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During the two-block drive home, Bay realized Nate had done it like a man. Deek did it like a kid. What would Antonio be like…man or boy? * * * * Bay noticed Antonio grew more nervous as the semester drew to an end. They spent more time together, and the jock asked for help in other classes to shore up his confidence for the upcoming finals. After the tests were over on Friday, Baylor was surprised when Antonio showed up at his door. “Hey, Bay. Brought a couple of brews. It’s my folks’ movie night.” “Bridge night for mine.” “I got a C in science, man. How about that? From an F to a C. Couldn’t have done it without you.” He popped a can and handed it over. Bay accepted the beer without confessing he didn’t like the stuff. The first sip almost gagged him. “You’d have made it someway.” They settled in the den. He stole glances at the other boy as they drank. Antonio was the most beautiful human being in the world. He hiccupped. Antonio broke his concentration. “What I wanted to ask you was, can we do it again next semester?” It took a moment for Baylor to switch from thinking about Antonio’s groin to Antonio’s brain. “We can do it anytime you want.” Had he really said that out loud? “Sure, if it helps.” “It does.” Antonio paused. “I’m taking up a lot of your time, Bay. You oughta get something out of it. I can pay you something. Probably not tutor’s wages, but something.” “Don’t want your money, Antonio.” “What, then? There ought to be some way for me to pay you.” The words spilled out before he could stop them. “f**k me.” Antonio gaped at him. A flush crept up his cheeks. “What? Not ever, man!” “I’m sorry. Mouth got in front of my mind. I guess you won’t want me to help you anymore now.” Antonio took a long time to answer. “Course I do. Look, guy, I won’t f**k you, but we can fool around some.” Bay sat like a dunce for a second. “Are you serious?” “Antonio shrugged. “Why not? It’s harmless. Nothing serious, though. Just fooling around. Sure, I’m game.” Bay led the way upstairs, wondering exactly what constituted fooling around in Antonio’s mind. When he turned on the overhead light; Antonio snapped it back off, claiming there was enough light leaking from the hallway to see. “How are we gonna do this?” Bay was stumped. “Uh…can I see you naked?” “Sure.” Antonio stripped as if it was the most normal request he’d ever had. He was beautiful…fucking beautiful. He was long and uncut. Black, black bush. His wide shoulders fell in a vee toward a small waist. His thighs flared over runner’s legs. Rooted to the rug, Bay snapped his gaping mouth shut and swallowed hard. “Can…can I touch you?” Antonio flashed a nervous grin. “Guess that’s part of fooling around. But you gotta get undressed first. I feel like an ass standing here naked as a jaybird all by myself.” Baylor’s skinned out of his clothing and lunged at Antonio. He was all over him, frantically trying to feel and see everything. Antonio laughed. “Hey, man, this isn’t a wrestling match.” Bay paused. “I…I was afraid you’d change your mind.” “I’m a man of my word. Just take it easy, okay. By the way, those weights are giving you some definition.” Antonio’s fingertip seared his chest. Antonio’s skin was like satin. Bay fell to his knees and hugged the other boy’s waist, feeling the genitals press into his chest. Timidly, expecting objections, he put his tongue to Antonio’s belly. He glanced past a flat stomach and pronounced pecs to gaze into big, brown eyes. “Can I suck you?” Antonio shrugged. “I can’t get it up for a guy, but if you want to suck a limp d**k, go for it.” “How big is it…you know, when it’s hard?” Bay asked. “Don’t know. Never measured it.” Bay took his time. He sucked and licked and tasted everything he figured Antonio would permit. He made the n*****s stand up. He managed to get Antonio semi-hard. After a while, the jock stirred uncomfortably on the bed. “You’re making it sore, man. Nothing’s gonna happen. I’m not getting that feeling like you get. Sorry. But I’ll watch if you wanna get it off.” Bay lay on his back while Antonio propped on his side, elbow crooked, head on his palm, watching. Bay grasped his c**k and started stroking. With a handsome hunk eyeballing him, it didn’t take long. He groaned and spurted jism all over his belly and chest. “You come a lot. Hope it helped.” Antonio rose and started dressing. “Thank you, man. It was beautiful…at least to me.” “No big deal. Didn’t cost me anything, and it made you happy. My way of saying thanks. You coming to the game Friday?” “Always do. Just…well, just to watch you.” Antonio beamed. “First catch will be for you.” Baylor m*********d alone in his bedroom at two A.M. that same night and again at dawn. He could still taste