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Wyatt POV Having Misty in my home was a new experience for me. I was raised and trained by my grandmother, spending most of my life in solitude. I was not one to seek out social interaction unless necessary for my goals or work. However, despite my preference for being alone, having Misty here felt nice. As she learned more about me, I worried that she might distance herself instead of getting closer. Yet, at the same time, I felt compelled to change for her, to be a better person. Misty possessed great power, and I was confident in her ability to handle herself. However, I couldn't ignore the fact that my current lifestyle would only put her in more danger. Before making any changes, I needed to uncover the reasons why the wolf king desired her and why her coven was willing to give her away. Was it solely because of her power of premonition, or was there something else? The fact that her coven pursued her even after I brought her to safety hinted at a hidden aspect of Misty's existence, one she might not even be aware of. I was determined to unravel this mystery. I had a few sources I could consult without revealing too much, but that meant leaving the safety of my home. Additionally, I had to return to the wolf king's estate the next day. For now, I believed it was unwise for Misty to venture out. However, I had grown to trust her enough to know she would prioritize her own safety. As I stood up, Misty remained seated on my couch. I anticipated that she would struggle with her visions for the next few weeks as she adjusted. I wanted to be by her side always, but I knew it wasn't possible. So, the next best thing was to ensure her comfort. "Make yourself at home here, feel free to ask for anything you need. You are also free to leave if you wish, but I trust you won't, for your own safety, until you have adjusted to your visions," I reassured her. "I have some errands to run today and tomorrow, but I'll be as quick as possible so I can assist you during this adjustment period. You might feel tired more than usual, so don't force yourself to stay awake. It's normal for you to sleep more as you adjust. My house is secure, and no one but me can enter. Earlier, I mentioned that my office was off-limits, but I want to build trust with you. You're welcome to enter, but please be cautious, as I have a collection of magical relics. Mishandling them could lead to trouble," I explained. "Where do you have to go?" she inquired. "Tonight, I need to go to the club you saw me at," I began. "I know a few individuals there that may provide some light onto exactly why you are wanted and what your coven is up to." "I know how to ask without giving away you are with me," I continued. "Tomorrow, I must return to the wolf king's estate, I need to do the job I accepted. As I'm sure you know, none of this is safe for you." I paused, the weight of the situation sinking in. "So, I ask you to stay here," I implored. "Until you adjust to your visions, they can put you at risk. But I can use a spell on one of the relics I have. It allows you to listen in on what I am doing, so you are not left in the dark." She looked me over for a moment, her eyes filled with gratitude. "It means a lot you would allow me to listen in," she said softly, the sound of sincerity in her voice. "I won't leave. I trust what you have said to me, and I know that right now, if I were to leave, not only would I be risking myself, but you as well." I nodded, a sense of relief washing over me. "When I go out later, do you need me to grab you anything?" I asked. She hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face. "I would say my belongings, but I doubt that's safe," she replied cautiously. I smiled reassuringly. "I will go purchase some clothing for you," I offered. She hesitated for a moment again, her voice filled with vulnerability. "I'm afraid without my coven, I don't have the means to pay you back," she admitted. I waved off her concerns, the sound of my voice steady. "It's okay," I reassured her. "Money is of no concern to me, and I'm well aware your coven controlled all funds you had. You are starting fresh with me, and I have no issues taking care of you financially. Over time, I'm sure you will earn your own money as well. There is a market for potions; it's not just the black market." She smiled gratefully, the weight of her worries slightly lifted. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "I plan to contribute in any way that I can. If there are any orders you have, I can help do them now as well." I nodded appreciatively, the feeling of teamwork settling in. "I have a few," I replied, “But I don't want you to push yourself too much. If I give them to you and show you to the supplies, just promise you will take breaks when tired." Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "I will," she promised, the sound of her dedication filling the room. I took the time to show her around more, relishing in the opportunity to help her relax here. As I guided her through the small library, the shelves lined with texts on spells and relics, I could see her genuine interest in the books reflected in her bright eyes. Moving on, I led her to a seemingly small storage room, which she found surprisingly spacious. I had meticulously stocked it with dried herbs and all the necessary ingredients for making potions. Her excitement was palpable as she carefully examined each item, her facial expressions revealing her enthusiasm. "You like making potions, I take it," I said to her, observing the sparkle in her eyes. "Yes, although I was never allowed to do so much as my mother always said it was for lower class witches. But I still tried in my free time," she explained. