Val's resolve

1070 Words
"A divorce?" Val expressed her confusion in an audible mutter. "More importantly, what do you mean by you needing my help?" Val leaned forward on the table to ask. The demand in her tone was obvious and the frown on her face indicated her concern. Bob calmly raised his glass and sipped on his drink. He looked at the content in the glass with a melancholic expression on his well-outlined face and he put the glass down on the table after having giving enough thought to what he was going to say. " I pretty much remember telling you my wife.. well, cheated on me...?" Val quickly shook herself from her thoughts to listen. She could notice Bob seemed to still be hurt by what he was about to say. Though, now on a lesser scale than what Val remembered from the other night. " ... She didn't do it with one man, however. She's whom you'd call a w***e, a slut, and basically, a b***h!" "Huh!" realizing he'd let out too much irrelevant statements, Bob scoffed softly. " Anyway, Val. Even after doing all of that to me, my wife has filed a divorce and I'm pretty sure you know I'm gonna be in big debt if I do not act soon. Someone of her character, I believe she wouldn't let go until she literally sucks me dry of my wealth" Bob spoke in a deep low tone. Hearing this, Val stared in thought at the table for a while before saying with a slight shrug " And what do I have to do with all of this?" Bob squinted his face and just stared at Val in disbelief. Of course, Val understood what Bob meant by what would happen after the divorce. Obviously, he'd lose half if not almost everything he had, considering the circumstances. However, Val failed to understand what he meant by needing her help. Surely, he wasn't thinking he could win a divorce case without losing anything right? Though, Attorney Chris' presence explained everything. Still, she didn't quite get how she comes into all of this. " Hah!" Bob sighed loudly. " Honestly, I built everything I had on my own. And it was my greed, and lust that put me in this situation. I won't say love anymore..." " But nonetheless, I can't let that b***h get away like this with everything she'd done, and I know she has more in her sleeves. At least, I can't let her take everything she could after having done all of that." Bob said with gritted teeth and gently slammed a fist on the table. "So please allow me to explain what I and Attorney Chris had come up with first and you may then deliberate. I promise it'd be worthwhile if you're actually willing to consider..." " hmm" Val nodded her head after a long while and donned a serious expression, urging that Bob continued. Bob spent the next twenty to thirty minutes explaining his plan in details to an attentive Val whose face softened as Bob continued. Val would throw a couple of questions as well and Bob would give the most likely answer. " So, Val. what do you say?" Bob asked with a hand held out after and picked up his drink to take a sip again. Obviously thirsty from all the long talk. "..." Val stayed silent and just picked up her drink to take a sip as well. It was a very enticing offer that Bob had made her. In fact, she had nothing to lose at all. On the other hand, she had a lot to gain. A whole lot of that as well. However, there was something that she needed to get off her mind first. Something which Bob had said that got her infuriated. " Rest assured, even if it all fails, I still owe you whatever you ask for, as long as it can be bought and paid for, that is" Bob tried to convince Val. " So, all of that aside... you're saying you had all of this in mind even before that time?" Val asked in a calm tone as she put down her glass gracefully. " Well..." Bob didn't know what to say, he wouldn't want to lie at this stage. He hoped that his silence was enough an answer to Val's question. However, he didn't expect that Val would suddenly rise from her seat all of a sudden. What even surprised him was how she raised her left hand and brought it down swiftly across his face. "Pa!" The sound of flesh smacking flesh resounded through the roof of the steakhouse and everyone present stopped on whatever they were doing to turn their gaze towards the source of the sudden sound of a thunderous slap. They all watched with incredulity in their gaze as the attractive man held a palm to his handsome face that seemed to have just been smacked across by the hot blonde lady. The lady scorned afterwards and just walked out of the place. And the man, on the other hand, just had a smile on his face. Everyone wondered what had transpired between them to make the lady react as such. They seemed a perfect couple after all. Murmurs rose in the place as to what had just happened, but since everyone was civilized enough, it was quick to come to a hush about. With no one to answer their doubts, they soon returned to whatever they were doing. However, the previous bubbly air of the rooftop had become slightly awkward, and will be needing some time to get back to what it was a while ago. "What happened?" Attorney Chris rushed in later and sat next to Bob as he asked. " Well, it's in the progress" Bob said with a satisfied smile as he rubbed his face with his palm one last time. " What do you mean by-" buzz! Bob reached into his pocket for his phone and seeing who it was, the smile on his face broadened. " So?" He spoke first. " That was for what you did." " I know. And I'm sorry" Bob apologized knowing his fault. " Mm. Now when do we start?" Bob just smiled hearing Val's words. He wouldn't lie and say even if he might lose alot in this, with Val, it was going to be fun.
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