No regrets

1826 Words
The few strands of orange hue left by the sunset that painted the sky of Mission district in an avid and passionate evening picturesque could be seen from the rooftop of the steakhouse. The soft breeze of dusk after a relatively sunny day blew gently across and around, causing a relaxing atmosphere. It was so relative to a short holiday after an actual work day. Certainly the perfect place to be, and thus, it was crowded- almost all seats were filled. Patiently waiting for her stranger to come put all her questions in settle, Val sat staring at a point, obviously lost in thought. The environment had her feeling less perplexed and her previously messy thought became much more clear. She was relaxed in the scenery and Val took the time to enjoy the scenery with a glass of margarita set on the table in front of her. Val picked up the margarita, sipped and stared down at the street from above. The lights blessed the evening and created a contrast between the dusk above and the livelihood below. The few yellow lightings of the streets painted a match with the striking hue of sunset in the sky. Seemingly deep in thought, she subconsciously touched her belly. " If that ever happens..." She mouthed to herself. " Enjoying the view?" A thick and magnetic voice resounded not too far above her and Val was forced to set aside her thoughts to see who it was. She thought that voice was familiar, yet different in a way. Val's eyes widened in awe laying sight on the figure. She was caught off guard by the sight of who it was. She couldn't tell if it was because of what had transpired between them or if it would've been her reaction anyway. At the moment, Val found herself breathless. The last she inhaled being the sweet air that carried along his intoxicating Cologne. She peered in awe at Bob who stood elegant in a well-tailored velvet suit worn over a turtle-neck shirt and a fitting pair of pants to match the suit. The smile on his face was as teasing as ever, and would make any woman blush at the sight of it. The lights were reflected on his toned skin and made his glossy black hair shine. He had a soft sparkle around him and he simply looked, fanciful. Val had a short flash of that one night stand, but was fortunately quick to regain her composure and shook it off her mind. This wasn't the time and place for all of that. " May I?" He asked, gesturing towards the free chair on the side of the table that Val sat in. Val was short of words so she just nodded. " I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Miss Valerie" Bob apologized as he pulled the chair. Val noticed how he stressed her status as a "Miss" and felt quite complexed. " Not at all. Please, call me Val" Val insisted, realizing he meant to confirm if bygones should be bygones. She hadn't forgotten about 'them' just yet. "Oh. Very well" Bob paused to say with a seemingly delighted smile. " I see you fancy my appearance, I'm glad I put a lot of effort in" He said as he sat. He must have noticed the expression on Val's face when he showed up. " Heh" Val chuckled softly at his words. It wasn't until this moment that Val noticed another, quite good-looking, man holding a briefcase behind Bob. " I must admit you look stunning yourself " Bob commented. Somewhat eyeing Val deliciously. " Thanks" Val expressed shortly and avoided his predatory gaze entirely. She looked towards the third person present once again. Obviously not satisfied with their past bond being exhibited in front of some other person. For Val, whatever happened in the bedroom stayed there! " Oh. This is my attorney, Chris Reynolds" Bob gestured towards the man. " Attorney, Valerie" he introduced noticing the confusion on Val's face and how she eyed his attorney contemptuously. " Pleasure to meet you, Miss Valerie" The attorney extended his hands to greet. " Likewise, Mr Reynolds" Val took his hands lightly with a small smile, more professional than friendly. Work habits. However, she suddenly frowned when he realeased his grasp on her hand. For a moment, she thought he squeezed and rubbed her hands a little and had gazed at her lips with creased eyes after they shook hands. " I must say this is a very good place of choice" Bob commented looking around. " It's the scenery for me" Attorney Chris chimed in. " Yeah. it's one of my favorites " Val shook her thought off the attorney's weird act and joined in the conversation. " So...?" Val faced Bob a while after. She had been holding back the urge for long, and Bob appearing with an attorney wasn't helping either. " Right. Straight to business..." Bob stated. He placed his hands on the table, leaned over and intertwined his fingers, assuming a more serious stance. Val noticed the fanciful time-piece on his left wrist. She could swear it was a Patek. " Val, I have..." Bob made a difficult face that had Valerie confused. " I wanted to apologize Val. That's why I called to meet you" Bob finished with a soft sigh