Antonio, smell his clean skin, feel his n*****s. Friday night, Bay was in the stands when Antonio caught the pass and romped into the end zone for the game’s only touchdown. Bay stood with the rest of the school and cheered, goose bumps playing down his back because he knew that catch was for him. That it won the state championship only made it better. * * * * When the new semester started, Antonio was his usual cool self. They worked together on a couple of classes. Basketball season arrived, and they adjusted their tutoring sessions around that sport. At the end of one session, Antonio closed Baylor’s bedroom door, and took a small envelope out of his hip pocket and extracted two Polaroid’s. “My girlfriend took them.” Antonio was naked and erect in both of them. In one, he stood self-consciously with his hips thrust forward. The second was a profile where he pressed his c**k against his belly. It covered his navel. “Got a ruler?” he asked. Bay scrambled for his desk as Antonio slipped his pants down on his hips and pulled up his shirt. “Measure where it comes up to in the picture.” Bay calculated it at seven and a half inches. During the process, he took liberties, reaching into the pants and holding the big organ until Antonio shrugged him off. Bay was confused as he lay trying to sleep that night. Antonio acted as if everything was the same when it obviously wasn’t. They’d touched one another again. Now he wanted to touch Antonio all the time. He craved a kiss, wanted to taste his c*m. Things he would never get to experience. He’d been right, he should never have started this tutoring s**t. If Antonio knew or suspected Baylor’s internal battle, he didn’t show it. The months passed, and the jock’s grades prospered. He was carrying a straight B minus average, something Antonio claimed he’d never done in his life. Not only that, but Baylor had figured out Antonio’s problem. The guy was as smart as anyone else but still had trouble in school. He had dyslexia. That’s why Antonio picked things up right away when Baylor reviewed them verbally or was there to read the text with him. Baylor confided his conclusion to Mrs. Hawkstone. Although a doctor confirmed Baylor’s suspicions, there was no magic pill or all-powerful tonic for the disorder, so the tutoring continued but with a difference. Antonio had always respected Baylor’s brainpower, but now he stood in awe of the boy who’d freed him from a lifelong belief he was dumber than the rest of his classmates. Basketball season ended; baseball began. The spring prom came and went, with Antonio and his girl as King and Queen. Bay skipped senior trip. After that came finals, and the school year was effectively over. Hell, school was over. Antonio invited Bay to a graduation party, but he didn’t want to share Antonio. He wanted him to himself, so he declined. The night of the party, he got restless and took his mother’s car for a drive. His folks had left right after graduation ceremonies for a weekend bridge tournament in a town about fifty miles away. Deek wasn’t home, but Nate was. Unfortunately, Nate’s wife and son were too. Disappointed, Bay headed home. A car parked at the curb when he pulled into his driveway made him do a double take. Antonio’s jalopy. “Hi, Bay.” The jock got out of his car. “How come you bugged out on me?” “Aw, I’m not a party guy.” “Well, I brought the party to you.” He held up a six-pack. “Where you been?” “Just driving around. Mom’s gonna crap when she sees the miles I put on her car.” “Let’s go inside and pop a can.” Tonight was the most comfortable Baylor had ever been with his friend. Antonio hadn’t come because he needed help, but because he wanted company. Bay guzzled two cans of beer he didn’t like. “I almost didn’t tutor you,” he blurted after the second one. “I know. I could see it in your face when we met in Miz Hawkstone’s room. You didn’t like me very much.” “Didn’t trust you is more like it. I never could get along with jocks. I don’t play sports, can’t talk about them, so we don’t have anything in common.” “Yeah, and that’s all we jocks talk about, right? But I know what you mean. Well, I’ve never been comfortable around brains before, either. If you want the truth, I almost didn’t show up. Wanna know why?” Antonio leveled a steady gaze at him. “Because of your rep. Everybody told me you were a faggot.” Bay blushed, more mortified than wounded. “Hey, sorry. Thought we were being frank here. I came, didn’t I?” “It’s all right. How come you did?” Antonio shrugged. “Needed the help, and Miz Hawkstone said you were the best. So I figured I had to get along with you somehow. Bay, I wouldn’t have made it without you, and that’s a fact. You even figured out what my problem was. But I wish you were gonna be around