5. Mother's Day

2514 Words

“Junior, I"m not going to listen to this anymore. You need to get over it. You"re talking about stuff that happened when you were a kid. You"re fifty-three years old now. Just get over it.” Maria was fuming. She thought that Jose Luis"s invitation to go out for Mother"s Day brunch was an innocent overture to renew their failing sibling relationship. That"s why she reluctantly agreed. She had no idea that it would turn into a bitchfest, although she should have known better. To Maria, Jose Luis was like a dog who would not give up on a bone no matter what the cost. He lived in the past and everyone knew it. “She"s your mother. She treats you and Sylvia better than me. And I"m not just talking about what happened to me as a child. She is still mistreating me now. I can"t believe that you do

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