2. A Card is Just a Card-2

1104 Words

From across the room, Ms. Sanchez could see the bewildering look on Daniel"s face. She walked over to his desk, placed her arm around his shoulder and asked, “Is everything okay, Daniel?” Daniel stumbled in his response to Ms. Sanchez, but he thought to himself that he does not know what is a father. “No. Everything is okay. I"m just trying to figure out something special to write,” Daniel finally responded. Ms. Sanchez smiled. “Okay. Let me know if you need anything.” She quietly walked back to the front of the classroom and continued monitoring the other students. Daniel looked over to his left to see what Alfredo was writing, but his right arm was blocking the view. Since Daniel was very young, his mother had always been a single mom. He was too young to understand that she divorced

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