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Wyatt POV 1 week later In just one week, I tirelessly prepared everything needed to cast the spell and reverse the mark on Misty. I knew this spell wouldn't be easy, and it carried an inherent danger for both of us. Yet, I was determined to ensure a seamless casting when the opportune moment arrived. However, lingering in my mind was the memory of Misty's immense power unleashed when our property was under attack. The sheer force she commanded was overwhelming, and it left me unsettled. Though she handled it with grace and had now been granted its use, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that she shouldn't rely on it too heavily. Just as she discouraged me from delving into dark magic, I wished to protect her from the potential consequences of harnessing the mark's power prematurely. Thankfully, our haven remained undisturbed by new adversaries for now. Yet, through the mystic art of tracking, I sensed their gathering presence. It was only a matter of time before we would be forced to confront them. Alongside this impending threat, Misty had been plagued by constant premonitions. Their intensity surpassed even my grandmother's early stages or her current abilities. Uncertainty lingered whether these visions were a result of the mark of the originals or simply a natural occurrence for Misty. Day by day, however, she grew more adept at managing them. Unless the premonitions were exceptionally potent, she had learned to function while experiencing them, albeit temporarily slipping into a sleep-like state on a few occasions. Lately, her visions predominantly revolved around the downfall of the current wolf king. Misty firmly believed this event would transpire in the near future, and somehow, we were destined to play a pivotal role. It was through these visions that she confirmed the cursed child's fall would precede that of the wolf king. This revelation meant that I would soon need to trace the whereabouts of the next cursed child promptly, before a werewolf, vampire, or immortal witch got hold of them. This child held the key to restoring balance, but Misty feared that even after their birth, another wolf king would emerge, dooming them to a similar fate. Nevertheless, I firmly believed that this particular child was the one we were destined to aid. They held the potential to rewrite the future that loomed before them. With these impending events aligning, I couldn't shake the feeling that the dangers we were about to face would intertwine with the cursed child's demise and the wolf king's downfall. It seemed my grandmother's ominous warnings were about to manifest into perilous challenges that would test our very existence. Misty has been spending all her free time going through the old books that my grandmother has meticulously collected throughout her long life. I've noticed her furrowing her brow, her eyes squinting in concentration as if trying to decipher hidden messages within the text. There's a certain determination in Misty's actions, a focused energy as if she's searching for answers that elude her. Yet, she keeps her thoughts locked away, not opening up to me about what she's truly seeking. Part of me yearns to prod her, to push her to confide in me, so we can share our secrets and fears. Our coven, once vibrant and powerful, has dwindled over time. Now, it is merely a small group compared to Misty's expansive coven. The loss of our members weighs heavily on us, but those who remain are supportive of our current predicament. We carry gemstones with us, talismans that allow us to communicate and share vital information in times of need. Daily reports trickle in, detailing the encounters our coven members have witnessed. It has been confirmed that the vampires and hunters are aware of Misty's existence, and now they know that I am her protector. Whispers have spread, rumors swirling about the bond between Misty and me, tied together by the unbreakable thread of fate. How this information leaked remains a mystery, though I suspect Misty's mother may have cast a spell to glimpse into her daughter's future, to safeguard her from any potential threats. It seems she sought to restore power to the immortal witches, using Misty as a vessel for their resurgence. Due to my busy schedule, I found myself engrossed in spellwork, concocting potions, and studying spells to aid us in our upcoming battles. Misty, too, was occupied with her premonitions, honing her spellcasting skills, and delving into her research. Though we would sit together for meals, the majority of our time was spent in silence. Exhausted or focused on our individual tasks, we rarely connected. Even when it was time to sleep, one of us would often doze off before the other made it to bed. I longed for her presence, despite being physically together. It felt as though Misty was deliberately avoiding me this week, perhaps because I had concealed some of my tattoos from her. If that was the reason, I understood her avoidance. However, if it wasn't, I worried about the cause. Finally, I mustered the courage to confront her. Today, I finished my work early and waited for her in our room. Fortunately, she didn't stay up too late