
1374 Words
The board room had a delicate interior design of cream and golden. A chandelier hung on the ceiling along with artificial lights that had the whole room looking dimly celestial. Brown curtains with golden embroidery covered the transparent window glasses, efficiently making the business meeting that was going on in the room at the moment seem quite weighty. A screen was cast before the four individuals who sat on the round table in the middle of the room. A man of excellent countenance stood beside the screen and pointed at the screen at intervals as he made explanations as to the statistics on the board. " ... Therefore, you'll agree with me that productions have been steady in the past weeks as illustrated in this chart" " While we managed our best to reduce cost placed on us by both our suppliers and maintenance, it is quite in remorse that I say that the current economy isn't aiding as much as presumed..." " But indeed we've managed to sustain stability in our business through the efforts of the marketing department as I suppose. Right, Manager Parrish?" Sam Parrish was sweating buckets when his colleague shot the question at him with a warm smile. He simply nodded as he glanced occasionally at a certain woman in the room. Very well knowing he was definitely getting fired today. He's the Managing director of Markets at Citadel's, and in board meetings like this, analysis on data regarding the improvement of the company are presented by Managers of each department. Note the word improvement; The CEO never takes relapse in these data, its either you’re doing a bad job keeping the data stagnant, or you’re doing fairly well increasing the stats. And Mr Parrish had not met both criteria in these few days at work. In the board meeting, there were only two women present. However, one stood out than the other, and this was the woman who sat in the most important chair around the table. Her presence was the sole reason why every other person were right there in the room- Courtney Richardson, The CEO of Citadel's, who had an indifferent expression on her beautiful and sharp-featured, yet attractively mature face. She wore a black chiffon shirt under her brown jacket, with matching pants that fitted her long legs perfectly. The red butterfly tat slightly above the collar of her shirt was uncovered by her brown hair which she tied into a neat bun. Her deep green eyes watched through the fitting thin golden-framed glasses sitting above her nose bridge perfectly as the man in front made his analysis on the data projected on the screen. “Yes. From the data, ma’am, you could tell that we have made great improvements in production than before” The toned burly middle aged man finished with a confident smile. “ Very well, Manager Ashley. Do ensure to do better next time” Courtney commented coldly, causing the confident smile on the Manager’s face to break. He could only achieve this much data giving so much at his work and all he got was that? Nonetheless, the director stiffly nodded and returned to his seat. “ Now-" Just as Courtney turned to face Manager Sam Parrish whose face had flushed pale at the point, the door to the room was suddenly pushed opened and everyone turned their gazes towards the intruder with a frown. 'Just who had the audacity to disrupt the meeting at this moment?' Everyone had this thought except for Sam who gulped hard as that was a close call. Curious however, he also turned to see whom his savior was. However, seeing who it was, Sam smiled and made the cross as this was the only way he could imagine an opportunity of himself being saved like this ever happening. “ Bob?” Courtney called out in a slightly incredulous tone that spoke of more disbelief than surprise. “Surprised?” Bob flashed a s**t eating grin and tucked at his suit. He moved towards one of the vacant seats without giving a care as to the cold glare Courtney was now giving him and just proceeded to have a seat. “ I’m sorry to interrupt guys, I just thought I was supposed to be present in meetings like this. So, I invited myself” He flashed a friendly gaze across the others who could only speak in silence. He then turned to face Courtney, giving her a cocky smile. Silence filled the room in an instant. “ Well, It’s just a briefing and it's not necessary for you to be here for that. I planned to send you a briefing of the meeting later anyway” Courtney was however quick to draw up an excuse. “ Oh, so its not that important then. Same old boring talks!” Bob threw a hand in the air as he reclined on his chair. “ Good thing, I have something important to bring to the table” Bob gently tapped the table. “ Please, Miss Valerie. If you would like to take a sit?” He offered. It wasn't until now that everyone finally noticed there was someone else in the room, and they all shot glances towards the person almost at the same time with questioning looks. Val who stood by the door all these while watching all that ensued, slowly nodded and gave a wary gaze at the insanely beautiful, elegant and simply unique woman sitting at what obviously seems the center of the table as she walked towards a vacant seat. Val only now realized that Bob wasn’t in his current situation all cause he was any stupid. And she could confirm that neither was he a spoilt bastard who was born rich or had too much to the extent that they stopped thinking of consequences and only acted how they wanted. Any man really would settle for this woman based on her appearance alone. The intelligence in her sharp gaze, the allure in her beautiful well-shaped and delicate face , and not to mention her body shape in those dress was a bomber. Nonetheless, Val snapped out of her thoughts when a sudden realization hit her. Now that all eyes were on her including that woman’s, Val got the nerves. But she has'nt come this far to back out, she couldn’t let Bob down. So, she garnered confidence and proceeded to sit beside Bob. Courtney had obviously noticed the blonde woman whom Bob came in with before, but she didn’t think it was much of a problem. However, seeing how Bob calling this woman to have a sit during a board meeting, she felt he was up to no good. Despite all, Courtney appeared rather calm than perturbed on the outside. “ Boss!” An alarmed Margarette appeared suddenly breathing heavily. Her eyes widened seeing Bob and the blonde woman settled in the meeting already, and only one thought clicked in her mind. “ Boss I tried to-“ However, she quickly stopped when she saw her CEO raise a palm and her heart sank. “ Leave, Margarette” Courtney stated in a cold tone, and although she was hesitant for a moment, she nodded and left after giving Bob a cold glance. “ Haha!” Bob chuckled softly seeing this. Courtney switched her gaze to Bob and observed him with a creased gaze for a few second. She didn’t know Bob to have this personality, and his sudden cockiness is something that got on her nerves. She thought she’d totally broken him and warned him enough to give up the struggle. ' It appears he hasn't learned enough yet. Or maybe ...' “ Leave us, everyone” Courtney ordered with her gaze still fixated on both Bob and the strange blonde lady. The managers present shared glances before hurrying out of the room as calmly as they could. Manager Sam was first to leave, he couldn't be any happier. Although, they would have enjoyed watching the drama that was bound to ensue between husband and wife, they would’nt want to lose their precious jobs for small gossips. “ Now, what is all of this Bob?” Courtney asked after the managers had left.
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