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Misty POV I was not well-liked by many in my coven. They found me off, and many said that the power of premonition was cursed with forbidden magic. It wasn't just that I had no control over them; they happened randomly and when they did, it felt like I was trapped in my own mind. On one occasion, while I was on another task, we were attacked. We had the upper hand against our enemy, but I was swept away in a premonition and blacked out. When I snapped out of it, two of the four witches I was traveling with had lost their lives. One by the enemy's hand, and apparently, one by a spell I had used on the enemy backfiring when I lost control. Not all in my coven are immortal witches. Many live a lifespan close to a human, and this girl was one of them. She was only eighteen and a very promising witch. Although it was an accident, I was banned from leaving our home for some time. Instead, I helped teach and train the younger witches. I was my mother's disappointment. An immortal witch with power almost equal to hers, yet I lacked control. She cast a binding spell on my power of premonition, a painful one at that. But now, I no longer get stuck in dazes, and I've learned to fight through them. Premonitions are blocked, and in their place is a sharp pain. At first, it sent me to my knees, clutching my head in agony, and would last anywhere from minutes to hours. But as I learned to push through it, I can now function when needed, fighting through the pain at the cost of it lasting longer. It is clear that my mother is confident in my ability to fight through the pain now. Otherwise, I don't see a reason as to why she would make me the lead. But I'm ready to prove my worth and show my coven just how powerful I am. I will capture the cursed one and help bring this curse to an end, and finally earn the respect I should have. The team assigned to me was a mixture of warlocks and witches, with only one named Summer being a friend. Although when out with others, she maintained a distance from me, understandably so since many would give her hell for liking what they call a dark one. While preparing for departure and being provided instruction by my mother, I was shown respect. Yet the moment we made a distance from our home, that all changed. They would follow my lead when needed, but it was a fast agreement that while gathering information, we would separate ourselves. In a way, I was even thankful for that as I did not want to work with them. I would rather have been sent alone. I questioned if even Summer would have my back if needed, and those are not the kind of people you want standing by your side if faced with danger. The journey took three long, silent days. Once we arrived and settled into our accommodations at the inn, we went our separate ways. We would meet up daily to go over what we learned and formulate the best plan of attack. But that would be the only time I had to deal with them for now. I personally needed to clear my mind before I got started. I knew this would not be a fast task, as the werewolf king is well aware of our coven's objectives. We are not the first ones sent to capture the girl. We had to go about this the right way. I looked out of the small window in my accommodations. The town was simple, yet still full of life. The majority had no clue how close to danger and evil they were. But I knew that if we did not act and stop the werewolves from gaining power, they would eventually destroy all of this. A small bar was situated across the street, so I got changed and left. As soon as I entered, I could smell the stale air filled with alcohol. It was late and filled with drunk individuals making a fool of themselves. I chose a spot at the bar, spaced from it all, and ordered a drink. Several made attempts at conversation, but I simply ignored them. Luckily for them, they took the hint and left me alone. That is, until the damn werewolf in the bar decided to be a d**k, causing me to step in so I could get the peace I wanted. But in a strange turn of events, getting up allowed me to notice a man. One who captured my attention fast. He had greenish-blue eyes, a weird combination of both, with brown hair, slightly messy. He looked like a troublemaker. He was dressed in jeans with a white shirt and leather jacket. And I could just tell he was someone like me, someone sick of their life and wanting change. Yet, I could also tell that, just like me, there was an acceptance that we can't all have what we want. I could sense power in him, meaning he was a witch. I had no clue who he was, clearly of lower level than me. It was evident that he had taken on the task of dealing with the werewolf problem, but he stepped back when he saw me handling it. He seemed more interested in observing, and I appreciated his respect for my abilities. There was something captivating about him, beyond his attractiveness. I could sense no witchcraft at play, yet I felt a strong desire to meet him. A sharp pain in my mind signaled a muted premonition, as if he was the trigger. He caught me off guard by inviting me for a drink. Despite knowing it was unwise to associate with a warlock, I couldn't resist. His smile alone was hypnotizing, causing me to go against the rules of my coven. For tonight, I decided to let loose and blow off some steam. Perhaps I could gather information from him. I followed him to a table, and he graciously let me sit first. He poured a glass of whiskey for me, handing it over with a smirk. "I assume you won't give me your name if I ask," he said, taking a seat. I chuckled. "What makes you think I won't?" I questioned. "Most witches I ask refuse, as if it protects them in some way," he replied. "I'm Misty, and you are?" I responded, gaining more of his attention. "Well, Misty, you're clearly unlike the others I've crossed paths with. I'm Wyatt, glad to meet someone who fights for their peace," he said. As I brought the whiskey to my lips and took a sip, I felt a warming and burning sensation all at once. Another smirk