Chapter 4

1013 Words
Katelyn’s POV The blaring sound of my alarm on the stool next to my bed rang, making me wince. I lowered myself in my bed and used the pillow to cover my ears in order to block the sound, but then again, it was too loud. “Turn it off…” I pleaded. Usually, my father comes in to wake me up before the alarm rings, and most times when it does, he turns it off and wakes me himself. I really love my sleep, but last night, I slept late. Even when I went to my room early, I was thinking about a lot. My father, my late mother, my new stepmother, and my new stepbrother, Ryan. My eyes quickly flickered open and I sat up immediately, the thought of having someone else apart from my father in the house finally drawn to me. I quickly turned off the alarm, it was a few minutes past six. “Oh, s**t!” I exclaimed and pulled my quilt off my shoulder before climbing down the bed. My parents were leaving for their flight by past seven and I should be getting ready for school since I was punctual and also had to show my new stepbrother around since it was also his first day at school. I also can’t wait to tell my best friend Kelly about him since she has been away all summer break and was returning to school today. Usually, I would run out in my pajamas to greet my father, act like a sleepy little princess, but it was different today. I picked up my towel and quickly rushed into the bathroom to take a shower. I don’t want to be the reason my stepbrother runs late to school, since he would be giving me a ride and I won’t have to take the bus as he has his own car. I wasn’t bad at driving, but I was scared of driving myself, perhaps because of what happened, and the love I lost because of it. Let’s say it’s a trauma to be the one stirring the wheel. I heard a knock on my room door and quickly turned my eyes to the door, wondering who it was. I had just finished taking my bath and dressing up into my uniform. “Who is there?” I called out and the door was pushed open before I could invite them in and to my surprise it was Ryan, looking all groomed in normal clothes, jean trousers, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket. It would be odd if Robin in school had worn something like this, but it was perfect to see this in Ryan. “Hey, Ryan, good morning,” I greeted him with a smile, unconsciously tucking my hair behind my ear while striking a pose, perhaps I was waiting for a compliment, since a lot of people give me nice compliments, more especially when I am, in uniform. “Come down for breakfast, your dad asked me to tell you that.” He told me, and his voice was without life in it, he sounded distant, and he spared me little or no glance as he turned and left without hearing my response. I blinked. Did I offend him? I couldn’t help but ask myself, before turning to glance at my image in the mirror, wondering if I looked weird. I look good as always. I drew a sharp breath and turned my eyes back to the now empty door. “Perhaps it’s the morning or the fact that he is going to a new school since he was abroad, I guess he is just nervous.” I shrugged trying to find a reasonable excuse. “He will blend so well, he need not worry.” I said to myself and to no one in particular as I picked up my school bag and made my way out of my room after spraying a light perfume. I hurried down the stairs and the first person I laid eyes on was Ryan sitting on the dining chair that was usually left empty, his expression seemed cold, unlike the all-smiley Ryan I saw the previous day while parking the boxes. “Good morning sunshine.” My father, who was all dressed for his honeymoon trip called out behind me and I turned my eyes to see him looking all dazzling with smiles all over his face. Just the uplifting expression I hope to see this morning. I thought to myself with a grin. “Good morning dad, you look handsome.” I told him as he walked over and pecked my cheek and I pecked his too. “I should be, it’s actually a wonderful day,” he whispered to me, and I traced his gaze to Amelia, who had just walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of rice, and I could see the love in their eyes and I grinned. “Katelyn, come sit.” She told me with a smile on her face, she looked beautiful. I should be supporting my mother right now, but honestly, Amelia was more beautiful than my real mother. No wonder Ryan looks handsome. “Sure, good morning, Amelia,” I greeted her. I knew I would eventually call her mother one day, but for now, I was going to stick with Amelia. “Let’s eat.” My father told me and walked over to the head chair and I followed behind, sitting across the table from Ryan and Amelia joined us. She passed me a bowl of soup and I tasted it, and my eyes dilated. It was the first time tasting her soup and I admitted that she was a good cook. “It’s delicious,” I admitted. “She is more like a chef, and her meal was part of what drew me to her.” My father told me and I glanced from him to the blushing Amelia, then my eyes darted to Ryan, who didn’t smile, but just ate his meal in silence.
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