Crazy love

1303 Words
Damon POV . . I headed downstairs feeling elated “ Good morning Dad”. I greeted “ morning son”. he replied giving me a curious stare. Have you made your mind about party?”. he asked “ sure dad, I will be going”.i replied “ wow! that is good news”. He remarked. I can get a date for you just for that night”. He offered “ you don’t need to”. I told him “ but you need........... “ I already have one”. I replied cutting him short “ really, who is she ?”. He asked “Someone that is making me rethink about loving again”. I replied “ I will love to meet her”. He said I noosed.“ see you later dad”. I waved as I headed to school, . . I got to school and looked around hoping to see Nora but I didn’t, I sighted her friend and decided to ask her about Nora I walked towards her and she stared at me in surprise “Hi”. I greeted “ hi Damon”. She greeted back, are you really talking like me?”. I asked I smiled and nodded “ what of Nora?”. I asked her “I haven’t seen her today but she should be in class”.she replied “ how can I get to your class?”. I asked her She looked at me in surprise.” You really want to check on her”. She asked me I nodded,” I just want to see her?”. I replied “ it is the psychology class”. She said “Thanks”. I appreciated and went towards the first floor “ I never knew Nora and that b***h were in the same class” . . “ oh my gawd, it is Damon , what is he doing here?”.i heard some girls say as I stood at the entrance of Nora’s class I used my eyes to search for her but did not see her “ I guess she is not in school” I scoffed when I saw the b***h walking towards me and turned to go “ Damon”. She called, are you looking for me?”: she asked I turned to look at her and laughed “ why will I look for you?”. I asked her “because you miss me”. She said “ miss you”.I repeated , that Is the last thing I will ever do She sighed . “ who are you here to see then?”. She asked “ it is none of your business”. I replied her “ I guess you are not proud of her”. She said “ fine, I am here to see Nora and I am very much proud of her”. I said glaring at her “ are you two dating?”. She asked “ I plan on asking her out “. I replied “ are you crazy Damon ? She is very poor”.she yelled “I don’t care”. I replied “ she probably sold her body to get into this school”. She huffed “ what did you just say?”. I asked her “ I said she is a w***e”. She repeated I bit my lips trying to control my anger “ if you dare call her names again , you will have yourself to blame”. I warned her..... . . I got to my class and was surprised to see Nora in the midst of my friends “ what is going on here?”. I asked “ sir Damon save me from their questions”. Nora pleaded I looked at three of them and laughed “ so you brought her here to question her?”. I asked my friends “ Yes Damon, we need to know what she did to you”. Mikel replied “ go on with your questions”. I said as I walk towards the bed to lay down “ which magic charm did you use on Damon”. Donald asked “ Sir Damon save me”. Nora said looking at me I stared at her and laughed, she was behaving like a child . I assessed her , she really looked beautiful on the red gown she was wearing.... “ please Let her go,she has lectures to attend” I pleaded on her behalf “ fine you can go”. Donald said , we will continue with the questioning later She nodded and stood up and was about to go when I called her She turned to look at me “When will you done with your lectures?”. I asked her “12pm”. She replied “ Good, I will come over to your class”.i told her, “ are we going somewhere?”: she asked I nodded “ where ?”: she asked “ we are going shopping”. I replied... . . Nora POV . . I walked into the class feeling happy and was surprised to see everyone staring at me “ why are they all staring”. I wondered I went over to my seat ignoring all their stares “ Nora”. Noami called me “ are you really talking to me?”. I asked her “ I am sorry for what happened yesterday”. She apologised , I guessed I totally lost it “ it is alright”. I replied “ are we friends again?”. She asked “ sure “. I replied, you are the only friend I have here She took my hands into hers and squeezed it . . The lecturer was in the class lecturing . I glanced at my wrist watch, it was 10 minutes past 12 “ when will this woman leave the class”. I wondered placing my head on the table The class suddenly became noisy and I was surprised to see Damon standing at the entrance of the class when I raised my head “ he really came to my class” “ Good afternoon Damon”. the Lecturer greeted “You have used up your time”. he queried her ignoring her greetings “ I am sorry Damon”. She apologised, I just wanted to round up a particular topic “ you will have to do that in the next class”. He said “Okay “. The lecturer said without arguing I watched the woman pack her books and left the class “ Nora”. Damon called and all eyes turned to me “ can we go?”. he asked I nodded, I packed my books inside my bag and gave Noami a small smile before leaving the class....... . . . Damon PoV . . I stared at the lady beside me and smiled “ it was just too good to be true, I never believed I could be this free with any lady after Bella died.. “Damn”. I cursed “ what is it?”. She asked “ I left my credit cards at home”. I replied “ what are we going to do?”. She asked “ we will have to go home and get it”. I replied chuckling . I reversed the car and headed for home . We soon arrived at my home and i watched her looking around the mansion in awe “Sir Damon ,your house is very beautiful”. She remarked “ Thanks”. I said . I met my dad in the sitting room as we walked in “ Good afternoon dad”. I greeted “ afternoon son”. He greeted back , and who do we have here?”. He asked referring to Nora “She is my friend”.i replied “ Good afternoon sir”. Nora greeted “ How are you dear?”. My father asked “ I am very fine sir”.she replied “ I need to pick something in my room”.I said dragging Nora along with me as I climbed the stairs . . . “ wow!”. Your room is beautiful”. She remarked as we got inside “ Thanks”. I replied as I went to my drawer to get my credit cards “ what of your mom?”. She suddenly asked and I became stiff “ Sir Damon”. She called again “I don’t have a mother”. I replied “ what happened to her?”. She asked “Nothing, she just died”. I replied “ I am sorry sir”. She said moving closer to me I nodded suddenly feeling sad She came towards me and held my hand and immediately I felt horny “ Damn, what am I thinking of?” “ is there anything I can do to make you happy?”: she asked I looked at her and smirked “ will you do anything I ask you to do?”. I asked She nodded “ anything”. I repeated She nodded “ I need s*x”. I said “ what!!”. She exclaimed in shock . . Damon ??? . TBC
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