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"Pack my things, I'll stay with Sabina." He ordered while his eyes focused on the passing buildings outside his window. "Tell Grandpa I'll guard her myself, it's not safe to let her live alone without adult supervision." Dante nodded at himself while he listened to Kale's reason. Now he is sure that Mr. Kale will be staying with Ms. Sabina in the same house to watch over her. Every employee of Caddel's family knows how much Señior Antonio loves Sabina, he was overprotective of her and always spoiled her with gifts but even with this special treatment, Dante and all employees in the mansion admired Sabina for being humble and respectful. She didn't turn into a spoiled brat like the lady of the house, Ms. Lucille. Sabina remained simple and very friendly, she was like an angel living among ill-tempered and disrespectfully arrogant socialites. Even Señior Antonio has a rotten side, he was a cold and absent parent after his wife died, but when Sabina came into his life and became a Caddel after the adoption, Señior Antonio became very generous and thoughtful, he started being nice again and even gave the employees a bonus every six months. He said Sabina expressed her sadness towards the employees that suffered a financial crisis due to the sudden price hike of food and gasoline and even when she didn't ask this, Señior Antonio granted her wish as eighteenth birthday present for Sabina. Señior Antonio did it to make her happy! Sabina was indeed happy with the news and because of that, the employees have always liked Sabina. In fact, they only like Sabina and Señior Antonio. They felt nervous around Kale, but they've never seen him hurt any of the staff. He was always cold and unapproachable. The servants got used to getting beat up and humiliated by Lucille and Trisha. Kale's father was also a silent man, more like his son. He only expresses his opinion when needed, or when asked but he was never cruel to the servants. The staff felt sad after hearing that Sabina will move out of the house to stay close to her university. They fear that Señior Antonio will become a rude and grumpy man again. It was always Sabina that puts him in a good mood. "Dante, I know Sabina and Cate has become close but you and your daughter must always remember your place." Kale left an icy reminder before exiting the car. Dante could hardly swallow his saliva, he was sweating in the car for the whole ride that Kale rode with him. He knew he was referring to Cate and Sabina, the sweet young angel of the Caddel family, invited Cate to live with her so she didn't have to ride the bus for two and a half hours. Sabina was always thoughtful and caring towards Cate, but the young master was right. They can't overstep. It made him sad that he had to break the news to his daughter and they are more sad that they have to break Sabina's heart by declining her wonderful offer. Cate and Dante liked Sabina for having a really nice personality, they feel at ease when they spend time with her. Sabina has attached herself with Cate and considers her as her best friend and treats her like a real sister. She shares everything to Cate. Dante felt worried that one day Sabina would find out about Cate spying her and their friendship would be over. Both Dante and Cate would never want to break Sabina's heart and especially her trust. "It's okay, Pops! Let's not make things hard for Sabby. Let's just hope Mr. Kale doesn't treat her badly in the future." He saw his daughter's text and felt sorry for Sabina. The way Kale scolded and insulted Sabina made him so sad for her, she didn't deserve to be humiliated because she didn't ask for that house and car! Dante already knew this from Nurse Beth, she was quick to inform him of the news before the breakfast of the family was over. "What's wrong, Cate?" Sabina asked, she saw Cate pout her lips like she was annoyed of something she saw on her phone. "Pops told me that your rude brother is going to live with you in the house Senior Antonio bought for you. We can't live together, Sabby." Cate's lips pouted in dismay, she and Sabby has been planning their room decorations and the things they want to do during vacant hours. Sabina out of surprise dropped her notebook, she rushed to pick it up but Cate got it first and saw the list of things she wrote. "You're listing everything?" Cate was surprised to see it. She couldn't believe Sabina keeps a list of good things she received from Señior Antonio. "Why?" She asked. Sabina snatched it and hugged the notebook like it was a treasure. "I'll repay him one day, Cate. I'll show Kale that I am not going to rely on his Grandpa's money until I reach the ripe age of adulthood!" Sabina courageously declared. Cate chuckled, she liked Sabina for being a fighter. "I totally support you, Sabby!" Both of them giggled and wrapped their arms around each other . They celebrated their perfect scores and went to the next class feeling energetic. Sabina was glad Cate was always around to support her, they both rearranged their schedules to have the same class together since they were of different sections. Sabina belonged to the Einstein Class, the bright and genius students taking 4+1 MBA programs could only qualify in this section. Sabina used to be in Star Class with Cate but she excelled faster than the rest and so she was promoted to Einstein Class, while Cate chose to stay in the Star Class because she was the Class president and her extra curriculars in pageantry, dancing and modelling has made her unqualified for the Einstein Class. The Star Class and the Einstein Class were both the highest special class in the university, the only difference is that the Einstein Class focuses on academic excellence while the Star Class focuses on fostering social, moral and artistic development. Both class could merge schedules and students are free to exercise their freedom in choosing their own preferred schedule and professors of their current subject load. Sabina and Cate choose the best professors and together they work together in managing the pressure of their subjects. Sabina emptied her Thursday and Friday schedule and moved all her subjects to Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only. Cate did the same and copied her schedule so they could be together all the time. "Are you sure about this, Cate?" Sabina asked worriedly, while she watched Cate copy her new schedule to submit for the school board's approval. "Yup!" Cate slid her new copy of schedule to the open glass window of their school's office. "I need a job anyway." She sighed, she felt a bit sorry for her father and the work he had to endure to give her the best education. She needed to help him earn money. "Good this is," Sabina smiled and showed the text she received after their last class, "Tomorrow is our first job interview!"
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