formed on his lips as he studied me with interest. "Never tried whiskey, have you?" he asked. "No, but I'm away from home, so I may as well live a little," I respond, feeling a sense of adventure. "Pleasure or business?" he asks, intrigued. "Business, but already in need of a break," I answer, feeling a tinge of exhaustion. "Then for tonight, let's say we have some fun, as I too am in need of a break," he offers, his voice laced with excitement. I consider his offer and accept, hoping to gain some valuable information from him since he is familiar with the area. "You don't seem like the type of person who frequents bars often," he observes, scanning my demeanor. "Is it that obvious?" I reply, feeling slightly self-conscious. "I don't blame you. Can't say I'm a huge fan of establishments like these either. They tend to attract scum and conflict. Although this town lacks anything truly high-end, I do enjoy the more upscale places. What do you say we finish what's in our glasses and let me show you a spot that you may find more appealing than this bar?" he suggests, a hint of mystery in his voice. "Why not?" I respond, curiosity piqued. I am now more interested in what this place could be or what his true intentions might be. I am confident in my ability to defend myself, so following a stranger doesn't worry me much. If he is leading me into a trap, I am certain I will catch on before it's too late. I take a large gulp of the liquid in my glass, savoring its taste as it goes down smoothly. He chuckles, amused by my eagerness. "You really do want to get out of here," he remarks, finishing his own drink and placing the empty bottle on a nearby table where a group of men eagerly accept it. "Enjoy," he says, gesturing towards them. We leave the bar, stepping into the cool night air that instantly refreshes me. The air here feels crisper than it does back home. I take a moment to inhale deeply, relishing in the sensation. I glance at Wyatt, who is gazing up at the moon, a mysterious aura surrounding him. He is an enigma, and for some reason, I am compelled to unravel his secrets. I shake my head slightly, the cool night air brushing against my skin, reminding myself that tonight is a one night occurrence. I have to stay focused afterwards, there is no room for these feelings. "I see why the werewolves like areas like these," Wyatt says to me, his voice carrying a hint of awe. "Standing here, it feels like you can touch the moon, and the natural surroundings are calming, wouldn't you say?" I glance around, taking in the breathtaking scene before me. Moonlight bathes the landscape in a soft, ethereal glow, casting long shadows on the forest floor. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl create a symphony of nature's tranquility. "Indeed they are," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper. "It is places like these where we can also connect better with the earth. Since nature, for the most part, is at peace. Although I have a feeling that will soon change with the way the werewolf king has been with humans." Wyatt's gaze follows mine as he looks out into the woods. "Possibly," he responds, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "The future can be tricky, as we may assume one thing will occur, yet it ends up being completely rewritten. I, for one, am excited to see it all play out." His words make me pause, contemplating the uncertainties of destiny. "If it is rewritten, that would suggest someone is powerful enough to change destiny. But if someone like that truly exists, should they be allowed to do so? The change may end up having a negative effect," I voice my concerns. Wyatt chuckles, breaking the silence. "What if destiny intended on having someone with power strong enough to change the future?" he poses, his eyes shining with curiosity. I had never thought of that. "True, I guess it is something we will never know," I admit. "Or we will, in time, when those who fear certain powers start accepting versus destroying," he claims, his gaze locking with mine. Does he know I have a power sealed away? No, there's no possible way he could detect that. Without a word, he motions for me to follow him into the woods. We venture a small distance from the town, the ground beneath our feet soft with fallen leaves. The scent of earth and foliage fills the air, invigorating my senses. And before he can even say anything, I spot his reason for bringing me here. A small area is covered in rare herbs, their vibrant colors standing out against the darkness. These herbs are used for strong healing potions, among many other things. Wyatt extends his hand, and with a flick of his wrist, a canvas bag appears, held in his grasp. As he hands it to me, his fingers momentarily brush against mine, sending an electric sensation through my body. A sensation a witch should not even have. The look on his face conveys that he felt it too. "I'm sure you can make use of some of these. I discovered this spot a few days ago," he admits. Excitement bubbles within me as I immediately start to fill the bag, my mind overflowing with the potions I could make with these rare herbs. "Thank you. It is very kind of you to share a spot like this," I say gratefully, my voice filled with genuine appreciation. "You seemed like the perfect person to share it with," he says, his eyes meeting mine once again. Love at first sight, an impossibility for my kind, or so I was told. Emotions were not meant to interfere with our purpose, with the immortality bestowed upon us. Yet, why does my heart flutter for him? My attention was completely consumed by his presence, oblivious to the world around me. As I stumbled, about to hit the ground, he caught me, his eyes locked with mine. In that moment, he held me, reluctant to sever our connection. When he finally released me, a profound emptiness engulfed me, a hunger for his touch. "I should head back now," I uttered, the words lacking conviction. Deep down, I knew this night would eventually come to an end.
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