beating heart

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Ye Haiming, who was hiding behind the fire water tank, turned pale instantly. He was not sure for a moment whether Lin Chuan had really sensed him or was deceiving him. He hesitated and did not show up immediately. Until the cold wire wrapped around his neck... Ye Haiming was frightened and trembled, and immediately shouted loudly: "Classmate! I mean no harm!" Of course Lin Chuan knew that the man was not hiding there when he killed someone. But from the beginning, he hid behind the fire water tank. Even Takasaki and others didn't notice his existence! Generally speaking, there is also a clear level of suppression between talents. For example, before, Lei Ming's power grid collided with Wan Gang's diamond shield, and the power grid disintegrated the diamond shield almost instantly. The reason is that Lei Ming's Power Grid is an A+ talent, while Wan Gang's Diamond Shield is only a B-level talent. As for Lin Chuan's B-level invisibility talent, most of the time it is only effective for those with talents below A-level. A-level talent can see through his invisibility if he calms down and senses it. S-level talents don't need to meditate to sense, and they can easily see through his invisibility. Ye Haiming hid behind the fire water tank and was never discovered by Gao Qi and others, which shows that his concealment talent is at least B-level! Lin Chuan did not strangle the person directly, but collected the wire and said calmly: "Come out by yourself." Ye Haiming didn't dare to delay and walked over from behind the water tank. As he walked, he raised his hands in the air and explained loudly: "Boss, Gao Qi's group and I are not the same group!" "Tell me why you are hiding there." An angry look appeared on Ye Haiming's face, and he quickly explained: "I was originally a student on the south fourth floor. When the apocalypse began, I was in the dormitory." "Because we are located right below the dimensional rift, we have a particularly large number of dimensional insects in South Four." "Later, Gao Qi led a team to fight monsters. He looked like a savior at first. We rescued students were very grateful to him." "But there were too many monsters on the rooftop at that time. Even Takasaki and others couldn't deal with them for a while." "So he thought of a way to let us students who were saved by him go to the rooftop to help him attract monsters!" "Some people were fast and survived; some people were directly hanged by monsters!" "I have the gift of hiding myself, so I hid behind the water tank and escaped." "Later, Gao Qi and others attacked the rooftop. I was afraid of being discovered, so I hid there and didn't dare to leave!" "Actually, Gao Qi and the others are not good people. Later, two of the talented people who paid the admission fee to go to the rooftop were killed by them!" "The corpses are hidden under the pile of dimensional insect corpses you just burned, boss. There should be more than a dozen of them!" Ye Haiming said it with righteous indignation, and it didn't look like he was being hypocritical. Lin Chuan also knew that there were indeed seventeen human corpses mixed in the pile of dimensional insect corpses he had just burned. This kind of thing is actually not uncommon. This heavy rain can temporarily increase people's attributes, and to a certain extent, it also inspires people's "courage". Those who want to seize the opportunity and become heroes in these troubled times have already taken action on the first day. Lin Chuan's attitude was very casual. He nodded towards Ye Haiming and said lazily: "Okay, you can go." However, Ye Haiming did not leave immediately. His eyes hesitated, but he finally said: "You just said that there is something wrong with the rain, so Takasaki and others who have been exposed to the rain will not be able to see the sun tomorrow?" Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Haiming: "What do you want to say?" "I want to live!" Ye Haiming's eyes were very determined, and he knelt down with a pop, "Please help me, boss, I am willing to work as a cow or a horse for you!" Liu Bohao didn't have the heroic temperament of Ye Haiming, but he was imitating it at this moment. He quickly knelt down in front of Lin Chuan and begged: "I am also willing to work as a horse for the boss! Please help the boss..." Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a cold touch wrapped around his neck. Liu Bohao trembled and did not dare to say anything for a moment. He regrets it so much now! If you can leave, why not just leave! Now I'm jumping on the edge of death again and again! He changed his words in a trembling voice: "Big brother, I was wrong. I am not worthy of being a cow or a horse for you. I am leaving, I am getting out, please let me get out..." "get out." Feeling the wire around his neck disappear, Liu Bohao almost rolled to the ground and escaped from the rooftop! As for Ye Haiming, there was actually wire wrapped around his neck. But Ye Haiming's performance was much calmer than Liu Bohao's. He was also scared to death, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted, saying word by word: "I am not worthy of being a cow or a horse for the boss. I just want the boss to show me a way out. I, Ye Haiming, will definitely remember the kindness of the boss!" These words were said so confidently that Lin Chuan suddenly became a little interested. In these last days, can there really be acts of remembering and repaying kindness? Lin Chuan had seen too many situations in his previous life where he saved someone one second, but was stabbed and betrayed the next. Anyway, it was just a matter of words. He reminded lightly: "If you can't reach level 3 today, just find a defensive place to hide before midnight. Maybe you can escape." Ye Haiming didn't ask any more questions or force anything more. He kowtowed to Lin Chuan three times and promised: "If I survive, this life will belong to you, boss!" Lin Chuan had no reaction to his promise. But after Ye Haiming left, Ayiya suddenly speculated: "The way for you to be immune to the side effects of heavy rain is to upgrade to level 3? Is there a way for you to upgrade to level 3?" Lin Chuan had no explanation. He casually killed the newly emerged dimensional insects near the dimensional rift and burned their corpses in one go. After that, he threw the seven bottles of blood worms in his backpack into the dimensional rift! Dimensional rifts exist like black holes, except that black holes look black on the outside, while dimensional rifts look red on the outside. A group of dark red, making it impossible to know where the end of the red is. As the mineral water bottle spreads towards the red end, it is gradually swallowed up by special energy. However, those blood poisonous insects were alive and well, as if they had crossed the rift and traveled to another world. This scene left Ayiya stunned. When she came to her senses, she found that Lin Chuan had already walked up to her. He stretched out his hand towards her and said, "Give me your hand." "Ah?" Ayiya was confused, but still subconsciously raised her delicate hand. Then, that cold and soft little hand was held by Lin Chuan. Ayiya's face was filled with warmth for no reason. However, before she could feel embarrassed, Lin Chuan squeezed her hand and said, "Add a friend." As soon as she finished speaking, a system prompt sounded in Ayiya's mind: 【Ding! Player Lin Chuan has applied to add you as a friend. Do you agree? whether】 Ayiya didn't hesitate much and clicked yes. Then I discovered that after the system’s chat channel, there was suddenly a friend column! Lin Chuan didn't explain much, and just said calmly: "I have to leave beforehand, you wait here. If you are in danger, send me a private message with your friends." "Huh? Oh, oh..." Ayiya only responded and found that Lin Chuan had disappeared. Only her little hand that he had held still retained his warmth, which made people's hearts flutter...
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