is this and why did you answer my sisters phone?” “it’s Damon, Midnight is currently in the bathroom. If you’d like I can take a message and have her call you back?” “That won’t be necessary.” “OK well I’ll let her know you called.” “I know your lying Damon… I know what you are. I know what your planning. And I’m going to let you know now it won’t work.” “What are you talking about?” “Don’t play dumb blood sucker. You know exactly what I am talking about. And it would be in your best interest to put my sister on the phone now.” “She can’t make it to the phone as I already told you.” “I know she’s with you in that stupid car of yours. Now put her on.” “I’m sorry but I can’t do that.” “You already did it you?” “Look think whatever you want but I got to go.” “Don’t you dare hang up on me. You filthy blood suckers already took one sister from me your not taking my other one!” I sigh. “Your too late. She was dying I did what I had to do. And that’s that. Goodbye Jason.” “You haven’t heard the last of me you monster.” I hang up her phone and focus back on the road. So he knows about vampires, and he knows what really happened to Lilac. I don’t know what he plans to do but what ever it is we will be ready for it. Minda will finally have the chance to be happy. Lilac will have her sister back and I won’t have to deal with any of it. I get to go back to my regular schedule and forget all about their weird brother. I look back over to Midna and she is even more pale than before which is technically a great sign obviously her chest isn’t rising but she does look to be at peace. A couple more hours and we will finally be at the school. ****Midnight’s POV**** I look around me and all I see is black. No light, no color just black. The air is warm and it is incredibly silent. This must be what death is like. Complete and utter nothingness. Now it’s not as scary as you would think, being the only thing in a void of pure nothing is actually quite peaceful. No one to make fun of you no need to feel anything. No sense of time or worry. Just being surrounded in a warm nothing. I try to move forwards or at least what I think forwards would be and feel the heat increase. Slowly out in the distance I start to make out some form of color. I watch as the different shades of red and yellow dance together making beautiful blends of orange. The more I walk the colors begin to take on a shape. The closer I get the more recognizable it becomes. I watch as all the beautiful vibrant colors take on the shape of a roaring fire. With each step I begin to hear the sound of fire crackling. I hesitate for a moment. How did this get here? Where even is here? What's going on? As I start to think about this I feel the sudden urge to get closer. I take another step and soon I am directly in front of the fire. Even though I’m in front of the fire I feel the need to get closer I know I shouldn’t but I need to get closer I need to touch it, to become it. I take the last step and am now standing in the center of this mass of flames and yet I don’t feel hot, I don’t feel any kind of pain. I look around me and see a small orb of flames. I go to reach out to it when I hear a child’s laughter. And for the first time since I opened my eyes I use my voice. “Who’s there?” I wait for a response but only get soft laughter in return. “You can come out. I promise, I won’t hurt you!” “Your silly, you can’t hurt me!” “Alright, so why don’t you come on out, it will be OK.” I patiently stand there looking around to spot the young kid, but only see the ball of flames move closer. I watch in awe as it spins in place until the figure of what appears to be a Tiny child shows up inside the orb. “I’m Ember your fire.” “Well isn’t that just a silly name, Ember your fire.” “Hehe your funny, My name is Ember. I am your fire, your inner light. I’m what keeps you warm, strong, safe, I’m your kindness. I’m what makes you glow and out shine the rest.” “What do you mean?” “You are Midnight Star?” “Well yes, I believe that’s my name.” “You know you’re a witch right?” Instantly I remember what happened at the beach. “Yes.” “Good, you Midnight are from a long line of witches. The witches of the Star to be precise. Your father was the leader of the coven. But he left the practice when he met your mother.” “My Father was a witch?” “Well yeah.” “Oh…” “You Midnight are one of the most powerful witches to be born.” “How can I be so powerful when I have never even used magic until now?” “You don’t remember?” “Remember what exactly?” “Think back look back to when you were a child.” I try to recall any time where I may have used magic but can't remember a single time. "Stop thinking so hard , they blocked out your magic because you were too strong. Just let the fire warm you and it will all come back." I relax into the flames and just like that I'm brought back to when I was young. All the times my father had to stop me from going into the fire, the many times I tried to start a fire. The time our house burned down. The draw I had to the forest, the many little spells I'd make up that my father would lock away. I remember it all.

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