
1067 Words
Bob stared in silence at his wife for a long while with a delighted smirk on his angular face. Courtney didn't back down either as she glared with a frown on her face at Bob. From Val's perspective, it only seemed like the couple were having a conversation with their gazes. Val just watched this without expressing much of her worry, despite what she was feeling inside. " It's simple..." Bob broke his stare with his wife and turned to face Val as he spoke. " Miss Val here is a very talented asset, and I've gone the extra mile to convince her to put in her talent for our company" ' Miss Val?' Courtney creased her gaze. " I want her to take the position of Director Parrish" Courtney's previously calm expression instantly bittered after hearing Bob's words. She couldn't help but let her eyes widen in utter shock. She stared at Bob like he was crazy or something. However, seeing his firm demeanor, She looked towards the so-called " Miss Val" with extreme prying intent in her gaze. Val tensed at Courtney's gaze and didn't know whether to nod or shake her head. Bob's wife was just something else, she made Val feel so out of place with just a glance. Each managing director in the company were important and experienced experts which despite the threats she gave them, she couldn't afford to lose. They were very important person's in the company, and losing any of them would without doubt have negative impact on the company, . Although Bob claims Val had talent, Courtney just couldn't trust his words as she believed something else was at play. Generally, Courtney didn't know just how capable the blonde woman was. She questioned Val's capability over an experienced director whom she considered an asset to the company. Courtney found it hard to believe so. 'She doesn't even seem experienced'. Nonetheless, she felt she was thinking too much about it all and perhaps, it could just be Bob trying to save his own skin by bringing her a competent employee. He wouldn't dare try to oppose her, right? Courtney inhaled and exhaled deeply, calming herself. " And on what grounds do you base this, dear husband? " Courtney turned to ask Bob in a calm tone despite her thoughts. Courtney new there was a hidden catch to Bob's proposal, and she planned to find out. " Hmm? There's no need for a reason. I'm hiring" Bob threw his hands in the hair as he spoke with a smirk still worn on his well-featured face. He didn't mind the way Courtney addressed him. Courtney creased her eyelids at Bob's words. She was evidently annoyed at Bob's attitude-- Bam! So much that she slammed a palm on the table and glared as she accused; " Bob, do you know what you're -" " And?" Bob leaned forward and cut her off in a low cold tone. Val's eyes widened at Bob's attitude, she felt strange seeing him like this as he didn't seem the same person she knew. Courtney just stared at him for a long while in silence, slowly contemplating her next choice of action. ' For now...' She thought. She shook her glance to the blonde woman once again and looked her up and down before slowly saying. " You're hired, Miss... Val. Do your best!" she sighed and calmly stated. " That's my wife!" Bob chuckled seeing the madness in her face at the moment, it was this moment that he enjoyed the most and wished he could capture somewhere for future reference. He had to show that he wasn't going to give up without struggle, and he was certain the message had properly come across to Courtney. The stage was then set, and the only thing left was for the show to begin! Val rose from her seat and said in a mildly sincere tone " Mr and Mrs Richardson, Thank you for this opportunity. I'll be sure to not disappoint you sir!" She greeted with a short bow, mainly at Bob. Val had a little business ethic and knew just quite what to say and when to say, at the least. Although, she felt that the norms was that the boss and the employee would shake hands but, this wouldn't happen in a situation like this. She wasn't hired in a normal situation after all. " Alright, there we go. she'll be resuming office next week" Bob said and rose from his seat as well. " Ah, would you have the previous director wrap up before then?" Bob reminded as he guided Val out of the room. " Thank you" He gave Courtney a thumbs up when she would only glare at him and wouldn't respond. Courtney had never been so annoyed her entire life. She so much hated that he did all of this to her this way and had to play by his rules. It annoyed her so much she wanted to suck him dry of his properties even more than she had intended. She thought she'd made him succumb to his fate and was willing to leave him with a few things at least. But now he'd done it with this! She would never forgive him for making her feel this way... Her body started to tremble slightly as the traumatic feeling from her past haunted her again. However, she quickly clenched her fists to control herself. " Bob!" she called out one last time before the said would leave the room. " Remember, you started this!" She warned through clenched teeth when she saw Bob stop to listen without turning around. Val heard this and frowned. She couldn't help but turn around to see just why Courtney would say that. Val wondered what she even meant by that? "Heh!" Bob scoffed and left with Val. Courtney watched them leave after with daggers in her gaze. If only looks could kill, Bob and Val would have dropped dead before they left. Now that she was alone, Courtney quickly reached into her purse and took a strange whitish tablet pill to calm herself. She then grabbed her phone and dialed a number on it. The call only rang for a few seconds before it reached through to the other person on the line. " Get your ass in here!" Courtney swore through gritted teeth.
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