Chapter 5

1005 Words
Katelyn's POV I gazed at Ryan, and wanted to have a little conversation with him, so I parted my lips. “You don’t have to be nervous Ryan, the people at school are very nice. I assure you, you will make good friends and I will introduce you to my best friend, Kelly. You can actually hang out with us until you make your own friends,” I told him. He glanced up from his meal and looked at me, his eyes held a hint of anger in them, but slowly, I saw the corner of his eyes wrinkle and that smile quickly returned. “Thank you, Katelyn, you are so nice.” He told me with a soft tone and I blushed and glanced at my dad to see his happiness seeing how I was forming a bond with someone else, I won’t be lonely anymore when he leaves for work and the mere thought of that must have pleased him. After the heart-warming breakfast, my father walked me to the porch and I turned to him. “Dad, how long will you be away on your honeymoon?” I asked him and he turned his glance away from Ryan and Amelia, who were just putting their last luggage in the car boot. “Do you miss me already?” He asked teasingly and I waved him off. “No I don’t.” I lied and he slowly pinched my cheek. “Stop dad, I am no longer a kid.” I told him. “I know and it’s heartbreaking sometimes to watch you act all matured.” He made a cute face and I giggled. “I will be away for two weeks, I should be back to return to the company and handle the affairs of the company, I hope you will be okay on your own till then?” He raised his brows. “You don’t have to worry about me dad, I will be okay, and you are forgetting that I now have a stepbrother. I won’t feel lonely again.” I told him and he slowly held my hand and looked into my eyes. “Honestly, will you be okay?” He raised the corner of his brows and I nodded. “Yes.” I assured him and he pulled me into a hug. “But I will actually miss you, dad, I still wish you would stay over there for a month, since you deserve it.” I told him and he leaned back and rolled his eyes at me. “Now stop talking silly and go to school, Ryan is waiting over there for you.” He told me and I traced his gaze to Ryan who was standing by the car, then I turned to my father. “Don’t worry about me dad and enjoy your time.” I told him and he nodded as I waved him goodbye and rushed off to the car where Ryan was waiting for me. I glanced back at my father and watched him waving at me, he was standing with Amelia, and I knew they would be gone by the time I returned from school. I smiled, as I got into the car and glanced at Ryan, even if my father was gone, I have Ryan now and I was glad that we both became so friendly to each other immediately. I fastened my seat belt and he started the car and drove off. I glanced at the side mirror and our mansion suddenly disappeared as he drove away heading to school. I turned to Ryan, who was focused on the road. “You should lighten up, Ryan, I am sure you will get used to the city and also the school. Luckily, I am one of the popular students in school, and so you don’t have to worry.” I told him with a smile. Although he didn’t respond, I didn’t hold him on to that. I glanced out of the window just as we passed the bus stop where I usually take the bus to school. I have seen some familiar faces entering the bus and the mere thought of being in school after summer break was thrilling, I smiled and turned my eyes forward. “I can’t wait to be in school again.” I was thinking out loud, and this got me turning to Ryan. I wanted to know a little more about him, something different from his name, since Amelia didn’t talk much about him, “Which school did you attend while you were away abroad?” I raised the corner of my brows, my expression filled with smiles, but his hand tightening on the steering wheel got me feeling unease as it didn’t get past my notice. I swallowed hard, ignoring the feeling I was getting all of a sudden. “Is it a popular school?” I was very intelligent, so if he said the name of his school, I would perhaps know if it was popular or not. “What country were you in?” I asked again. Ryan glanced at me and the moment his cold eyes locked with mine, I trembled, his gaze sent a shiver down my spine, and before I could speak again, he quickly pulled over, the car tire screeching to a stop, I glanced out of the window, we hadn’t arrived at school yet, we were still far from it, and I wondered why we were stopping. I turned my gaze to him, ready to ask, only to hear his cold voice command me. “Get out!” I blinked, wondering what he meant. I tried to lighten the mood, by flashing a thin smile, but before my lips parted to speak again, his voice came, this time it made me gasp and shriek back. “Get the f*ck out of my car!” He shouted, his forehead creased and my heart almost left my chest and I jerked back, almost hitting the car door.
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