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Misty POV Wyatt had a pensive expression, his furrowed brow and tight lips revealing his inner turmoil. As I sat in his room, the air felt heavy with uncertainty. He hesitated, his mouth opening and closing, as if grappling with his words. Restlessly, Wyatt paced back and forth, the creaking of the wooden floorboards accompanying his agitated movements. I couldn't help but feel a knot of worry tighten in my stomach. Whatever he was about to reveal, it must be something grave for him to be so visibly nervous. Finally, he joined me on the bed, surprising me by removing his shirt. His voice barely above a whisper, he muttered an incantation. My breath caught in my throat as I watched in disbelief. A tattoo slowly materialized on his chest, its intricate design spreading down his arm. "Wyatt," I managed to utter, my hand instinctively reaching out to touch him. I was at a loss for words, overwhelmed by the realization that Wyatt had delved into the depths of dark magic, far beyond what I had ever known. It had taken hold of him, consuming his very being. Anger and frustration welled up within me, the desire to scream and berate him for what he had done, for tarnishing his soul. But my worry for him overshadowed any anger. I was concerned about what would become of him, how this darkness would shape his future. Tears welled up in my eyes, unbidden, as I struggled to control my emotions. "I-I don't know, Wyatt... why?" I stammered, my trembling hand still on him. Desperation filled my voice as I pleaded with him. "There must be a way to undo the damage you've caused. We have to find a way, Wyatt." He reached out, his hand brushing against my tear-stained face, gently wiping away the evidence of my distress. In a hushed tone, he spoke, his words laced with determination. "I won't let it consume me, I promise." Pulling me closer, he wrapped his arm around me, seeking solace in our embrace. "Please, don't hate me," he whispered, his grip tightening. "You once called me your enemy, said I was evil. And though I was never your adversary, perhaps there's truth in your words, Misty. But with you, I can be good. I want to be good." His touch moved to my wrist, his fingers tracing the mark etched upon my skin. Love and concern mingled in my heart as our lips met. In that moment, I realized that Wyatt had been hiding this pain, all in his quest to find his mother, to help me, and perhaps even others. The weight of his burdens became our shared responsibility, and though I loved him deeply, worry never ceased to linger in my thoughts. "I love you," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "I don't hate you. But I am worried about you." I strained my mind, searching for anything I could do as he held me tightly. Then, a spell came to mind - one that allowed the caster to share the pain. Though I couldn't reduce the tattoo on him, perhaps I could alleviate his burden. As he embraced me, I whispered the incantation inaudibly. He realized my intentions, and his grip on me tightened momentarily, but he wisely let me continue, knowing that interrupting the spell could cause harm. As I completed the incantation, a faint ache spread through my body, followed by a sharper pain. Leaning into Wyatt, he murmured, "No." His hold on me grew even tighter, and I felt his hand tremble against my skin. "From now on, we share the burden, so you never lose yourself," I assured him. Before I could say anything more, a sudden sound reverberated through the house. "Someone is attacking the barrier," Wyatt cursed, pulling away from me. "Stay here," he commanded. "No," I insisted, my determination unwavering. "I go with you. From now on, you must trust me to fight by your side." Wyatt took my hand, his grip firm. "Together," he affirmed, and we sprinted out of his room. Endora stood at the entrance, her face marked with weariness. "Several stronger immortals. The barrier is holding up for now, but it may not last much longer," she warned. "We will help," Wyatt said as we stood outside. The air crackled with anticipation as he led me closer to the barrier. The scent of earth and magic mingled, intensifying with each step. Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over me, causing me to collapse to my knees momentarily. "Misty," Wyatt said, his voice filled with concern. The mark on my thigh burned, a searing pain that threatened to overcome me. Wyatt swiftly picked me up, his voice chanting an incantation as he created a temporary barrier around us, shielding me from the agony. "The mark," I managed to hiss through the pain. Wyatt nodded, understanding the urgency. I knew they were trying to breach the mark on me, but we couldn't let them. "I have to stop them," I insisted. Wyatt hesitated, warning me that it could be a trap. But I knew they were tampering with the mark. "We can't let them use it against us," I insisted, my voice resolute. "I must face them and fight." As I looked beyond the barrier, I saw dark smoke billowing, the scent of burning trees filling the air. Anger surged within me, fueled by their destruction of nature. It was as if a foreign power was taking hold of me, sparking a fierce determination. My hands trembled