reading and entered the room. "You're awake," she said, slightly surprised. "Is that a bad thing?" I asked. "No, I'm happy," she admitted, beginning to undress and change into more comfortable sleepwear. My gaze fixated on her, and I couldn't resist teasing her. "I think because you've been avoiding me, you should sleep naked in my arms tonight," I suggested. "Oh, really? And why do you think I've been avoiding you?" she questioned. "Well, for one, I believe we've spoken more during this short conversation than we have all week," I replied. Our eyes locked, and she confessed, "I'm sorry. I'm not intentionally avoiding you. When I become focused on something, I tend to block out everything else until I find what I'm searching for." "I can relate to that," I said to her. "Can you tell me what it is you are searching for, does it have to do with your mark or your coven?" I asked. "It sort of has to do with my mark, I guess," she replied, her voice filled with uncertainty. "When I used the mark's power against the immortals, the energy came back into me. But it wasn't just the power I used, there was something else. It felt like negative power, maybe dark magic or the taint that has been affecting them. It passed through me and returned to the earth. It was a strange sensation." "It got me thinking," she continued. "Maybe there is a way to use this ability to filter out the darkness within you. To rid you of the darkness that now resides inside you for using dark magic." I shook my head, my heart pounding in my chest. "Misty, what you are suggesting... I can tell you right now, I will not allow it. I cannot bear the thought of you taking in any of this darkness, even if it is just to filter it into the earth. The toll it will take on you, I won't allow it. You are not to put yourself through pain or in harm's way." I took a deep breath, my voice filled with conviction. "I willingly casted dark magic, knowing the price. I deserve these marks on my body, and I can live with them. I can fight their grasp on controlling me. I appreciate you trying to help, but the only thing I need from you is for you to be with me and fight with me. You don't need to cure me." "I fear if you do not accept help, you will lose yourself." Misty admitted. "I won't," I assured her, "and maybe over time, we can find a way to reverse them or by me doing some good, they will reverse. But for now, let's focus on freeing you from the mark you have and stopping your coven." She nodded in agreement and got out of the bed. I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her, feeling the warmth of her body against mine. "You really are not going to let me get dressed, are you?" she laughed, her voice echoing in the room. "I wish for you to stay this way so I can hold you like this close to me while we sleep," I confessed, "but I will not be upset if you would prefer to dress. I just miss being close with you." "Well, if you want me to stay like this, then you have to strip as well. It is only fair," she playfully responded. "I will even show you something else I have been working on once we get into bed," she teased, anticipation evident in her voice. Curiosity piqued, I asked, "What is it you are working on?" "Allowing others to see what I see," she explained, her voice filled with excitement. "Do you mean see your premonitions?" I asked, seeking clarification. "Yes, and it is safe. I guess in a way, you are my inspiration, or the spells you write are. You see, I wanted to start creating some spells as well, and so this is my first one. I even had your grandmother read over it to confirm that it was safe," she shared, a hint of pride in her voice. "So am I the guinea pig for testing the spell?" I joked, my voice filled with amusement. Misty playfully whacked me, her hand connecting with a gentle thud. "You are the person I trust to share them with," she said, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I don't want to keep anything from you and thought this was also a good way for you to help me understand some of them." A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I removed my clothing, feeling the cool air brush against my skin. Misty's eyes twinkled with anticipation as I climbed into bed with her. "So, did you want to share one of the premonitions with me now?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity. "Yes," she replied, her voice soft and earnest. "I want to share the one about the fall of the wolf king. I seem to be getting the same one multiple times a day now." I nodded, my attention fully focused on her words. "Just tell me what I need to do," I urged her, eager to help in any way I could. She turned to face me, her gaze locked with mine. "Right now, just hold me like you wanted to do," she requested, her voice filled with trust. "With pleasure," I murmured, pulling her closer to me. As our bodies aligned, a surge of warmth enveloped me, the sensation of her softness against my skin electrifying. I heard her whisper an incantation, and suddenly, everything around us started to blur, my senses becoming hazy. "Just relax," she whispered, her voice a soothing melody in my ear. I felt her soft, warm lips press against my body. As our connection deepened, it