
2748 Words
Misty POV I could feel the thunderous pounding of my heart as Wyatt's lips pressed against mine, my body pressed against the wall. The intensity of our connection was something I never anticipated, but this warlock had managed to change everything for me. My mind was consumed by the taste of his lips, the sensation of his strong body against my hands. I craved more of him, every part of him. "Tell me, Misty, am I still your enemy?" he whispered, his warm breath tickling my ear as his hand grazed the hem of my shirt. "No," I gasped as he slowly peeled my shirt off, discarding it on the ground. His lips trailed down my skin, pressing against me as he held me tightly. A moan escaped my lips, overwhelmed by his touch. I could feel his desire pressed against my body, causing a flush to rise within me. His hands roamed my skin until he reached my bra, his voice commanding, "This is going away." With a snap of his finger, my bra vanished, leaving me exposed to his hungry gaze. "You are perfect," he whispered, his tongue teasing my n****e, igniting a wild desire within. Surprising me he suddenly broke the connection and walked to his drawer and retrieved a small vial. He must have hidden them all over the house. Returning to me, he opened it and brought it to my lips. I drank it without hesitation, trusting him implicitly. "Brave now," he smirked. "Don't worry, Misty. I would never poison you," he reassured me, his voice a seductive whisper in my ear. "What was it?" I asked. "Birth control," he simply replied, lifting me effortlessly into his arms and placing me gently on the bed. Hovering over me, his hands swiftly removed my pants, followed by my panties, leaving me completely exposed to him. Surprisingly, I felt no nervousness, only an overwhelming desire for him to explore every inch of my body. The way he looked at me right now made me feel beautiful. His eyes revealed his hunger, his need for me and only me. In this moment, I knew that we would forever crave each other. His hand glided slowly across my body, his fingers tracing a tantalizing path, purposefully teasing me. I could feel the heat building within me, my body responding to his touch. A hunger for me flickered in his eyes, a hunger that brought a small smile to his lips. His kisses trailed down my body, occasionally nipping my skin. I gasped his name, breathless, as his mouth began exploring my lower regions. "I want you," he whispered seductively, his voice dripping with desire. "Tell me I can have you, all of you." Groaning, his lips met my thigh, eliciting a moan from deep within me. I could no longer form words, my body pulsating with an indescribable sensation. I desperately clawed at the sheets as he continued to ignite sensations within me that I had never imagined. His lips traced their way up my body, meeting mine in a passionate kiss. His tongue eagerly sought entrance, hungry for more of me, and I willingly surrendered. Suddenly, I felt his fingers glide against my drenched entrance, penetrating me. A jolt of unfamiliar pleasure shot through me, causing a muffled moan to escape into his mouth. The desire for him was overwhelming, and empowered by my magic, I snapped my fingers, causing his pants to disappear. He broke the kiss, laughing, remarking on my impatience. As I felt his bare arousal pressing against me, he positioned himself, gliding against my slick entrance, locking his eyes with mine. "Tell me I'm the only one who can ever have you," he demanded. "You're the only one," I gasped as he pushed in gently, before thrusting into my body, filling and stretching me. He was larger than I had anticipated, catching me off guard, and a small yelp escaped my lips. It hurt, but he held onto me, waiting for me to find comfort. He moved slowly at first, allowing me to adjust to the sensation of him inside me. Each small movement introduced my body to new waves of pleasure, sensations I had never experienced before. My arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer as his pace quickened, and he delved deeper. The sound of our bodies colliding filled the room, the bed pressing against the wall as he took me harder. It was addictive, and with every forceful thrust, I found myself reveling in it even more. "You enjoy the mix of pain and pleasure, don't you?" he whispered in my ear before plunging into me forcefully, causing me to claw at his back. Pleasure ignited every inch of my being, and I moaned, begging for more. "You're my perfect match," he groaned, meeting my pleas with every powerful thrust. His hands held my body possessively as he moved in and out of me relentlessly. I willingly surrendered myself to him; he surpassed all my imaginations, he was beyond perfect. Lifting my legs, he went deeper, causing me to gasp loudly. A powerful orgasm washed over me just as he released himself deep within me. My entire body buzzed with the aftermath as he pulled out, but he pulled me close, allowing us both to calm down. After some time, he