uncontrollably as the foreign incantation poured out of my mouth, the syllables twisting and warping in a language I could not comprehend. The anger that had consumed me seemed to fuel the words, giving them an eerie potency that I had never experienced before. The ground beneath me began to quake, the earth responding to the surge of raw emotion emanating from my very being. Wyatt, stared at me with a mix of concern and fear etched across his face. His voice trembled as he desperately called out to me, pleading for me to stop. “Misty, please!” he demanded, his voice laced with urgency. But his words only served as kindling to the fire within me. The mark on my skin, a symbol of ancient power that had been placed on me against my will, burned with an intensity I had never felt before. It was in that moment of searing pain that realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. I was no longer in control of my actions, my anger had awakened something primal within me that sought to dominate my every move. The foreign powers imbued within the mark surged through my veins, a force so potent and unfamiliar that it threatened to consume me entirely. As the power coursed through my body, a strange sensation washed over me. It was as if a foreign entity had taken residence within me, demanding release. It yearned to be unleashed upon the world. The sheer strength of this untamed force was unlike anything I had ever encountered. Fear mingled with curiosity as I grappled with the overwhelming urge to let go, to surrender myself to the irresistible call of this ancient power. But deep within, a flicker of resistance remained. I knew that succumbing to this power would come at a great cost, not only to myself but to those around me. It felt as if every cell was vibrating with an electric energy, and I could feel the heat radiating from my skin. My heartbeat quickened, matching the intensity of the power flowing within me. My eyes, usually a soft shade of green, now glowed with an otherworldly brilliance. My pupils dilated, allowing more of the power’s energy to flow through me. The air around me crackled with electricity, making every hair on my body stand on end. The power seemed to guide my hand with an unseen force. I could feel its desire to be unleashed, to protect and defend against those who sought to harm us. It whispered in my ear, its voice both comforting and commanding, urging me to wield it for the greater good. “I give you permission, child of nature, for now, you may borrow this power - a power that was forced upon you, but a power you have proven you are worthy of. So, for now, it may be used to help stop those who want to abuse the power gifted from nature to become stronger, and once done, you must then return the power back to the earth,” the power spoke to me, its voice echoing in my mind. I felt like a ticking time bomb, every nerve in my body ignited with the weight of this newfound ability. “MISTY, FOCUS ON ME!” Wyatt’s voice boomed, breaking through the haze of the power’s hold on me. I could hear the fear in his voice. The world around me seemed to blur, my vision clouded with swirling colors and ethereal energy. Wyatt’s hand reached out, grasping mine with a firm grip. I could feel the strength and warmth in his touch, grounding me in reality. The sensation jolted through me, snapping me out of the trance. My heart raced, adrenaline coursing through my veins, as I refocused on Wyatt’s face. In an instant, a powerful force surged through me, akin to a volcano erupting, shattering the barrier and immobilizing our enemy. The release was both exhilarating and terrifying, a whirlwind of emotions colliding within me. Time seemed to slow down, and the world around me faded into insignificance. All that existed in that moment was the remaining power and the deafening silence that enveloped me. Then, darkness descended upon me, consuming everything in its grasp. For a fleeting moment, I stood amidst the void, disoriented and adrift in the vastness of my own mind. But soon, the darkness gave way to a mixture of colors, swirling and merging in a mesmerizing dance. It was an ethereal realm, a place where the boundaries of reality were blurred, and the essence of my being was laid bare. The mixture of hues painted the world around me, each shade representing a different facet of my emotions. Vibrant blues reflected my serenity, fiery reds mirrored my passion, and tranquil greens mirrored my determination. In this peculiar realm within my own mind, I found solace and clarity. It was a space where the intensity of my unleashed power could be harnessed and understood. It was a place where I could truly comprehend the magnitude of my new capabilities and the responsibility that came with them. As the colors continued to weave and twirl around me, I took a deep breath, allowing the chaotic symphony of emotions to settle. Even in my current state, drifting within my own mind, I knew for now the enemy was stopped. The power I had released over the immortals attacking drained them to the point they could no longer fight. Although it was not enough to eliminate them, it was enough to buy us some more time to devise a plan to end all of this once and for all. I never