next year. I hear Freshman English is a killer.” He drained his last can and stood suddenly. “Right now, I want to show my appreciation. Can we go up to your room?” Baylor scrambled to his feet and followed the other boy up the stairs, desperately trying to keep his hands off Antonio’s trim ass. “No lights,” Antonio declared as he disrobed. The glow from the hallway cast interesting shadows. “Hey, I’m not gonna stand here naked all by myself!” Baylor stripped and moved over to the bed where Antonio was lying on his back. “Anything you want, Bay,” the athlete whispered. Bay lowered himself to the bed and took him at his word. Antonio flinched when their mouths met, but he recovered and returned the kiss. Antonio’s strong tongue probed his mouth. Bay felt it down in his scrotum. Was it like that with anyone, or just Antonio? The Larza boy caressed his tongue with his own. “I never kissed anyone before,” he said when Antonio pulled away. “You’re shitting me.” Baylor shook his head. “Well, come here.” Antonio rolled atop him and did strange and wonderful things. His lips grazed Bay’s lightly and nuzzled his chin. The tongue traced a light pattern on Baylor’s lips. Then it invaded his mouth, jolting Bay so much he thought for a moment he’d come. “That’s how you kiss,” Antonio said with a smile. “You never made it with a girl?” Baylor shook his head. “Be damned. Well, fool around all you want.” For fifteen minutes, Baylor tasted every part of the jock’s body. When he started sucking Antonio’s big toe, the boy burst out laughing. Bay didn’t care. He started back up the muscular legs. When he finally slipped his lips over Antonio’s c**k, he was amazed when it firmed up in his mouth. “Never thought I could do it.” Antonio moved his hips gently. “You really get off on that, huh? Know what? It doesn’t feel half-bad. Lick me some more, will you?” When Bay obeyed, he realized Antonio was beating himself. Afraid of being deprived, he moved back to the c**k and brushed the strong, brown hand away. Antonio spread his legs, and Bay stroked the sensitive skin behind the testicles. Antonio gave a little, “Ohhh!” After a while, Antonio clasped Bay’s head and began to hunch. More and more of him slid down Bay’s throat. Soon, Antonio’s breathing altered. “I’m coming, Bay! You gonna take it for me? Oh, man! Oh, Bay. Do it for me. Ohhhhh!” Bay thought the jock would never stop coming. Then Antonio forced his head down on him as far as it would go and held it there. Finally, he moved his hands away. Bay lifted his head and was shocked. Antonio’s face was twisted with emotions…dismay, fear, embarrassment. And anger. “Hey, man.” The jock scrambled off the bed and pulled on his clothing. “Made a mistake, okay? Sorry. Talk to you later!” He fled the house without another word, leaving a frightened, naked Bay standing behind the closed door as Antonio’s jalopy roared off into the night. Bay picked up their empties for something to do and to keep the tears from coming. He’d blown it. He’d had his way with the handsome guy and ruined a friendship he’d come to value. Well, he wouldn’t cry. Antonio wouldn’t cry; he was a man. So Bay wouldn’t either. He made it to his bedroom before letting go. He finally crawled naked under the covers and shivered himself to sleep. Something woke him. It took a minute to realize it was the doorbell. He crawled out of bed in the darkness and looked out the window. Antonio’s jalopy sat at the curb. Baylor scrambled down the staircase buck naked. Suddenly, he stopped short. Maybe Antonio was pissed. Maybe he’d come back to get even. The doorbell rang again, jolting him out of his reverie. Antonio’s eyes swept over him. “Always answer the door like that?” “N…no. Saw the jalopy. Sorry, I’ll put some clothes on.” ‘No, you won’t. I came back to apologize. I was a real s**t saying you could do whatever you wanted, and then freaking when it turned out to be so good.” “Good?” “Yeah.” Antonio walked up to him and ran a finger over his chest. “You’re starting to fill out. Still working the weights?” Bay nodded. “Will you do it for me again?” Antonio asked softly. “Anything you want!” It was even better this time because they knew what to expect. That didn’t make it any less wonderful. When Antonio came, Baylor sucked him dry. He was shocked when Antonio pushed him on his back and grasped his c**k. “Nice one. Think it’s filling out, too. Never done this before. Tell me if I do it wrong.” The handsome jock set up a rhythm and jacked Bay off perfectly. It was sometime after dawn when the dusky Antonio moved up against his lover’s back to do what he’d sworn he could never do. And Baylor Hudson had his answer. Antonio Larza f****d like one hell of a man!
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