Chapter Four- Sold Injured

2002 Words
I was so nervous. My eyes traveled on the hundreds of vampires that stared back at me with a lustful look. When I looked up, I saw Mila in the crowd, talking to a couple of the men. She looked at me and she smiled.             “Okay, let’s start the bidding.” Kevin said. “Price starts at $100,000.”             “100,000!” One of the guys that was standing next to Mila, shouted.             “200,000!” Another guy shouted on the far right.             I turned my head to the guy in the right corner. He had an evil smirk on his face that put fear in my heart. I backed against Kevin, who put his arm around me. My eyes traveled to Mila and she motioned for me to calm down.             “400,000!” The guy next to Mila shouted.             As the two men bid for me, my eyes stayed glued to the one who started the bidding off. In my head, I was hoping he won this auction, so I could go with him.             “600,000!” The other guy shouted.             “800,000!”             “Sold!” Kevin shouted.             I heard a loud growl come from the guy on the far right. When I looked at him, he was glaring at the guy who just won the bidding. I looked up at Kevin, who winked at me.             “Congrats, honey.” He whispered to me, then turned his attention to the audience. “Let’s move on!”             The guard grabbed my arm and guided me back through the curtain. I looked at Karla and the others. Her eyes were wide and I did not blame her. That auction was crazy as hell. I was guided into the other room with the girls who was already sold. When the guard released me, I wandered over to the white leather couch and took a seat. Nobody was talking, we were just looking at the wall and ceiling, in our thoughts. I was stuck. I could not believe someone bought me for $800,000. Ten minutes later, Karla joined the room. She was in shock like the rest of us. She saw me and ran over to where I was sitting. She took a seat next to me and laid down on me.             “I’m tired.” She whispered to me.             A yawn escaped my lips and I decided to get some sleep. I have not slept since we rounded up in the trucks. I scooted down to where my head was able to rest on the arm of the couch. I yawned one last time before my eyes drifted off to sleep. **             I woke up with the urge to pee. I had not peed for a minute, so I knew my bladder was full. I turned my head and saw that everybody was in here knocked out. I looked around and saw a bathroom, in the room. I got off the couch and walked over to the door to the room we were in. I poked my head out of the room and saw a guard down the hall.             “Excuse me.” I said, softly.             The guard turned his head in my direction and I walked over to him.             “I have to pee.” I told him once I got close to where he was.             He pulled out the keys that was in his pocket and I turned around so he could remove the handcuffs from my hand. He unlocked everything and I rushed back into the room, ready to empty my bladder out. I took the closest stall and put the toilet protector on the seat before I pulled my undergarment down and took a seat. Once I emptied my bladder, I wiped myself and got up. I pulled my panties back up and flushed the toilet before I exited the stall. I turned the sink on and washed my hands. When I looked up into the mirror, I gasped as I saw a male standing behind me. I turned around fast and stared at him in horror. Who the hell was this dude?             “I wanted you so bad.” He said to me. “I can’t believe I lost you to that fucker.”             He stepped forward to where his body was close to mines. His breath brushed against the top of my head.             “You should’ve been mine.” He whispered to me.             I tried to move away from him, but he grabbed my arm, keeping me where I was. I looked up into his red eyes, fear getting the best of me.             “Please, let me go.” I whimpered.             He smirked, still having a good hold on me. As much as I tried to pull away from him, his strength was ten times more than mines. I was a fragile human to him. He tightened his grip on my arm and I let out a yelp.             “Since you’re not mines, I can do whatever I want with you.”             Snap!             I screamed as my arm snapped from his grip. He released me and I fell to the floor, holding my broken arm. The pain was unbearable. I heard heels and loud talking coming from outside the room. I looked up and saw Mila, standing at the entrance. She looked around before she directed her eyes to me. Two guards came up behind her and the girls,  including Kayla, were standing right behind the guards.             “What happened?!” Mila asked in a panic.             I wanted to tell her bad, but I was afraid to. She kneeled in front of me and placed her hand on my arm. I screamed in pain as she took a look at my arm. She looked at me and then turned to the guards.             “Was anybody in here with her?” She asked them.             The guards shook their heads and Mila sighed before she turned to me.             “Did you do this to yourself?” She asked me.             