wanted to tap into this power, as it was not mine, but with the power's blessing, I will now harness it until we have stopped all those who are going against the purpose we have been given and using the power as immortal witches to protect the balance. I will never abuse any of the power that I have been gifted with, even this new power. It should only ever be used with nature's blessing. I felt the power that had released from me pulling back into my body, plus more, as if I was not only replenishing my own strength but gaining some from our enemies. "As you wield the power of earth, all power pulled from nature will be returned in the end, and the cost of casting this power is being the source the power flows through. You will reclaim all stolen power," the voice of the power spoke in my mind again, as a painful sensation once again filled my body momentarily. I understood the pain was my body filtering the power back into nature. It was a painful price, but one that I could endure. Throughout, a warmth started to soothe me, and soon the world slowly came back into view. I looked up into Wyatt's eyes. He was holding me against him, his grip tight, protective. The pain still coursed through me, yet he was helping make it bearable. But then I noticed the pain in his eyes as well. I had cast the spell on him earlier, allowing me to share in his pain to help with what he had to endure. But that also meant that he was now helping with what I had to endure as well right now. I opened my mouth to speak to him, but instead, he crashed his lips against mine, speaking of how intense his love was for me. "Now that, well that was very impressive and far more than I predicted," I heard Endora's voice as she approached us. "You knew this would happen," Wyatt asked with a hint of anger, his voice laced with worry for me. I could see the anger in his eyes as he spoke. "As I have told you many times, Wyatt, some of the future I have seen I can't speak of, as it may have a negative impact on what's to come. But yes, I had seen bits and pieces of these events occur. Now, after witnessing what happened, I understand them better. Mother Earth has granted Misty permission to access the powers that were forced upon her, but it comes at a cost," Endora explained, her words filled with wisdom. I nodded in agreement, while Wyatt looked at me, concern etched on his face. "What was the cost?" he asked, his worry evident in his voice. "I must return the stolen power to nature. My body will absorb it and filter it back," I explained, feeling his grip tighten slightly on me. "Is that the pain I felt?" Wyatt questioned, searching for answers. "Yes," I admitted, meeting his gaze. He was momentarily speechless, taking in the gravity of what had transpired. "You stopped them all. I've never witnessed anything like what happened today. But, I've never feared power, not even black magic, as much as I fear what you did today, Misty. I sensed what was happening and what that mark was doing to you. That gift should not be used again unless absolutely necessary, for I fear what it may do to you," Wyatt confessed. "I am sure Misty already knows that," Endora interjected, her voice calm and understanding. I nodded in agreement. "Yes, I do," I admitted, my voice resolute. "With what occurred today, word will spread fast among Misty's coven and enemies alike. They now know she can harness this power. It will instill fear, but it may also make them more determined to get her. We must prepare the spell to cast the power back into the earth when the time comes. And you two must be prepared, for I fear challenges are coming your way. Challenges that, I believe, you both can conquer," Endora warned, her words carrying a sense of urgency. Her words were confusing, yet somehow, I understood their meaning. She was warning us in the best way she could. Wyatt and I already knew the road ahead would be difficult and dangerous. But Endora was right. We would overcome every challenge. With this newfound power residing within me, I wondered if I could cleanse Wyatt. Could I extract the darkness that had taken hold of his body and return it to where it belonged? I wouldn't act without knowing, but I planned on researching if that was a possibility. "For now, we are safe once again," Endora said, her voice carrying the faint sound of relief, as she turned and started walking back towards the house. Wyatt extended his hand to help me up, the warmth of his touch giving me a sense of security. "Just as you promised me," I began, my words carried by the gentle breeze, "you won't allow the darkness you've taken in to practice dark magic consume you. And I promise, I won't let the power of the originals consume me either. We are connected, you and I, and together we'll navigate these dangers. Our destinies can only be fulfilled if we act as a team." Wyatt nodded in agreement. "You are my eternal partner," he declared, his voice resolute yet filled with tenderness. "From now on, we will face everything together, moving forward." As his words sank in, a wave of relief washed over me. Despite the storm of powers that had momentarily engulfed me, I now felt a profound sense of calm.
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