lifted me in his arms. Exhausted and slightly sore from my first time, I felt comfortable with him. His strength supported me as he filled a tub, mixing in soothing oils. Once the tub was full, he joined me, and the warm, scented water cascaded over my body, easing the slight pain. We remained silent as he gently washed me. "Are you in any pain?" he asked softly. "Just sore, but in a good way," I admitted. "Rest against me. I fear I may have been a little too rough with you, but it was hard to control myself," he confessed. "You were perfect," I whispered as he held me. The soothing oils lulled me to sleep in his arms. ________ The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm, buttery croissants filled the air, gently rousing me from my slumber. As I slowly opened my eyes, the soft sheets brushed against my skin. Faint sounds of commotion outside the room indicated that Wyatt was already up, perhaps preparing breakfast. I felt the smoothness of the silk nightgown he had thoughtfully dressed me in with a spell while I slept. Closing my eyes for a moment, I savored the memory of his touch and how effortlessly perfect he was. Stepping out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom. Examining myself in the mirror, I noticed a few small bruises from his playful nips. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of them as I washed my face. The revealing yet comfortable nightgown still clung to my body, so I decided to keep it on instead of changing as I ventured out of the bedroom. Following the enticing scent of coffee, I found myself in a small kitchen. Wyatt sat at the table, engrossed in a book, but as soon as he noticed me, he put it down and rose from his seat. He pulled out a chair for me, greeting me warmly. Taking my seat, I watched as he prepared a plate of warm croissants and poured a cup of coffee. "Would you like some milk and sugar?" he asked. "Yes, please," I replied, as he fetched the milk and sugar and placed them on the table before me. "Thank you," I said, appreciating the spread before me. "Are you still sore? I can get you a potion to help if you are," he inquired, a hint of worry evident in his voice. "Do you do this for everyone you've slept with?" I playfully teased him. "No, only you. I've never spent an entire night with someone before. But I've also never slept with anyone for any purpose other than pleasure or to calm myself," he confessed honestly. As I mixed milk and sugar into my coffee, the spoon clinked against the cup, and I noticed Wyatt's gaze intently fixed on me. It dawned on me that he might actually be slightly nervous, though he was adept at concealing it. Was he worried that I regretted what happened between us? "I feel good, so no need to worry about me," I reassured him, taking a sip of the warm coffee. "Can you maybe tell me more about what you're doing for the werewolf king or why you deal with those in the black market?" I asked, genuinely curious. "Yes, I'm an open book from now on," he responded, his fingers tapping lightly on the wooden table. "I take my duty seriously, as you do. I believe in our purpose to maintain balance. But I'm not one to be told by others how to do it." "Yes, I may protect the cursed child, or rather, watch over them since they are in the werewolf king's possession. But I do so of my own choosing. I believe a cursed child will be born, and they will hold the key to either destroying or restoring the balance. And I believe if we are to prevent their birth, we will be the ones to destroy balance when we are the protectors," he explained. I leaned forward, my voice filled with concern. "So, are you okay with the current cursed one being used like they are? What the werewolf king is doing is torture." His gaze met mine, his eyes reflecting sadness. "It's not easy to watch, and if I could, I would rescue them. But it's not as easy as it looks. The king has employed witches who only practice dark magic. They have sold every part of themselves to master it. And not just that, he has a strong army of warriors supporting him. I also have to consider what may happen if I am successful. He will do whatever it takes to get the cursed one back. He has the power to destroy the human territory near his, and more. Many innocent lives may pay the cost for rescuing one." I pondered his words, the weight of the situation settling upon me. "Why work for him?