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Lower class witches," I scoffed. "The more powerful the caster, the more potent the potion. She just didn't want you to gain any experience. And we are going to learn why. Use as much as you want in here, not just for orders but for practice," I encouraged her, pointing towards the window. "There is a garden out there with many fresh ingredients as well," I added, watching her face light up with excitement. It made me happy to see her enthusiastic, as it assured me that I wasn't trapping her. I wanted her to want to be here with me, and I never wanted to force her into anything. What occurred between us last night, I hoped, was just the start and never a regret for her. My heart would only ever belong to her. I made sure to go over every room with her, ensuring she had a good layout. I had a few guest rooms, but they were filled with items I had accumulated over time. "I will work on clearing one of these rooms so you have a space of your own. But in the meantime, my room is yours. Although last night was nice, I don't want you to feel pressured into sharing a space with me. I am well aware of the need for personal space," I reassured her. "I don't mind cleaning a room out and organizing the clutter. I don't want to take up your room. I appreciate the offer of personal room, but I also wouldn't be opposed to sharing a room with you since, well, I kind of want to," she admitted, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "But it would also be nice to know I have a room to escape to, so I can have alone time as well," she added. "Feel free to move anything around you need to, and I will help," I offered, wanting to make sure she felt comfortable. I walked to the door in the room, the creaking wood echoing through the silent space. "I am going to leave soon, so I will go prepare the relic," I announced, “you can hear me while I am gone, if you hold it, you can also speak with me." "I have a spell on my barrier as well, so I will sense if anyone is trying to break through it. But as long as you remain on the property, I can assure you that you are well protected." I promised her, and we walked together to my office. I retrieved a small file from my desk, its contents neatly organized. "These are the potions I need," I informed her. Her eyes widened, a brief glimmer of excitement dancing within them. "I'll start them right now," she eagerly responded, her footsteps fading away as she hurried off before I could utter another word. I shook my head, amused by her enthusiasm. She was an intriguing person, and I found myself liking every little thing about her so far. I opened the drawer of my desk, the smooth wood sliding effortlessly. Retrieving a necklace from within, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It had been passed down to me from my grandmother, its weight comforting in my palm. The necklace held a powerful gem, known for its abilities in communication and protection. A dark blue sapphire, encased in a delicate golden wire sculpted into the shape of a full moon. I held it close, feeling its cool surface against my skin. Chanting the spell, I linked it to myself, ensuring that Misty could hear and connect with me whenever she used it. Leaving my office, I made my way towards my room to change and prepare for my return to the club. I grabbed one of my dress jackets. A fresh shirt awaited me as well, its crispness soothing against my skin. I despised dressing up, but I knew it was necessary to fit in. As I made my way back to the small room where Misty was diligently working on the potions, I caught her gaze. Her eyes quickly darted downwards, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "So it looks like you like when I am dressed like this, noted," I teased, a playful smile tugging at my lips. She remained focused on the herbs in her hands. I extended my hand towards her, offering the necklace. "Here," I said softly. "Put this on. It is the relic to communicate with me, and it also provides added protection for you. This necklace is for you to keep." As I placed it in her hand, she marveled at it. "It's beautiful," she whispered, her fingers tracing the delicate details of the pendant. "It was my grandmother's," I said, the vintage necklace gleaming in her hand. "She will be happy to know it is going to you," I added with a smile. Misty's eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "She won't mind when I am from the coven that has been fighting against her," she said. "Not at all. You are the one gifted with premonition. When the time is right, I will bring you to her. I think you will find the two of you have much in common." I reassured her. "One more thing, Misty. For the time being, anyone who may already be aware of your presence, I will act as if I am holding you hostage. Gathering information is my current priority." "I understand," Misty said. "Do you think the wolf king knows about my location?" "He might," I replied calmly, my eyes meeting hers. "I will address that when the time comes. Your safety is my top concern, and I am willing to face any consequences that may arise." A small smile tugged at the corners of Misty's lips. "I trust you," she said softly. "I'll be here, making potions