
2560 Words
Wyatt POV In most occasions, I was the one to wish the nights ending, typically because I did not care for the person I was with, or simply I had more important matters to focus on. But with Misty, well, I did not want this night to end. The soft glow of the moon illuminated her delicate features, casting a gentle shadow across her face. The cool breeze whispered through the trees, carrying the faint scent of blooming flowers. I could hear the distant sound of crickets chirping, creating a soothing melody in the background. Every touch, every glance, felt like a fleeting moment of true happiness within my reach. And yet, it tended to get pulled away right before I could grab and hold onto it. I am well aware I am partially to blame for that, since I involve myself with those my kind do not agree with. Many would say I was mixed right in with the evil, since I deal with them. I choose to live my own path to a certain extent, although I won't fail my duty to make sure the cursed one remains. The moment she says we should call it a night, I can tell she does not mean it. But I decided not to fight her on it. "I'll walk you back then, assuming you are staying at the only inn," I said to her. "That I am, good guess," she responded with a small smirk. "Well, looks like that makes two of us. So that means I'll be seeing you around," I said to her. "I guess we will," she responded as she twirled a piece of her hair around her finger. "The inn has tea and a decent sitting room. You look like you could use something to drink before you call it a night," I suggested to her. She took a moment, considering my offer. "I shouldn't. I did not come here alone for work, and if the others I travel with see me with you, it could get messy," she admitted. "Strict coven, then, I assume," I said to her. Although it was not uncommon to forbid association with other witches, she nodded her head. "Then come to my room for tea. That way, you are free of them catching you. We will sneak in the back entrance," I offered. I don't even know why I was trying, but I couldn't let her go yet. "Just tea?" she questioned. "Just tea, I promise. That is unless you want more," I said to her. "Fine, I will come to your room then," she said. Her agreement filled me with happiness, a warm glow spreading through my chest I was not accustomed to. There was an indescribable quality about her that made me wish for this moment to last forever. As we strolled back, the only sound was the gentle rustle of leaves beneath our feet. The serenity of nature enveloped us, its energy coursing through our veins. Being witches and warlocks, we were more attuned to the natural world than most, and these walks in places like this invigorated us. The encroachment of humans on the land made it increasingly challenging for us to connect with the elements we held dear. I watched Misty as she walked, her graceful steps deliberate and unhurried. Every now and then, she would steal a glance at the moon, her eyes reflecting its glow. As we neared the inn, I heard the creak of the back door. Conveniently, my room was just next to it, and I ushered her inside. Stepping into my room, I gestured towards the small sitting area, inviting her to make herself comfortable. Excusing myself, I hurriedly went to fetch tea, determined to make this experience perfect. Returning with a tray filled with everything needed for tea, I entered the room to find her gazing out the window, her eyes fixed on the dense forest beyond. "Your room has a breathtaking view of the landscape, while mine overlooks the neighboring property," she exclaimed. "Well, feel free to visit anytime and enjoy my view," I replied, gently placing the teapot and cups on the table. As the aroma of the freshly brewed tea filled the room, her gaze wandered towards the array of jars containing various potion ingredients on the desk. "Do you specialize in potions?" she inquired curiously. "Yes, among other things," I confessed. "Do you often travel?" she asked. "Yes, although my journeys usually keep me within the same area. It's been over ten years since I last visited my actual home," I admitted. "That must be difficult," she sympathized. "Ten years feels like a mere moment to me," I confessed, intrigued by her keen interest in studying me. As she took a deep breath and relaxed, I handed her a cup of tea. It amused me that I usually knew what to say when in the company of others, but with her, I found myself searching for words to keep the evening going. As we finished our tea, I could sense her fatigue as she placed her cup down and stifled a small yawn. Yet, I could also tell that she was trying to prolong our time together. This made me realize that the chances of seeing her beyond chance encounters in this place were slim, and I didn't want that. And I could sense that she didn't either. "I know several more wonderful spots in the area, some perfect for gathering ingredients for potions and others simply for relaxation. How about, while we're here, whenever we're both free, we can go, even if it's late at night?" I suggested. She looked at me, contemplating. "I'm not sure if that's possible," she honestly admitted. "Meeting with you like this, it's not allowed." "What is it that you're here for, Misty?" I asked curiously. "Work, as I mentioned earlier," she replied. "Does your work involve gathering information?" I probed. "You don't have to divulge all the details, but if it does, you can use me as an excuse. Say that I'm providing you with information. Who knows, maybe I can even assist you. I have some knowledge about the werewolves and vampires in this area," I suggested. "Okay, that might work," she said, a small smile and a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Good, because I won't give up on you. What started as a simple invitation for a drink has grown into something more, and I believe you feel the same way. I'm straightforward, and I believe you are too, am I correct?" I asked. "Yes," she admitted. "Good because I like you Misty," I said. As I spoke, I noticed her eyes widening slightly, their vibrant green color captivating me. A faint scent of vanilla lingered in the air, adding a touch of sweetness to the atmosphere. "I believe you like me as well," I continued, my voice filled with hope. I couldn't help but notice the way her body shifted, as if wrestling with her own emotions. I didn't want to pressure her, but I needed to know if she felt the same connection that I did. "I believe you feel this odd connection between us as well," I confessed, my words hanging in the silence of the room. The weight of my words carried a sense of vulnerability, as I dared to venture into uncharted territory. Earlier, we had spoken about destiny, and now, I felt as though destiny itself was guiding us together. Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke, her words laced with uncertainty. "I do, although it is confusing the hell out of me right now," she admitted. Her voice carried a hint of frustration, as if grappling with conflicting desires. “The rules of my coven dictate relationships, leaving no room for love. Yet, the connection we seem to have defies those rules.” she admitted. "You are dangerous for me because of that," she confessed, her voice tinged with caution. The weight of her words settled in the room, creating a sense of tension. I appreciated her honesty, even if it meant acknowledging the potential obstacles we faced. "I don't want to ignore this connection," I responded. The soft rustling of my movements filled the room as I stood up, joining her by the door. The proximity between us created a charged atmosphere, as if the air crackled with anticipation. "What do you say to a small experiment to test this feeling we both have?" I asked, a small smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. This was uncharted territory for me. In the past, I had always taken what I wanted without hesitation. But with Misty, it was different. I wanted to respect her boundaries, to honor her choices. "OK," she replied, her gaze fixed on me. I could sense her apprehension, her desire to understand what lay ahead. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer to me with a gentle urgency. The suddenness startled her, her eyes widening for a moment before softening. Before she could react, I pressed my lips against hers, a surge of electricity coursing through me. The connection we shared was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Her lips were perfect, velvety and inviting, as if they were made just for mine. I could feel her responding to my kiss, her hands finding their way to me, mirroring my own desire. Our hearts beat rapidly in sync, the rhythm of our passion enveloping us. I didn't want the kiss to end, but I understood the boundaries she had set. As the kiss came to a close, we reluctantly stepped away from each other, still entranced by the intensity of our embrace. She hastily murmured a quiet "goodnight" and left my room, leaving me yearning for more. I walked over to my bed, and undressed. Then, I climbed into bed and looked up at the ceiling, the warm glow of the bedside candle casting a gentle light. I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for whatever fate had in store for me. As I closed my eyes, sleep took over me fast. _______ A sudden series of loud bangs on my door jolted me awake from my peaceful sleep. The bright sunlight flooded my room, indicating that I had slept in far later than usual. "Just a minute!" I exclaimed, hastily grabbing my shirt and pants and dressing myself in a hurry. I opened the door to find the werewolf I had spoken to at the bar standing on the other side. "Did I disturb your beauty sleep?" he chuckled, his deep voice resonating in the air. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to regain my composure. "You're not on my schedule," I muttered. The werewolf informed me that the King would be arriving shortly to discuss his requirements. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the King leaving his territory for me. "He must be desperate for something," I remarked, while the guard remained silent. "Very well, I will freshen up. When should I expect him?" I inquired. "Within the hour," he responded. "I assume he would prefer not to be seen, so bring him to my room. I'll be ready for him," I replied confidently. The warrior eyed me curiously, taking in my appearance. "By looks, you seem nothing but a normal human. But then again, I've witnessed some of your capabilities. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of each other in the near future. I will escort the King to your door once he arrives," he said before I closed the door. I didn't expect the King to actually accept and come to me. He must truly need something, and that certainly caught my attention. My time in this place was about to become very interesting. I quickly prepared myself, straightening up my room. I cleaned up the remnants of the tea from the previous night, noticing the faint marks Misty's lipstick had left on the cup as I placed it on the tray. Another knock echoed through my door, and I opened it to find three werewolf warriors and the King himself. The King appeared young, his early twenties disguised by his use of the cursed child to maintain his youth. "Wyatt, it has been some time," he greeted me as he walked into my room, accompanied by one warrior while the other two stood in the hallway. "That it has. I can't say I ever expected you to request my services," I responded to him. “Times have changed, and I can't say I ever wanted to come directly to you as well. I will get straight to the point. Word has it a new immortal witch has been dispatched, one who may cause some problems for me. I need a stronger barrier placed around my property, and I know well you are one of the best," he explained. "And what makes you believe I will help?" I asked. "I know you are here to protect the one who carries the curse from your family from death. Yet, the witch who is here is one sent to kill the curse based on my Intel. So, it would be in your best interest to work with me for the time being," he proposed. "I'm assuming you want more than just a barrier," I asked him. "Yes, you are known for your attack magic if I'm not mistaken," he spoke. "Yes, I am, although I refuse to kill innocents with it," I warned him. "I am well aware. I have made no move to disrupt this town or harm any innocents. I simply would like a little extra protection, and I know well you are one to come to for that," he explained, as the warrior then handed me some documents. The king cleared his throat, the sound echoing through the room, as he spoke, "Go over these," he said, his voice deep and commanding. "They outline my offer of payment and what will be required of you." I placed the documents down on the polished mahogany desk, feeling its smooth surface beneath my fingertips. "If you accept, come to my territory later today so we can get a contract in place," he continued, his words laced with authority. "If you decline, I will simply seek the help of another, although I doubt you want to see more of your kind flooding this area." "I will review what has been given and provide you an answer by day's end," I responded, my voice steady and composed. Escorting the king out of my room, I closed the door behind him. I sat at my desk, sighing softly, feeling the weight of another immortal witch's presence in the area. The thought crossed my mind that this new arrival could be a part of Misty's group. Shaking my head, I dismissed the notion. Misty didn't strike me as someone who would harm an innocent, curse or no curse. But, of course, I could be wrong. Pushing the documents to the side, I retrieved the ring I had obtained, its cool metal pressing against my palm. I was eager to spend some time working on it, ready to delve into the ancient spells that could potentially aid me now.
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