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity. A flicker of frustration crossed his face. "It provides me a way to keep an eye on his defenses and the cursed one as well. In no way do I like doing work for him. In fact, I hate helping any of the scum," he admitted. "Yet, you deal with the black market," I said, raising an eyebrow. He sighed, his expression pained. "I've done most of my work to obtain items I needed. I won't complete any requests I feel will cause true danger to those undeserving. I need to make a name for myself to keep an eye on things without being messed with." I worried about him. It was clear he was not evil. In reality, he was very caring. Yet, he was dealing with evil, evil that could destroy him as well. "Now that it is lighter, do you mind if I look at the marks on you again?" I asked. He nodded, removing his shirt without hesitation. I stood up, the cold floor beneath my bare feet as I traced my finger over the marks on his skin. But as I did, a strange sensation washed over me. It was as if the room around me was fading away. I stumbled, a gasp escaping my lips. He reacted quickly, getting up and carrying me to the couch in the room next to the kitchen. "You're getting a vision," he said, his voice soothing. "Relax and accept it, don't fight it. Over time, this will get easier for you." As I closed my eyes, the world around me dissolved into darkness, and the vision took hold. I felt weightless, as if I were floating, as I witnessed a glimpse of a future version of Wyatt. His eyes were much darker than they are now, and a pained expression etched on his face. I could see him kneeling, a blade slicing across his hand. The ring he held in the room was now adorned on his finger. He muttered a spell, though his words didn't reach me in the vision. A dense, dark fog encircled him as he yelled, his desperation and anguish palpable. The sinister magic was clearly taking its toll on him. "I'll bring you back, no matter the cost," he shouted. "It's my fault you're gone. Even if I must lose myself, I won't let you suffer." With a forceful slam of his hands on the ground, a luminous magic circle illuminated the room. I gasped, realizing that he wasn't just casting a simple dark spell; he was willingly embracing the power, knowing it would forever change him. "NO!" I screamed, desperate for him to halt, to hear my words. But then, the vision abruptly ended. I jolted upright, my breathing erratic. Wyatt's hand tightly gripped mine as I looked at him, bewildered. I couldn't comprehend what drove him to such desperate measures, but I couldn't allow it to happen. I needed to save him, to prevent him from ever using dark magic again. "The ring," I managed to choke out, my voice trembling. "The ring you had, destroy it, please." I pleaded, hoping he would understand. "It can't be destroyed," he admitted. "Don't use it, I'll stay with you. I won't ever run. I want to be with you, but don't use it, Wyatt, please," I pleaded with him, my voice filled with desperation. As he gazed at me intently, I could feel his eyes scanning over me. "What did you see?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. I stuttered, struggling to find the words. "You, Wyatt. I saw you willingly embracing dark magic," I managed to stammer out. In that moment, he reached out and gently took hold of my other hand. "Look into my eyes," he instructed softly. "Take deep breaths for me. Did you see the whole vision or just a part?" he inquired. I took a shaky breath and replied, "Just a part." He nodded understandingly, his grip on my hand providing reassurance. "It will take time for you to see full visions, Misty. For now, you must understand that visions are fragmented, as you adjust. It means you won't know the full reason or truth yet," he explained calmly. "Promise me you won't panic over them. You can always talk them through with me, and together, we will piece them together. And as for that ring, I'll lock it away for now if it makes you feel better," he offered, his words bringing a sense of comfort. "How do you know so much about visions?" I asked. He paused for a moment before responding. "What do you know of Endora?" he questioned. "She is one of the original four immortal witches, the only one still living. She created the curse. I've been told more, but I'm unsure of the truth behind it all," I admitted hesitantly. "Endora, my grandmother, is like you. Her ability to see the future is slowly fading. She once told me that someone new now holds her gift, someone with even greater power. I've learned a lot about visions from her. My mother left my life when I was young, and my grandmother became the one who trained me," he revealed. "You trained with Endora, no wonder you are powerful," I remarked."I will talk the visions out with you, just promise me you will also not keep me in the dark." With a tender touch, he brushed his hand against my ankle, releasing the cuff. I felt a rush of freedom, a weight lifted off my leg. His face adorned a small smile, his eyes reflecting the sunlight. "If we are to work together, we both need to be honest with each other," I confessed. "In just a short period of time, you have become incredibly important to me, Wyatt. I don't want to lose you. From now on, I want to understand you and help you understand me, so we can work together," I declared. He looked at me, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I promise, we are a team from now on," he assured me, his words hanging in the air like a promise fulfilled.
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