and resting. If I find myself in another vision, I won't fight it. I'll accept it and relax." With those words lingering in the air, I left the room, a sense of unease settling within me. It was strange, this feeling of being tied to someone by fate. I knew now that I would always feel a small emptiness when separated from her. The journey to the club stretched before me, the carriage rattling along the cobbled streets. I kept a vigilant eye on my surroundings, the sounds of the busy village filling my ears. Finally, I arrived and was escorted to my usual spot in the VIP section. The establishment buzzed with life, a vibrant mix of witches, humans, and vampires. The werewolves, on the other hand, avoided this place like the plague, their presence scarce. As I settled into my seat, a server brought me my regular drink, an aged cognac. Its rich aroma filled my senses, mingling with the sounds of laughter and music that filled the air. And then, the vampire I sought walked in – Grem. He was a dangerous figure, more treacherous than the wolf king himself. But he had his uses, his network of informants providing valuable information. I was certain that I would learn something important from him tonight. As expected, he sauntered over to my table. could feel his intense gaze fixed upon me, his red eyes seemingly glowing in the sultry atmosphere. It was a clear sign that he had recently indulged in the taste of human blood. "Working for the wolf king, Wyatt," he stated confidently, his voice carrying over the pulsating music. "I get around," I replied, maintaining my composure. "Clearly, since you seem to have another immortal in your possession," he remarked, his attention focused on my every facial expression. "The daughter of my enemy's coven," I explained, a hint of triumph in my voice. "She underestimated me, but I managed to capture her. For now, she's locked away, but I believe she could be of use to me in the future." "I may be willing to discuss a good price for her," he leaned closer, a sly smirk playing on his lips. A knowing smile graced my face. "You and many others, I assume." "I know you're after a few artifacts I have. Or perhaps I can help with that cursed little blood bag you're keeping a close eye on," he whispered. "For someone as valuable as the immortal in my possession, I think I'll be entertaining a few offers before making any deals," I confidently replied. "And you know very well that attempting to steal from me would prove pointless, as I ensure my belongings are well protected." I said, meeting his gaze with unwavering resolve. "Can you at least confirm if the rumors are true? Does she possess the mark of the originals?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity. I could see the eagerness in his eyes as he leaned in closer. "You know me well enough to know everything comes at a cost with me," I replied, my voice steady. I could feel the weight of the situation pressing upon me. The air was heavy as I continued, "For now, she is off limits. Although, meet again with a good offer and I may be willing to share more information on her." His hand slipped into his pocket, retrieving a folded piece of paper and handing it to me. Unfolding it, I scanned the list before me. The words danced before my eyes, each item on the list holding its own significance. "I'll have this done within a week," I assured him. "Word is spreading fast. You have the witch," he remarked, a hint of caution in his voice. "I doubt the wolf king will be happy with you. But know, my offer will always be better than anyone else's once you're ready to let her go." As he rose from his seat, I brought my glass to my lips and took a sip. The liquid was warm, the taste lingering on my tongue. It was honestly hard for me to hide my shock when he mentioned the mark of the originals. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the sound filling the air like a distant drumbeat. I knew what it was, the mark of the originals. I had read countless books on the subject, absorbing every detail like a sponge. My grandmother, with her wise tales, had also shared her knowledge of it. To many, the mark was nothing more than a myth, a mere figment of imagination. They believed in the four immortals we called the original four, thinking they were the true firsts. But that was incorrect. There were three more, hidden in the shadows, each bearing a special mark. These three were said to possess far greater power, their marks derived directly from the essence of nature itself. My mind was a whirlwind, my thoughts colliding like storm clouds. I could feel a slight ache in my temple as I tried to process everything. I needed to find answers, to unravel the mysteries that lay before me. Did Misty have the mark? And if she did, how? Was it possible that she was one of the real originals, or perhaps a reincarnation? The weight of the truth hung heavily in the air, pressing down on my shoulders. The room seemed to close in on me, the walls shrinking with each passing second. I knew I had to act swiftly, to delve into my collection of books and unearth the knowledge hidden within their weathered pages. Time was of the essence, and the urgency fueled my determination. I rubbed my temple, trying to ease the tension that had settled there. I took a deep breath, the air filling my lungs with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. I needed to get to the bottom of this mystery, to uncover the truth.
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