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AntonioBaylor Hudson listened as Mrs. Hawkstone, Luna High’s science teacher, explained Antonio Larza was in need of help. Baylor loved to tutor but hated jocks. In his experience jocks and gays didn’t mix well. And Antonio was the worst of the lot—which was to say the best jock in school. To make matters worse, the three-letter senior was drop-dead handsome. Baylor distrusted handsome boys. They always thought they were something special. Noting his reluctance, Mrs. Hawkstone reminded Baylor the Luna Lobo football team was on the brink of winning conference. The other end of that, of course, was that their key pass receiver—Antonio—was on the brink of academic ineligibility. She seemed to think that was reason enough for Baylor to pitch right in and volunteer his services. He wasn’t so sure. The door opened, and in walked the subject of their discussion. Antonio Larza wasn’t big, but he was a valued member of every team sport the school offered. Latin right down to his little toes, Antonio stood 5’10”, weighed one sixty, was handsome beyond description, and had the physique, speed, concentration, and determination required of a good athlete. The teacher smiled at the new arrival. “I asked Antonio to join us so you two could discuss the situation.” “Hi, Bay,” the youth said in his deep man’s voice. “How about it? You gonna nursemaid me through science? Sure would appreciate it.” Despite his reservations, Baylor recognized a trap when he saw it. He nodded. “Guess so. Hope I can help.” A few minutes later, Baylor left the room mentally shaking his head. Antonio was bound to have heard rumors he was queer. He smiled to himself. Only he and Deek Griggs knew for sure. Baylor and Deek the Geek got together sort of by accident…on Bay’s eighteenth birthday, as a matter of fact. The guy said Baylor was a hell of a birthday present. Best he’d ever had. The kids at school accepted that the computer nerd was weird, but they thought he made love to his computer, not Baylor Hudson. It wasn’t anything steady, just occasional. This tutoring thing hadn’t been thought through very well because Antonio went to football practice after last class and played a game every Friday night—which Baylor faithfully attended to watch the athletes’ graceful moves from a safe distance. Not only did practice interfere, but Antonio also worked in a grocery store on weekends. The only times they could study together were school nights. The first time, they met at the city library where Baylor discovered Antonio was no dumb jock. He picked up everything the two of them reviewed together right away. Most likely, the guy was smart enough, just not interested in learning. After they wrapped up the session, Antonio surprised him. “Wanna grab a burger?” They ended up at the school hangout, a drive-in where their waitress, a Luna High girl, looked stunned to see Baylor in Antonio’s car. A couple of the jock’s teammates drifted over, and Antonio explained Baylor’s presence as the brain who was going to get him through science class. That brought a chorus of “okays” and “right-ons.” After that, they ignored Bay while critiquing last Friday’s game with their archrival La Grande High—which Antonio had won by catching a last minute pass. The second tutoring session was at Antonio’s home, a small, neat house at the edge of town. Mrs. Larza greeted him warmly and explained that Antonio’s dad, a truck driver, was on the road. Antonio’s older brother, he learned, was in the Army overseas in Kosovo or someplace. By the end of the session, Baylor couldn’t contain his curiosity. “Antonio, how’d you make your grades before?” “My brother. He helped me a lot. He’s a smart dude.” “So are you. You pick up things, no sweat. How come you don’t keep up in class?” The jock banged the side of his head with a palm. “Too dense. It goes by too fast in class, and I just don’t get it when I read the books. And I try, man. I really do.” “Then why are you getting it now?” “It’s one-on-one. You’re right in my face reviewing it with me. And when we read the chapters together, you read it so I can understand it.” Antonio shrugged. “I don’t know. I just get it better.” Baylor’s initial fears faded. Antonio wasn’t what he considered a typical condescending, self-important jerk, but there was a problem. Images of the hunky athlete began flying around in his head like a caged bird frantically seeking escape. The jock’s huge, brown eyes were his best feature, but sitting close to him as they studied, Bay—as he’d begun to think of himself—would become fascinated by the wide, expressive mouth. At night as he lay alone in his bed, Bay’s body often reared up and demanded attention. Mostly, he ignored his erection, but some nights he couldn’t sleep until he took care of it. Every time he reached orgasm, he pictured Antonio as he sprawled in a chair, one corded arm flung across the back, his T-shirt stretched over a deep chest with prominent n*****s. The shirt inevitably rode up to expose a flat, brown belly and deep navel. When they went to Bay’s house for their third session, his mother loaded them up with plates of freshly baked German chocolate cake and mugs of milk. Bay figured they spent twenty minutes eating and settling down. That was twenty minutes when Bay could pay attention to the sexy hunk sitting on the edge of his bed instead of burying his head in a science book. Bay was so bothered by that night’s session he went looking for Deek the next morning. The computer geek grinned his lop-sided grin. Everything was sort of lop-sided about him. “Hear you been tutoring Antonio. What’re you teaching him, guy? Science or physical?” Deek laughed when Bay blushed. “Man, you gonna spill a lot of c*m before you get that bonehead jock through his senior year.” “He’s no bonehead. He’s sharp. Don’t know why he’s having