Chapter 6

673 Words

Hatch talked about the next six weeks, breaking the period down: “Week one is the history of the detective. Week two, the mystery’s structure. Week three, the murder weapon. Week four, the cast of characters. Week five, twists and more twists. Week six, your mystery and its creation. Any questions?” Silence. Stillness. Hatch looked around the room. I raised my pen: not high, but enough for him to see me. “Mr. Reed.” “Niall,” I corrected him. “Niall,” he smirked: adorable, alluring, infiltrating. “Will we be writing during these six weeks?” “But of course. Daily, I hope. Keep in mind, this class isn’t just about the mystery, it’s becoming the mystery and the mystery writer.” He walked to his left in front of us, pointing at his students. “This class will not be easy. I will not be ea

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