felt as if my mind was being pulled into a swirling vortex. Images danced and twirled around me, overwhelming and difficult to manage. I could understand why she struggled with them at times. Her touch, filled with warmth and tenderness, seeped into my body, calming the chaotic images. Gradually, it felt as if I were watching a movie unfold in my own mind. The scene shifted, and I found myself outside the grand estate of the wolf king. A gathering of werewolves and members of Misty's coven, including her own mother, stood before me. They held someone captive, their identity concealed by a cloth bag. Several wolves emerged from the estate, carrying an air of authority. "The child is gone, but her blood has been preserved," one of the wolf guards informed Misty's coven. "As long as the blood remains, you should still be able to fulfill what was promised," one of the coven members replied. They dragged the person with the bag over their head, and the guard seized them. Suddenly, Misty's voice echoed in my mind, her premonition providing me with a clearer perspective. The person in the bag struggled, and a sense of unease washed over me. "No use resisting," one of the guards coldly remarked as they injected a syringe into the person's arm. The captive went limp, and the guard lifted them up. "Bring her to the lab and inform the king immediately," another guard commanded before turning their attention to Misty's coven. "You will receive what you have requested within one week," they assured. The premonition shifted once more, and now I found myself in the lab. The captive was placed on a table, their limbs secured by chains that nullified magic. As I strained to see their face, my heart raced with anticipation. My eyes widened in disbelief and anger when I noticed the pendant around their neck. It was the very same pendant I had given Misty. The bag was removed, revealing an unconscious and gagged Misty. They had captured her. But before I could fully process this revelation, the premonition transformed again. The wolf king's warriors began surrounding the estate, their presence ominous and threatening. "What was that?" one of them questioned, confusion evident in their voice. "I'm not sure, but it can't be good. We're clearly under attack," another replied. Dark shadows began encircling the estate, a telltale sign of the dark magic we were all too familiar with. Suddenly, a blinding blast of light erupted from the estate, engulfing everything in its path. The brightness shifted, merging with a kaleidoscope of colors, causing screams of pain to pierce the air. Some of Misty's coven members, who still remained Outside, turned into dust, the impact so strong it hung in the air like a bitter taste. In the distance, I heard the urgent cry of "attack" as a large presence of wolves thundered towards the estate, their paws pounding the earth. The premonition shifted, and once again I saw Misty, lifeless and wrapped in vines on the cold lab table, the earth reclaiming its power. Her mother burst into the room, her scream echoing through the air, but a cloaked figure swiftly pulled her away. Suddenly, the premonition changed again, revealing the wolf king lying motionless in a pool of his own blood. The cloaked figure reappeared, their face still a mystery, rushing into the room, cradling a boy in their arms - Kash. And then, they vanished. As the premonition slowly faded, reality came back into focus, and I immediately enveloped Misty in my arms, my voice choked with disbelief. "No," I whispered. Misty, her voice tinged with sorrow, admitted, "It was different this time. Although I've seen the burst of power, I never knew it came from me." The weight of her words settled heavily in the room. "Am I truly destined to be the end for the wolf king? It seems my powers are meant for me alone to stop that future," she muttered. "You were lifeless, Misty. Dead," I whispered, my heart breaking at the memory. Determination surged through me. "I have to prevent that future," I declared. "I've seen it daily, without you. Every fiber of my being knows it will happen in the next few days." Misty admitted. A chilling realization ran through my body as Misty spoke again. "I don't know what we can change, but we need to be prepared. And Wyatt, you must not succumb to dark magic. I recognize those shadows as yours," she warned. "I will keep my promise," I assured her. "But you must make me a promise too. You are going to survive," I demanded. "I will. Someone has to watch over you," she replied, her fear subsiding. "I may have seemed lifeless in that vision, Wyatt, but you have filled me with love and a great will to survive. There is still life in me, perhaps just waiting for you to ignite that spark and pull me back." As our lips met, I whispered against hers, "I will always find a way to keep you with me." My hand moved down her body, tracing her sensitive skin, fueled by the urgency of what I had just witnessed. I needed her, all of her, and I knew she needed me too. I would make love to her, ensuring that the spark she spoke of remained. I would pour my essence into her, so that she would have a part of me to help her survive.
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