in between. " What for?" Val was really confused but she had a notion it had something to do with that night they'd spent together. She had two guesses mainly, and her heart raced in fear of the other. However-- ' He could have just stayed away if it were to be so...' She thought it was only reasonable he did. " Well-" " Have you decided on your order, sir?" The tender voice of the waiter cut Bob off his words and the three on the table gave the intruder an accusatory stare. A bead of sweat instantly broke on the waiter's face. He realized he'd broken into a very important conversation from the gaze he received. However, he continued through with a smile, however awkward it seemed. " Ah, thank you... A glass of hummingbird will do." Bob was first to speak. The cocktail variety seemed to have caught his attention first on the menu list. " How about you?" He turned to ask his attorney. " Sauvignon, please" Attorney Chris stated with a slight nod. "Would you like anything else, Val?" Bob asked seeing her margarita was almost... consumed. " I'm fine." Val shook her head. " There you have it." Bob said to the waiter. " Alright. Be right back with your order" The waiter said. He sighed and exhaled deeply as he left, thanking heavens for the outcome. Obviously, he was expecting something else coming for him after barging in their conversation like that. Though he felt bad for doing so, but, how was he to know they were in between such a serious conversation on first look. Being a waiter could be hard sometimes. After the waiter left, Bob gave Attorney Chris a quick glance and the latter stood abruptly. " I think I should use the restroom" he excused himself. " What do you mean, Bob?" Val asked when they were alone on the table. However, all she got in return was silence and a bitter expression from Bob. She continued to observe him in silence for the longest while, patiently waiting for him to speak whenever he would. Though, she grew restless by the passing minute. She couldn't help but wonder if he knew she was pregnant. ' But how...?' she couldn't fathom how he would know. Val herself had been nothing but confused ever since Bob called to meet with her, and up until this moment, even as he sat before her, she is still confused. She had a feeling, a terrible feeling that something was wrong and that she wouldn't like this. " Val, that night I didn't expect that you'd..." Bob tried to speak, only to end up in a pause near the important part. Obviously, unsure of how to word it out. Val creased her eyes subconsciously. She knew it had something to do with that night, but what was with the suspense. She wanted to shout at him to let it out already, she was dying to hear him say whatever he had in mind. " The thing is, Val..." He leaned forward in his seat and stared deep into Val's eyes. " The note you received that morning about your ex-husband was my doing." He stated in a rush. Val's face slowly contorted in disbelief, she wasn't surprised he could do such a thing but was more concerned about the reason why he would do so. " I- tsk! I admit I had done so because I needed your help. But, I couldn't stand that jerk doing that to you!" Bob said in annoyance, unable to look in Val's eyes anymore from disappointment. He waited for her to lash out on him. However, nothing but silence remained, even after it felt like hours had passed. " Well, he did cheated on me, alot. I should be thanking you, matter of fact" Val stated in a non-chalant tone. The hurt in her tone was obvious anyhow. Val was actually expecting that he say more but since he didn't, she was more relieved. ' Well, as long as he isn't claiming I was an easy lay, then it's fine.' He actually helped her out if she were to be honest. " J-just. Look, I'm sorry that night... I didn't" " Bob. I wanted it... I-I needed it. Okay?" Val cut him off before he could go on rambling and trying to put more of the blame on himself. She figured he just mustn't have been able to get it off his mind and just wanted to clear things out. " I ... Tsss!" Bob sucked teeth, unsure of what to say."...Honestly, I don't know how to feel right now. Heh" He finished with an exasperated chuckle and sigh. Obviously, he was glad to have let that out " I-I didn't mean to, you know... I just wanted to be honest upfront" He explained. Val pursed her lips tight in embarrassment and regret at what she'd just blurted out. " You mentioned you had needed my help for something earlier?" She said, changing the topic. It wasn't healthy that they both keep on talking about that one time they'd spent together, it was a one time thing and was meant to be just that after all. Val just wanted to make it clear that she had no regrets either. ' By the way, what did he mean by "upfront"?' " Uh, yeah, well. That's mainly why I called to meet up with you today..." Bob stated quite seriously. " I'm getting a divorce. And I need your help"
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