trouble.” “If you say so. Yeah, I’ll stand in for Antonio if that’s what you came for.” As he left Deek’s place a bit later feeling sorta guilty, Bay decided it was okay. If there was any truth to that old saw about self-gratification, he’d soon be blind. He wrinkled his nose. Was getting it on with another guy any different? Bay decided to look for another outlet for the s****l energy generated by proximity to the Latin stud. Antonio was a weight man, so Bay got some basic weights and began a simple routine that Antonio showed him. If he worked at it hard enough, his urge to jerk off every night was manageable except for a couple of times a week. He was beginning to relax and figure things would work out with Antonio when they had a disagreement. The jock expected Baylor to write a report on one of the science experiments they were studying. “How are you going to pass an exam if I do all the writing?” “Man, it’ll take me forever. I got practice, games, work. My brother always did it for me.” “He wasn’t doing you any favors. You need to write it yourself, so it’ll stick with you.” Antonio stormed out of the house and stopped showing up for tutoring sessions. Baylor did a lot of work with the weights until Mrs. Hawkstone sent for him to find out what was going on. Antonio had been doing much better, but he’d failed his report on the experiment his team was working on and hadn’t done much better on a test yesterday. Bay explained it away by claiming their schedules had gotten messed up. Monday evening, Antonio rang his doorbell. “Sorry, man, I screwed up. Thanks for not ratting me out.” “I’m not a squealer.” They went back to work, and when they ended the session, Antonio picked up some of Bay’s weights and did a few quick lifts, making it look ridiculously easy. Then he handed the weights to Bay and worked with him to correct his technique. Bay’s knees went weak when Antonio squeezed his arm. “Getting some definition there, bro. You’re turning into beefcake.” Bay blushed. His arm burned for an hour where the jock had gripped him. Tuesday, Bay arrived at the Larza house a few minutes early. No one answered the bell although Antonio’s jalopy was in the drive. He went around to the back and found the guy on the patio going through some serious exercises on his weight bench. “Hey, just in time.” Antonio said, adding fifty pounds to the dumbbell. “Spot me, okay?” “Y…yeah, sure.” Bay tried to keep his eyes from bugging. Antonio wore only a thin pair of gym shorts. Sweat glistened on his bronzed body. Bay stood at the head of the bench while Antonio lifted the bar off the rack and began a set of presses. His pecs hardened and knotted, his arms rolled and swelled, his belly tightened. And that full, intriguing groin moved with Antonio’s efforts. Bay brought his attention back in time to help replace the bar. Antonio got up, grabbed a hand towel to wipe sweat from his eyes, and excused himself for a quick shower. Later, Bay walked into Antonio’s room just as the jock was pulling on his pants. It took a lot of effort for Bay to get through the lesson. As he drove his mother’s car back to the house, vivid images of Antonio stretched out nearly naked on the bench, muscles straining beneath the weights kept distracting him. Two blocks from his house, an open, lighted garage caught his eye. Nate, the young construction worker who lived there was rearranging some shelves. Bay had run into the man at the grocery store a few times and got the impression Nate was interested. Baylor allowed the car to drift to a halt. Nate watched him walk up the drive. “Hey, what brings you over?” “I…I was passing by and thought you might use some help.” Bay had trouble talking because he was thinking the unthinkable. “Yeah, thanks. Wife woulda helped, but she’s over at her mother’s.” The muscular young man put Bay on a short stepladder and lifted some crates up to him. The ladder was rickety; so Nate put a hand on his leg to steady him. Bay had to stretch to put the last crate in place, and the ladder rocked violently. When one of Nate’s arms went around his thigh, and a hand supported his butt, he started getting a bone. Nate was slow to let go of his leg. Bay swallowed hard and accepted an invitation to come inside for a soda. “You work out?” Bay’s throat was scratchy. “Good body…muscles.” “Thanks.” Nate preened a little. “Not bad for an old man of twenty-five. Looks like you’ve bulked up a little since I talked to you last. How old are you, anyway?” “Eighteen. Yeah, been doing some weights.” “That’s okay for up here.” Nate laid a hand on Bay’s arm and moved it across his chest. Then he gripped Bay’s thigh. “But doesn’t do much for here unless you do squats.” Nate stepped back and spread his stance. “Here, feel.” Bay clasped one hard thigh and murmured approvingly. Slowly, he inched a hand upward until it lay beside the bulge in Nate’s pants. “Go ahead,” the construction worker said. “Cop a feel.” The mound of flesh was already hardening when Bay covered it with his palm. “Come on.” Nate headed down the hallway. He was already naked by the time Bay entered the room. The man looked good. Bigger than Antonio, and more solid. Lighter complexioned. A mat of hair in the center of his chest. “Go ahead. Take it.” Nate thrust his hips forward. Bay was doing all right until Nate lifted him by his arms. “Take off your pants and lie down on your stomach.” Half in fear and half in anticipation, Bay obeyed. He almost changed his mind when the man crawled between his legs. The jelly Nate had smeared on himself was cold to the touch, but then everything turned hot. It hurt at first, but got easier moments later. The man talked dirty as he worked. Then his words turned into grunts and gasps until he delivered with a shout. Finally, he rolled off. “Now get it off, kid. I wanna see you shoot.”
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