Crying and shaking my head, she helped me off the ground and guided me out of the bathroom. Everybody moved out of our way as we exited the bathroom and the room altogether. She rushed me over to Kevin, who was talking to three men. When I saw the third guy, I stopped dead in my tracks. Mila looked at me and I shook my head. She stood and faced me to where I was blocked from seeing Kevin and the guys.             “Did Bernie do this to you?” She asked me.             I did not respond. She nodded her head and pulled me with her. Mila released my arm and when she turned her attention to Bernie, her hand collided with his face. Bernie glared at her, his fist balled up.             “GET THE f**k OUT!” She shouted at him with so much anger.             Kevin turned to her, wondering what was going on.             “I’m not going nowhere without my slave.” He told her.             “f**k you! You’re leaving this b***h empty handed!”             Kevin turned his attention to me and saw me holding my arm.             “What happened to her arm?” He asked Mila.             “Yeah Bernie, what happened to her arm?” Mila asked with sarcasm.             My eyes traveled to the tall figure who was walking towards me. When he got close, I backed away. Kevin joined us and he placed his hands on my back.             “This is Kain.” He introduced me to the guy. “He’s the one who bought you, tonight.”             I looked up at Kain, who had his eyes locked onto my arm. His eyes slowly traveled up to mines before he turned around to look at Bernie.             “Holding grudges, huh Bernie?” Kain asked him.             “I don’t know what you’re talking about, my dear friend.” Bernie said.             Kain chuckled and turned to Kevin.             “When I mark her, will this arm heal?” Kain asked him.             “Of course.” Kevin told him.             “He can’t take that girl with him, Kevin.” Mila said.             “Babe, he-.” Kevin was cut off.             “No! He hurt her out of spite! He can’t take that girl! Give him his money back, now!”             Bernie rubbed his chin, chuckling. This dude was f*****g crazy! The way he looked, let me know he was. He had tattoos all over and he had a sadistic look about him. He looked like he would kill anybody with no reason behind it.             “Come on, Mila.” Bernie said with his arms extended and another evil smirk on his face. “I’m your highest bidder. I always come to your auctions.”             “Yes and that’s because you’re always killing the girls you buy from us.” Mila announced.             I turned and looked at Karla. She, slowly, walked over to me and placed her head on my shoulder. I flinched as a sharp pain shot through my arm. She moved away from me.             “Sorry.” She told me             “It’s okay.” I said.             “Let me bandage her up.” Mila said, rolling her eyes before she turned to me. “Let’s go, honey.”             We walked to the backroom, a few doors down from the one I came out of. We headed inside and of course, I took a seat at the glass table that was there. Mila grabbed all the things I needed for right now.             “Kain will be marking you, so there is no need for a big cast.” She said.             “What’s a marking?” I asked her.             Mila smiled.             “It’s a intimate moment between master and slave.”             My heart fluttered when I said that. She must’ve heard it because she chuckled.             “I see you’ve never been intimate before.”             “No. I was saving myself for marriage.”             She finished with my arm, making it feel a lot better than just letting it hang. She looked at me directly and sighed.             “Kain and Kieran are not like that.” She explained to me. “I don’t they would try to be intimate since they both are working men. So, don’t worry about them touching you. It will be rare for that to happen.”             “Are they into men?”             “Ha! No, they are very straight. s*x just isn’t on their mind like that.”             I nodded and got up from the table. We left the room and marched over to the guys. Bernie had ended up leaving which I was happy about. Karla and I guess, Kieran were conversating and laughing about something. Kain was leaning against the wall, texting on his phone. When he looked up, his eyes landed on mines.             “She ready?” Kain asked as he pushed himself off. “Kieran and I have to hurry up and go to this meeting.”             “Yes, nephew.” Mila chuckled.             “Thank you guys so much for doing the auction.” Kevin said as he removed the name tags from us and took the handcuffs from Karla.             “Yeah, your auction took a lot of my money.” Kain huffed. “She better be worth it.”             “Yeah, Uncle Kevin.” Kieran said. “Now, we have to put in a lot of overtime to earn that money back.”             Kevin placed his hands on both of the guy’s shoulders.             “Thanks.” Kevin said.             The guy turned to us before they did a 360 turn and headed towards the exit. Karla and I held each other’s hand as we walked out of the club.
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