Attributes skyrocketed

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Gao Qi looked at Ayiya, who was standing behind Lin Chuan, with an unpredictable expression on his face. Although Ayiya is only a freshman, she is already somewhat famous in the school. During her military training, she wore no makeup and wore the same green camouflage uniform as everyone else, but she still couldn't hide her beauty. One of the pictures of someone shading the sun under a big tree was secretly photographed and posted on the campus website, instantly sparking a lot of discussion. Some people say that she will end Senior Su Ling’s three-year reign as the school beauty! Some people also say that Ayiya is a girl from an ethnic minority, so it is not surprising that she is beautiful. There are also supporters of Senior Sister Su Ling who believe that more pure Han girls like Senior Sister Su Ling are more beautiful. Unfortunately, the day when the school belle is selected in Beijing is always in April when spring flowers are blooming. It just so happens that today, April 1st, the school beauty selection has not had time to start, but the killing game suddenly came... At the beginning, many clubs wanted to recruit Ayiya into their clubs to increase their popularity. Unfortunately, Ayiya eventually joined the student union. However, it’s no longer a pity! The end is coming, and the future world will undoubtedly depend on strength! Gao Qi doesn't think his martial arts association will be inferior to Qifeng's student union in the end of the world! However, before dealing with Ayiya, we must first deal with the troublesome guy in front of her! Gao Qi looked at Lin Chuan and found that he was ignoring him! This made him even more angry and dissatisfied, and his voice became colder: "Classmate, did you not hear my question? Or do you think I dare not touch you?" Lin Chuan still didn't answer. He is looking at his properties panel. As the corpses of more than two thousand dimensional insects were devoured by fireballs... His four-dimensional attributes increased by more than fifty points on average! ! Coupled with his previous attribute values, the four major attributes have now exceeded 60, reaching a value that no one would believe if told! All four-dimensional attributes have reached more than sixty points! As for others, even after heavy rain, their attributes may not reach 6 points, right? ! Lin Chuan's attributes are already ten times that of ordinary people! There was finally a lazy smile in his eyes. But in Gao Qi's view, his smile was simply a provocation to himself! Gao Qi became angry and suddenly shouted: "Go! Sky-Ming Blade——" His voice was very powerful. However, the atmosphere at the scene was a bit awkward. Because he pushed forward with his right hand, nothing happened at all! No one else knew why, only Takasaki himself was horrified to find—— He can no longer mobilize his natural abilities! What's going on? ! He looked at Lin Chuan with a shocked expression! Lin Chuan had no intention of explaining to the dead. He silently expanded the scope of the Forbidden Demon Realm and raised his right hand at the same time. Everyone saw the four strange rings connected together on his right hand! At this time, not only Gao Qi, but everyone discovered that they could no longer use their natural abilities! But they had no intention of retreating or escaping. After all, their four-dimensional attributes and physical fitness have all experienced increases in heavy rain! With so many people, could they still defeat Lin Chuan? ! The answer is of course—— Can't beat it! Pieces of iron wire flew out from the ring of Death's Grip! The attack mode of the wire is somewhat similar to that of the dimensional insect. They all wrap around people's necks and strangle them! But the iron wire's attack, both in speed and intensity, is ten times and a hundred times that of the dimensional insect! With such an attack speed, these people can't even dodge with their 5-point speed attribute! And that iron wire is made of a special material and can be cut like clay! Every time he flies and hangs, he can not only hang people to death! The scary thing is that heads fell to the ground one after another! Those who rushed at the front lost their heads and lives in almost an instant, without any reaction or pain! The people who followed were so frightened that they never thought of rushing over to fight in a group! One by one, the powerful men who occupied the space rifts and stood high above were frightened by Lin Chuan to the point where their eyes were splitting and their hearts were broken! At this moment, they no longer cared about the dignity of the strong, they were all so frightened that they lost their minds, even if they jumped off the building, they had to escape from this hell on earth! Lin Chuan did not continue the pursuit. After all, using the Death Grip is actually very mentally demanding. If his mental and physical attributes hadn't exceeded 60, he wouldn't have been able to control so many wires in one go to attack. Lin Chuan breathed out, used his invisibility talent to hide the Death Grip in his right hand again, and then looked at the corpses there. At this time, Liu Bohao and Ayiya were frightened. Ayiya was okay, but she was in a trance, and the look in Lin Chuan's eyes was a bit shocking. Liu Bohao was so frightened that he almost peed his pants and fell to his knees with a thud! In other words, he was almost lying on the ground, with his whole face on the ground, shivering: "Big, big, big boss..." He wanted to say that he was willing to work as a horse for Lin Chuan, but he only asked him not to kill him. Lin Chuan had no intention of taking action against Liu Bohao. His attitude was very gentle and he said calmly: "Don't worry, I don't take the initiative to kill people. I prefer self-defense." Like, self-defense? ? ? What kind of weird hobby is this? ! ! Liu Bohao said he couldn't understand, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he had saved his life. Ayiya listened to Lin Chuan's words, and for some reason, she silently breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Bohao just stood up with difficulty, but was suddenly frightened by Ayiya's words and fell down—— Just listen to the little girl suddenly murmuring to herself: "Do we have to use murder to solve the problem..." Lin Chuan glanced at her indifferently, not angry at all. He was reborn from the late end of the world. He has seen all kinds of bloody scenes and experienced countless killings. He had restrained himself enough without killing all those who wanted to attack him on the rooftop. But this is only the first day of the apocalypse, so it’s normal for others to find it hard to accept. While Lin Chuan burned the corpse with a fireball, he said calmly: "Even if I don't do it, these people won't be able to see the sun tomorrow." "Why?" Ayiya wanted to believe Lin Chuan, so she asked this question and wanted to know the reason. Lin Chuan pointed to the sky: "Didn't you say it yourself, there is something wrong with the rain?" At this moment, Ayiya's face turned pale: "But, weren't we also caught in the rain?" "That's because I have a way to be immune to the side effects of heavy rain." With that said, Lin Chuan had already burned all the dozens of corpses! Because his attributes are so high, they have reached ten times that of ordinary people, so when he burns his body again, the probability of obtaining talents increases significantly, almost approaching 100%! All kinds of weird talents are a powerful boost for ordinary people, but for Lin Chuan, most of the talents below S level are not worthy of his attention. Only Gao Qi's A-level talent, Sky-Netherworld Splitting Blade, was an accident. The A-level talent of the space system has a very strong attack power! From a certain perspective, space attacks can break through all defenses and cause real damage. But in the eyes of the well-informed Lin Chuan, it was just like that. Based on his experience, everyone below S level is an ant! Because only S-level talents have touched the "rules"! No matter how strong your space attack is, you won't even have a chance to show off in front of the S-level forbidden magic field! Although Lin Chuan has two major S-level talents, they are both auxiliary types. If you encounter an aggressive S-level talent... Lin Chuan touched his chin and did not continue to think deeply. Instead, he looked at a fire water tank not far away and said calmly: "Come out, classmate."
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